Nith's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


My thanks to everybody who answered. I'll try to use a different browser. Then if that doesn't make a change, I'll wait.

Sorry if seemed to be in a hurry for the download, just didn't find the correct thread, and I thought that was my fault XD.

Hi there! Well i'm new here, and bought the bundle, and looked at the FAQ to know how to download my PDF... but it isn't working at all. First I click the link of the PDF I want to download at My downloads, then the page refreshes and a message is near the link "Personalizing... Click link again in 10 seconds to download". I wait those 10 seconds and then click the link... but it says the same again.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong. What do I have to do, please?
