

I am considering making a kineticist for Carrion Crown adventure path.

I primarily want to play a blaster, doing consistent damage. Lots of fluff would have been cool too. Since I want to do some decent AoE damage, I think I should start with fire. And I also think I should continue with fire, just because I think the form infusions for fire are better, and some of the better controlling infusions don't play that well with fire. And I want to focus on the damage rather than controlling in any case.

Initially I would have loved flight, flesh of stone, shroud of water and shimmering mirage - I'm just not sure it's worth taking either of those at 7th. I might pick one of those for 15th, even though I've picked Aether in this example.

So, this is what I've come up with this far:

Human Pyrokineticist
Stats with dual talent: 10-18-18-10-12-8

1. Toughness, Fan of Flames infusion (form)
2. Fire’s fury
3. Weapon finesse, Burning infusion (substance)
4. Searing flame
5. Combat reflexes, Kinetic blade infusion (form)
6. Smoke storm
7. Extra wild talent (Kinetic whip infusion (form)). Firesight
8. Flaming jet
9. Extra wild talent (Extended range infusion (form)), Eruption infusion (form)
10. Greater Flaming jet
11. Swap Fan of Flames with Draining Infusion (substance), Spell resistance, Unraveling infusion (substance)
12. Ride the Blast
13. Greater spell resistance, Wall infusion
14. Spark of Life
15. Extra Wild Talent (Explosion infusion), Expand into Aether
16. Expanded defence (Aether)
17. Greater elemental focus (fire), Foe Throw infusion (form)
18. From the Ashes
19. Feat ?, Infusion?
20. ?

Does this look viable, or am I missing something obvious? Any thoughts?:)

Pyrokineticists are pretty much cookie cutter when it comes down to the builds. You can change things around here and there, but you pretty much have the gist of it.

One thing I might suggest you take a look at; Unstoppable Magic from Inner Sea Races as a Human Racial Trait as opposed to dual talent. The fact that your target Touch AC means you don't have to worry so much about high Dexterity. You do have to worry about Spell Resistance though, and you don't have anything to boost your SR check right now. (Unless by Spell resistance at 11th level you mean Spell Penetration...) Even then, that's not until 11th level and you're going to run into SR long before that. Just something to consider! Plus you'll then be able to get some extra skill points, or take one of those fun little traits that replace Skilled.


Also, I wouldn't even worry about the 19th level stuff. I do not believe Carrion Crown comes anywhere close to 19th level (I could be wrong though).

Yeah, I did mean Spell penetration at 11th... (and greater at 13th) But thanks for the tip about Unstoppable Magic, I'll consider that. And thank you for confirming that I have the gist of it! :)

Silver Crusade

I think CC ends around 15-16, so you should be good there.

As for the build, it's pretty solid. I don't think you can use Extra Wild Talent to snag Kinetic Whip at 7th though, so you probably need to alter that real quick. Same with explosion, but that's a real late game concern.

Also while Faylyn is right about not needing accuracy, the DC of form infusions is based off of dexterity, so that's something to consider when placing your stats.

They were right about it being a straightforward build though, there's not a lot of wiggle room in the talent list just yet, so you should be fine for the most part.

Celestrian wrote:
Yeah, I did mean Spell penetration at 11th... (and greater at 13th) But thanks for the tip about Unstoppable Magic, I'll consider that. And thank you for confirming that I have the gist of it! :)

No problem!

N. Jolly wrote:

I think CC ends around 15-16, so you should be good there.

As for the build, it's pretty solid. I don't think you can use Extra Wild Talent to snag Kinetic Whip at 7th though, so you probably need to alter that real quick. Same with explosion, but that's a real late game concern.

Also while Faylyn is right about not needing accuracy, the DC of form infusions is based off of dexterity, so that's something to consider when placing your stats.

They were right about it being a straightforward build though, there's not a lot of wiggle room in the talent list just yet, so you should be fine for the most part.

I cannot believe I missed that. N Jolly is correct, you wouldn't be able to pick up Kinetic Whip with Extra Wild Talent until 11th level due to the -2 effective wild talent level. He's also correct about the DC of form infusions being based off Dexterity; however, I will point this out. It is much easier to raise your Dexterity through the usage of magic items (potions of Reduce Person are your friend!) and the like, whereas raising your caster level for spell resistance purposes is quite difficult. Plus, I would rather do half damage then no damage at all. That being said, you definitely do not want to skimp on your Dexterity.

For your feats... I might make the following suggestion:
1st - Toughness
3rd - Weapon Finesse
5th - Combat Reflexes
7th - Extra Wild Talent (Extended Range) And select Kinetic Whip over Firesight
9th - Spell Penetration
11th - Extra Wild Talent (Eruption)

It seems like you are gearing more towards the melee, in which case you definitely want to get Kinetic Whip at 7th; however, if you are more interested in range damage dealing... then I would highly suggest taking Eruption at 7th instead. Eruption is a fantastic infusion. You don't have to worry about cover or line of sight. You select a square within 120' and blast 10' in every direction and 40' into the air with full damage.

I've also found Religion Trait, Magic's Might, to raise CL to overcome SR. Then I suppose I would start with +3 CL vs SR.

I can drop Firesight (and consider to include it at later levels) and do something like this (since I get an extra wild talent for exanding into fire). I think that would be legal:

7. Extra wild talent (Extended range infusion (form)). Kinetic whip infusion (form)
8. Flaming jet
9. Spell penetration, Eruption infusion (form)
10. Greater Flaming jet
11. Greater spell penetration

Thanks again for your input. Much appreciated! :)

I suppose I'll decide between eruption and whip at 7th when I get there. After I've played him a few levels I'll figure out which playstyle that will be the best fit.

Welcome! Hope you enjoy the character. Kineticists have become my new favorite class.

I think that looks like a good progression and making your selections after playing for a bit is always a good way to go. You may find that melee isn't really your cup of tea and want to stay ranged or you may love the thrill of the melee!

Magic's Might is a good find! It is hardcoded into Yuelral's religion though, so you may want to run it past your GM (unless you have no issue worshiping Yuelral, in which case ignore this...).

Faelyn wrote:

Besides being a FILTHY DISGUSTING ELF, she's not too hard to worship. Be some manner of Good, wear gaudy uncut gemstones, pick up some Ioun stones later on.

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