The Monkey's Treefort

Off-Topic Discussions

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Hey, Grim Reaper lay off 2016. Alright.

Carrie Fisher almost became one with the Force.

RIP George Michael.

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Freakin' sprained ankle but at least my daughter is ok.

I just have to lay around for the next few days guess it's good I have off. Time to catch up on posting I suppose.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Freakin' sprained ankle but at least my daughter is ok.

I just have to lay around for the next few days guess it's good I have off. Time to catch up on posting I suppose.

Glad nothing is broken. Now, on to more important matters...

...can you sue anyone for pain and suffering?

Treppa wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:

Freakin' sprained ankle but at least my daughter is ok.

I just have to lay around for the next few days guess it's good I have off. Time to catch up on posting I suppose.

Glad nothing is broken. Now, on to more important matters...

...can you sue anyone for pain and suffering?

Just myself but I'm broke so I won't get anything from that deadbeat!

Back at WHOI. I'm thinking I should have grabbed a chunk of that 4-cheese mac and cheese before I took off

But, sadly, I can't really afford the extra carbage.

I have officially kicked out my FitBit. I think that little device was lying to me

I have gained 10 pounds since November, yet according to its calorie counter I have burned more than I ate that whole time

Somehow some calculation is awry

Or I'm sleep eating

Or just plainly insane

Windy tonight in the Hole

Warmer than it has been though. Close to 50 deg F

Quiet week for me. No double shifts until Saturday

Although that will not be a fun day 12-8 am sat at WHOI. 4pm-8am through NYE at the hospital. Guess what the hospital is full of on NYE? I'll give you a hint: It's not staph infections.....

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Although that will not be a fun day 12-8 am sat at WHOI. 4pm-8am through NYE at the hospital. Guess what the hospital is full of on NYE? I'll give you a hint: It's not staph infections.....


Patrick Curtin wrote:
I have officially kicked out my FitBit. I think that little device was lying to me

I don't think those things work!

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I have officially kicked out my FitBit. I think that little device was lying to me
I don't think those things work!

Me neither. It certainly didn't help me lose weight.

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I have been SO busy.
But a quick break today showed me The MOST Adorable Christmas Video!

Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Warmer than it has been though. Close to 50 deg F

We are near 70 this morning. And there is a plethora of fog.

RPG Superstar 2012

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Happy birthday, Sharoth!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
taig wrote:
Happy birthday, Sharoth!

I am clone # 28, but I will relay it to the original Sharoth when we bring him back.

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Spring wight

We hadn't real winter with snow and long periods of freezing temperatures yet this year, so maybe not many will spawn this spring...

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I have officially kicked out my FitBit. I think that little device was lying to me
I don't think those things work!
Me neither. It certainly didn't help me lose weight.

Guess: they are just programmed to record activity times and use the estimated loss and gain of calories according to some kind of standardized values. If you don't match those standardized values - either by metabolic differences (such as those that kick in after periods of under-nutrition, sleep deprivation, and many others). Also, are you feeding it a sample of each food you eat or does it just guesses from the size of portion? Terribly unreliable method as everyone can cook in a slightly different way. Not to mention that different metabolism can save more of the same portion than another one.

Still, you could use it to record time, note the differences it makes comparing to reality and then calculate corrections yourself. If you would want to. I know I wouldn't bother with that extra pointless work.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I had my fitbit set to "sensitive" for sleep recording and couldn't sleep at all. Every little thing bothered me and I spent the night tossing and turning.

I set it to "normal" a couple of nights ago. I've been going to sleep around 9 or 10, not waking up at 3 am like usual, but waking spontaneously around 6 or 7 in the same position that I was in when I drifted off.

I am now convinced that the fitbit actually controls sleep.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I'll sure miss Carrie Fisher - not because of the character she played, but because of her own character: courageous, honest, self-deprecating. Her honesty about mental illness broke down a lot of the barriers of silence regarding such things.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
I'll sure miss Carrie Fisher - not because of the character she played, but because of her own character: courageous, honest, self-deprecating. Her honesty about mental illness broke down a lot of the barriers of silence regarding such things.

she was a regular topic at my medication group. So many people were surprised to hear she dealt with mental health issues. But they were happy to know that one of their greatest heroes lived with the same struggles they did, it made them feel less alone.

