Oxylepy |
It counts for things which take caster level into account like the spell duration or how many damage dice are used but doesn't increase spells known or spells per day (unless it specifies otherwise like with prestige classes)
I'm pretty sure a +5 or more on caster level can be acheived.
A tenth level cross blooded sorcerer with umbral and sanguine as their bloodlines casting animate dead in an area of darkness would treat their caster level as 12 for how many hit die they could create. Additionally there are other things like tattoos and feats which increase it, thus you could push this further.
James Risner Owner - D20 Hobbies |
Oxylepy |
For a wizard/cleric yeah^
In essense the period of time your Mage Armor would last for when you are 3rd level with a caster level of 20 would be 20 hours, your shocking grasp would deal 5d6 damage (the maximum) and your friendship from charm person would last 20 hours. However you could not, assuming a wizard, cast fireball as it is a third level spell and you can only cast second level spells