Gestalt Idea Thread

Homebrew and House Rules

This is just a place to screw around with gestalt ideas.

For those not familiar with gestalt: Here it is



Flavor: Yes, you're the sneaky guy, for the most part, but this way, when you DO get into a fight, you just roar aloud and smash. While you're smashing, the party gets to hear the sounds of battle, and knows that stealth is no longer an option, and so they can go in and do damage in straight-up combat. Besides, historical berserkers were perfectly capable of ambush tactics - their berserker state was just when things were pretty much lost otherwise.

Mechanics: Not great, but not bad. The rogue:barbarian basically has an on-off switch for combat, which is hooked up to the stealth switch with a NOT gate. That high Dex will help your AC while raging, but your armor isn't going to be great for that anyway, since you'll want to avoid high ACP. That strength bonus, and the bonus HP (from Unchained Barb), however, are helpful to the rogue who needs to break something's face, and the d12 hit die makes his enemies cry. God/s forbid you sneak attack someone while raging...



Flavor: Your arrival as the God-King of Magic was foretold centuries ago, but no one thought you'd be this dangerous. Your magical power is so great, you might even let loose a burning hands spell when you sneeze. Try explaining that one to the town guard! On that note, what's worse - a shapeshifted dragon with a cold, or a mage with a cold and extremely low control of his magic?

Mechanics: And you thought Sorcerer:Wizard gestalt was an arcane prodigy - you have how many spells per day?! Not only that, you have some ingrained spells (Sorcerer) and some you can switch out (Arcanist), so in all honesty, you're pretty much a better version of the wizard who knows exactly what he's facing and how to beat it. CoDzilla got nothin' on you. Your biggest weakness is that your Arcanist spells rely on Intelligence, while your Sorcerer spells and your Arcanist exploits rely on Charisma. Yeah, the d6 hit die hurts you, but who's gonna be desperate enough to charge at you?


Go for it.

Unchained Rogue / Telekineticist

Invisibility at-will, flight, ranged sneak attack in the first round, Dex to damage with your Kinetic Blast. Gain automatic bonuses to-hit. Gain free Weapon Finesse (which Kinetic Blade and Unarmed Strike / Kinetic Fist can make use of).


Takes WF in bow and a melee weapon. Has access to lead blades and gravity bow, as well as 1-6 druid spells. Has better-than-druid AnC. Fervor. Animal spirit. Teamwork feats with AnC.
Basically a "super ranger" for any nature god.

Cons - no Full BAB.

Investigator/Swashbuckler (IB)
Skill monkey from hell with mutagens and extracts. Trapfinding.
Full BAB. DEX fighter (qualifies for fencing grace at 1st level). Doing 2H kinds of damage with a rapier.

Cons - Studied combat takes a while to become useful.

Hunter/Monk (Sohei)
Normally companions fall behind in gestalt, but Monastic Mount stacks. Don't forget Pack Flanking and Mounted Skirmisher.

Cons - fake BAB impairs feat prerequisites and not a full caster

Investigator/Barbarian (urban, invulnerable rager)
Controlled Rage doesn't have the restrictions on skill use and extracts are not spells. Beast Totem provides AC and pounce. And, of course, there's DR.

Cons - not a full caster

Investigator/Fighter (Lore Warden)
Skill Monkey II A Mockery of Rogues

Start with 6+int skill points. Add 2 skill points in int skills. Now max 4 skills for free with Advanced Weapon Training and reinvest previously spent points for free. Oh, and there's inspiration. And, of course, alchemy.

Cons - defenses aren't great, though he could take Studied Defense and rely on full BAB and weapon training for accuracy.

Mesmerist:Wizard (Enchanter)

"We're all friends here." That sounds about right when you get involved. A slight hit die boost, some extra spells when you need to charm everything, and your painful stare if they can resist your mind tomfoolery makes you a powerful support character. The downside? MAD, much like the Arcanist:Sorcerer, but even stronger now - since nothing really overlaps for the two at all.



After discovering your talent for raw blasts, you delved into more traditional magic and found some talent there, too. Not only can you blast your foes with your chosen element, but you have subtler magics from your studies. If the fighter needs backup, send in a blast of lightning - and don't waste your spell slots on blast-y spells. The best part is, any mage benefits from higher Con, so it's not quite as MAD as some other options.



What's scarier than a berserk warrior ignoring wounds and cutting down a small army in a surge of might? That same warrior having been perfectly capable of cutting down your troops anyway, without the sudden blind fury. The barbarian:fighter sticks with Medium armor, of course, but he has armor and weapon training, access to Weapon Spec and its improved forms, and plenty of bonus feats - all while keeping the d12 hit die, rage and rage powers, and inborn damage reduction. Use the bonus feats for your normal combat abilities, and boost your rage rounds per day with your normal feats forever. Even Crom will take notice of how many of your foes fall before you!

