Cevah |

Well, I am collecting finches in Port Peril.
Seems a Baleful Polymorph caught a PC, and the character is now a finch. This happened in Port Peril. So my character, along with his agents in town, have been buying up finches with magical auras. [You can detect polymorphed equipment that is magical.] Don't know how many we have collected, but it leaves an out for the player to come back to that character, should the new one not work out for whatever reason.

Shaun |

There a few scattered here and there you can adopt. If you need more, you can buy as many parrots as you want for 50 GP a pop. A combo of handle animal and survival skills should allow you to capture and domesticate wild parrots in the jungles.
Is there an achievement unlock for collecting parrots? No. If your PC has an in-character need for parrots, role play it out and maybe your GM will give you a gold star sticker for your character sheet, haha!

GM_Beernorg |

Flurry of Parrots!
(a player of mine used to do "flurry of hawks" was a druid with feather domain, and had rogue levels. She would summons hawks via SNA, turn into a hawk, have her hawk AC join in, and then there would be hawk form druid sneak attacking, works rather well, and good luck without magic guessing which hawk is not really a hawk. Now I want to do this with parrots as a pirate druid)