Can't download anything

Customer Service

Hi there! Well i'm new here, and bought the bundle, and looked at the FAQ to know how to download my PDF... but it isn't working at all. First I click the link of the PDF I want to download at My downloads, then the page refreshes and a message is near the link "Personalizing... Click link again in 10 seconds to download". I wait those 10 seconds and then click the link... but it says the same again.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong. What do I have to do, please?


Hi Nith,

You'll find that you are not the only only one having issues. This problem has hit pretty much everyone who bought the bundle. Its luck of the draw if you manage to try and download whether or not the servers will let you.

Might want to wait a while and see if the traffic dies down. The codes don't expire, so I'm biding my time.

More info in this thread.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hello all,

Thank you so much for your patience with downloads! Our tech team has been working hard to try to get things smoothed over from the traffic increase. Our Community Manager has opened a thread here to keep everyone up to speed.

We're hoping that the traffic will die down, and we've invested in some new hardware to try to reduce the strain on our servers. While we don't have an exact estimate for when things will be back to normal(ish), but we're givin' it all we've got. :)

Again, we really appreciate everyone's patience. Please don't hesitate to let Customer Service know if there are any further questions or concerns that you may have, and we'll be more than happy to help as best we can.

Thanks, and we hope that you all enjoy your weekends!

Seems like Humble Bundle normally allows content delivered from their own servers, what would be good is if your servers could just do the personalization watermarking bit and let HB servers host the custom files via the humble bundle users normal purchased items links.

For those who use Chrome I noticed Chrome always times out before the DL server will respond but Edge waits long enough. This is after the personalization step when you have an actual link to ZIP file. The pesonalize part still takes forever in either browser.

I bought the bundle lastnight could not download, and I even tried again today at 6am cst and still can not download. There may be something more at fault as there should not be enough people at 6am cst trying to download files.

6 AM CST is the middle of the day elsewhere in the world.

If you're getting to the "Your file should begin downloading in 5 seconds screen" and then timing out, try copy/pasting the link into a different browser (especially if you're using Chrome). If you're still not getting past personalizing, just keep trying. People are getting their files, albeit slowly.

Another point, if you're new to Paizo: You don't have to download everything immediately. There's no download limit or expiration date. I have probably a couple hundred PDFs with them and only download them when I need them to save space on my hard drive. So while I understand you want the files you were promised, don't worry that you're going to "miss your window."

My thanks to everybody who answered. I'll try to use a different browser. Then if that doesn't make a change, I'll wait.

Sorry if seemed to be in a hurry for the download, just didn't find the correct thread, and I thought that was my fault XD.

I just had some success, using Chrome. I posted my steps in this forum.

Good luck!

Yes I am new to paizo, and no im not trying to download everything, ive only been trying to download the core rulebook. I tend to read one book at a time.

JiveCat wrote:
I just had some success, using Chrome. I posted my steps in this forum.


Once the PDF is personalized, there is a separate issue with Chrome in particular where it times out before establishing a secure connection to download. If you copy/paste the link of the timed-out page into a backup browser (Firefox, IE, and Edge have all shown success), you ought to be able to complete the download.

4 years later and I'm still seeing this error.

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