The Holy Grace - Swashbuckler/Paladin
While most Paladins normally favour a large sword and a tough armour the Holy Grace instead favours speed and manoeuvrability. A healing hand and a scarring blade, the Holy Grace is a giver in more than one way.

The Spellsword - Swashbuckler/Magus(ES)
With a rapier in one hand and a spell in the other, the Spellsword is both an arcane and a martial force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. He may not be the most flexible spellcaster, and neither may he be the strongest of fighters, but combined his quick blade and wit is a glory to behold and a danger to face.

Eldritch Champion - (Anti)Paladin/Magus(ES)
There are many a Paladin who targets the arcane as a source to be dealt with. The Eldritch Champion on the other hand seeks out the Arcane and uses it for her own benefit. Clad in full plate and chanting as she swings, the Eldritch Champion is a prominent spellcaster in her lord's name. Oh my word do I wish I could deliver Touch of Corruption with Spellstrike, but alas...

Luhood wrote:

The Spellsword - Swashbuckler/Magus(ES)
With a rapier in one hand and a spell in the other, the Spellsword is both an arcane and a martial force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. He may not be the most flexible spellcaster, and neither may he be the strongest of fighters, but combined his quick blade and wit is a glory to behold and a danger to face.

Do that as an Inspired Blade and you get to force your own crits at 11th level. So many Shocking Grasp d6s...or just Frigid Touch.

I have a couple of fun Gestalt ideas:

Druid/Barbarian (Beastrager):

The general appeal of this is that you get full BAB and Wild Shape, a combination that has always appealed to me (As well as others, it seems). Sure, you could go fighter/druid, or ranger/Druid, but if you start raging while transformed, that's a combination that's both powerful and also quite thematic - who feels like personifying the wrath of nature, in the form of a very angry dire tiger?
There are a lot of rage powers that could really supplement this combination, for example taking the powers that give your animal companion access to your rage. Although ignore anything that gives you natural attacks or new movement speeds while raging, as you really don't need those!
Basically, they've fought bears, they've fought barbarians, but just wait until they get flanked by TWO barbarian bears!

You're never going to be an amazing spell caster, so I'd recommend Wisdom 12 (obviously boosting it with items later), and then maximise STR and CON. I'm thinking I'd go with a half-Orc - raised by druids, he was taught to live a contemplative life, appreciating the beauty of nature - however, the raw power and ferocity of the natural world has always been the aspect that really speaks to him. If anyone ever suggests a Gestalt game, this is what I'm bringing.

Ranger/Paladin (Hunter of Evil):

This one is perhaps not as optimised, but it would be a great way to have an archery focused paladin. Obviously you'd select undead, evil outsiders and dragons as favoured enemies. The spells would give you quite a bit of versatility, and it could be fun.

Lantern Lodge

Cavalier fighter : improving how you can fight and being a bit more useful out of combat.

Plus : Better skills list, mount, tactical bonus, feat overload.

con : still the horse problem.

Luhood wrote:
Oh my word do I wish I could deliver Touch of Corruption with Spellstrike, but alas...

Conductive weapon?

Druid / Monk

"Normally, I'm nonviolent. But you, I'll beat you with my bear hands."

A soul of nature was left on the doorstep of a monastery, raised by the monks. He took care of anything green. When he took a trip away from the monastery for the first time, he was tracked down by a black bear. Befriending it, he learned about his inner animal. Now he tries to find nirvana in the woods near the monastery, and his friend is well known to the other monks, nearly a mascot.

Feral Combat Training is a must, as well as an Amulet of Mighty Fists. Add in Wisdom to AC, focus on Strength, all the spells you could want.


Aasimar Cleric / Empyreal Sorcerer (Angel on Golarian)

All of the spells you could ever want. Load up the Sorcerer side with Summon Monster, load up the Cleric side with utility. Wings, Aasimar Channel feats.


Barbarian / Wizard

The basis of this is all the "Body" and "Form of the" spells. Go nuts.

Kineticist/Fighter - The Elemental Fighter
A dex focused fighter who uses the elements to create his weapons. Full BAB on high scaling kinetic blast iterative attacks and access to fighter feats.

Oh I am LOVING these ideas :D Keep 'em coming!


The penalties from Hypnotic Stare and Evil Eye don't stack, but Hypnotic Stare (a swift action to start) makes it much easier for Evil Eye to hit, and you can just use Evil Eye to target something other than will (or use Evil Eye's bigger penalty, at higher levels).

Plus just the idea of REALLY staring at someone so hard that they suck at everything.

Hypnotic Stare -> Evil Eye -> Intimidating Glance (If only you could do this one as a move action, instead of a swift on the next turn)

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