Strange messageboard behavior

Website Feedback

Dark Archive

When logged in to my Paizo (this) account, top-level forum browsing does not populate. That is, if I navigate to:

... here, for instance ...,

... or here ...,

there are no threads that load below the list of APs/subforums. However, if I click on a specific AP/subforum name, the forum populates as normal. This occurs for all top-level forums. This is not the behavior I was experiencing, say, a week or two ago.

If I am logged out of my account, this behavior does not occur. My forum settings are flattened, defocus-ed and I'm hiding no threads. I have toggled the last three settings to no avail.

Windows 10 64-bit, using Google Chrome 48.0.2564.109 m, though this occurs on Ubuntu 14.04 with Chrome as well.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Technology Manager

We've been having some issues with Chrome and it's add blocker. Are you seeing the same issues with a different browser?

Dark Archive

Thanks for the quick response!

It is the same for Firefox (fresh install, no addons/extensions) - and again, as with Chrome, if I log out of my account and navigate to the 'problem pages', the top-level forums populate as expected.

Is there anything else you would like for me to attempt?

I get the same thing here but I have the Adventure Path forum collapsed. Once I expand it here it works fine. Any chance you accidentally collapsed the top level forum out here?

Dark Archive

That actually did it!

The problem was that I had forums flattened, and could not see the fact that the Pathfinder(R) forums had been collapsed, somehow. Once I expanded, uncollapsed and re-flattened, everything is back to normal.

Thanks for the suggestion, Hawkmoon269!

Technology Manager


You are welcome! Glad it worked out.

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