Ways to make a viper animal companion more poisonous ? (High DCs and what not)



RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Bear's endurance, the Ability Focus feat, increased Hit Dice.

Multiple doses. Throw out a haste to have it bite multiple times.

Boost constitution, that is, I assume you want your viper to be more venomous, rather than poisonous.

CampinCarl9127 wrote:
Multiple doses. Throw out a haste to have it bite multiple times.

I didn't know you could have multiple doses at the same time. That's awesome.

Scarab Sages

Try and make your enemy lose some points in CON as well.

Lastoutkast wrote:
CampinCarl9127 wrote:
Multiple doses. Throw out a haste to have it bite multiple times.
I didn't know you could have multiple doses at the same time. That's awesome.

Oh, yes, it makes a big difference if someone gets bitten once or ten times :) . Also, animal growth or a greater dire collar is also an option for the size boost to constitution. Meanwhile, you or your allies can help with debuffing enemy saves. An enemy who has been shaken or sickened automatically gets a -2 to saves (as far as I know, they stack).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

If you've got a witch in the party, even better, hex their saves on top of that.

I don't remember the poison rules exactly, but I believe every extra dose increases the DC by 2. It can get pretty nasty. That's why even the toughest people will go down if they're bit by a dozen snakes.

Yes but you must fail the save in first place before any DC increases can take place in the first place. Taking extra doses after failing the save increases the DC of later doses as well as the frequency (save using the new higher DC) and duration.

Grand Lodge

Building the Right party Helps. As Mark Thomas says a Witch would be a perfect party companion to build a Viper/Edolion/Ect with the poison ability. Getting the Enemy De-buffed for the poison's low save is very important. Shaman's bad touch clerics, Necromancer wizards. Getting Items to help will be needed. A Rapier of Puncturing can help lower the Fort save of the enemy 3x a day. Poison caps could help deliver multiple doses of a poison quickly and cheaply...see if you can "Milk" the venom from your pet to fill the Cap.

Strike Hard and many times while boosting Con (or associated stat to the poison). See if your DM would allow you to take ability focus feat on the Pet.

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