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What a helluva thing to wake up to ....

Statistics aren't an indication of malice, but 2016 sure seems like it has become self-aware and thirsty for souls.

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Drejk wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I have officially kicked out my FitBit. I think that little device was lying to me
I don't think those things work!
Me neither. It certainly didn't help me lose weight.

Guess: they are just programmed to record activity times and use the estimated loss and gain of calories according to some kind of standardized values. If you don't match those standardized values - either by metabolic differences (such as those that kick in after periods of under-nutrition, sleep deprivation, and many others). Also, are you feeding it a sample of each food you eat or does it just guesses from the size of portion? Terribly unreliable method as everyone can cook in a slightly different way. Not to mention that different metabolism can save more of the same portion than another one.

Still, you could use it to record time, note the differences it makes comparing to reality and then calculate corrections yourself. If you would want to. I know I wouldn't bother with that extra pointless work.

I'm thinking I'll just start a simple food journal and eat >2000 calories a day no matter what I exercise

Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Warmer than it has been though. Close to 50 deg F
We are near 70 this morning. And there is a plethora of fog.

Looking at the jet stream it seems like we are getting your sloppy seconds.

Silver Crusade

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I'm reminded of the cartoon of Father Time representing the current year and Baby New Year representing the year to come.

*drags Father Time kicking and screaming to the headsman's block*

Your turn now m**#$!#&&~#+.

Sharoth wrote:
taig wrote:
Happy birthday, Sharoth!
I am clone # 28, but I will relay it to the original Sharoth when we bring him back.




Patrick Curtin wrote:

What a helluva thing to wake up to ....

Statistics aren't an indication of malice, but 2016 sure seems like it has become self-aware and thirsty for souls.

Until we learn later that 2016 was indeed self-aware, but its death toll was really a sign of mercy, saving the worthy from much worse fate awaiting the rest of us all in the near future...

Now I am sad for Gary (the dog).

In other bloodthirsty 2016 news

Richard Adams passed away today

My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend has stopped running today.

Scarab Sages

rolls Will save attempting to resist urge to create a 2016 alias

Scarab Sages

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follows up with Will save to resist creating a 2017 alias and replying to all the "How could 2017 be worse" questions with "Challenge Accepted"

I actually wrote something related to this sentiment on fb two weeks ago...

And then 2016 decide to up its ante with George Michael, Carrie Fisher, and others.

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To pizza or not to pizza: that is the question.

Treppa wrote:

To pizza or not to pizza: that is the question.


Is the answer ever "not to pizza"?

Treppa wrote:

Is the answer ever "not to pizza"?

Sometimes but rarely. :-)

Treppa wrote:

Is the answer ever "not to pizza"?

It is theoretically possible, but I have yet to see an instance of it.

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>>>Extends his middle talon to 2016 and the personification of death<<<

George Michaels, Carrie Fisher, and now Richard Adams, author of Watership Down. I'm tired of looking at both of you.

Get outta here.

On the brighter side, Episode VIII finished filming sometime around July of this year. But, it leaves Episode IX in limbo. Will they replace Leia or continue with a new actress or even CGI?

TOZ and Shiny:
As no one can decide over in my Recruitment Thread I will do Shattered Star as it seems to be the one no one has played before. Interested?

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Drejk wrote:
Now I am sad for Gary (the dog).

I never knew she had a French bulldog. He looks a lot like my Wilbur. The same tongue!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks, not interested in that one!

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BluePigeon wrote:
On the brighter side, Episode VIII finished filming sometime around July of this year. But, it leaves Episode IX in limbo. Will they replace Leia or continue with a new actress or even CGI?

It would make sense to write her death into the script. Such as showing her ship exploding, or mentioning her death in the opening crawl.

Well, picked up an extra shift tomorrow. Going to be an interesting switchover, running from hospital to institute.


Still, that brings me up to roughly a full compliment of shifts this pay period at the hospital, in addition to my full-time gig at WHOI. Plus holiday pay for the two holidays. Score!

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