Civilian Pawns Box - needed and necessary


I have a lot of Pawns and figures, most of what I can use, some of what I need, none of which are "necessary", but none of which are an absolute must.

What I really need, and may rightfully assume a lot of other GMs could really use, and none of which are available, are civilians.

I need a tavern owner, business owner, servers, town watch, general civilians, towns people, farmers, ranchers, blacksmiths, etc.

I would propose a 300+ figure box, containing enough for each of the nations in the game.

This would really help flush out a town/city adventure, NPC interaction, down time roll playing, mid-adventure role playing, etc.

Can this idea get additional support so that Paizo would consider it?

I'd actually really like boxes like this, another box that would really interest me would be the summon monster/natures ally series, where you can buy a box and get the monsters from those spells specifically.

For civilians, check out the "NPC Classes" section of the Pathfinder Pawns: NPC Codex Box.

Many of the AP-specific pawn collections have figures that can be used as civilians.

Finally, check out the Paper Minis collections. Many of those have printable figures that you can use as civilians.

For summoned monsters, see the Pathfinder Pawns: Summon Monster Collection.

And if you need a pawn that you don't otherwise have... Make one! You need a computer with an Internet connection (which you have if you're posting on the message boards) and access to a color printer. Use a free graphics utility, like Google Drawing, to make pawn cutouts. Find art using Google Image Search. Then print your pawns onto cardstock, cut them out, and glue them together. I made a bunch of civilians using the art from my PDF of the GameMastery Guide and NPC Codex. (Since I don't have IP rights to the art, I can't share them.)

Regrettably the NPC Codex doesn't have a physical version, which stinks unless you have cardstock on hand of the right depth. Would love if there were a physical version.

Um... I have a set, and can confirm that the NPC Codex Box does exist as physical product. It looks like the Paizo warehouse is out of stock, but Amazon still has some for sale.

Oxylepy wrote:
Regrettably the NPC Codex doesn't have a physical version, which stinks unless you have cardstock on hand of the right depth. Would love if there were a physical version.

You can still find some boxes at eBay (key words: npc codex pawns), likely also at other such platforms. :)

I second this, I'm currently using the NPC Codex pawns for all my run-of-the-mill civilian folk, and it's a lil weird when every bar owner happens to be wielding spiked chains :p

We got two votes, let's keep this request train going full speed! Or at least point is to an option where can acquire said civilian figures easily & cheaply:)

I have the NPC codex box, but a pure civilian box would really be perfect.

I would love to display farmers' hands with hay and pitchforks, misc., store patrons and owners of different races and nationalities, merchants of every shape and size ( especially those on the road) for travel encounters.

This is really an easy product for Paizo to do well on. Plus there would be a tremendous cross sell to the DnD crowd and all the other fantasy crowds.

Here is hoping they take a notice and at least consider it.

You might try this. Third party, and the art looks to be pretty much un-retouched 3d rendering, but it's an option.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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We should have a restock of the NPC Codex Box in early March.

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