Half humans and Racial Favored Classes (Errata question)

Rules Questions

Errata about half humans raises other questions


1: Can you 'split' or must you choose one race and stick with it?

ex: 4th level char single class that is the "favored", so 4 pts.. Can you put 2 pts in "human" favored, and 2 in "hal-elf"? Or must all 4 pts go into a single (aka, pick ONCE and stick with that for that class).

(personally I would think you pick and stick to single race for that class, but looking for guidance).

2: if you multi-class (half elf), and so have 2 favored classes, can one class pick "half-elf" and the other class pick "human"?

I'd say yes to the first question; you can select different FCB for the same reason you can choose to instead pick HP or a skill point. I'm not really sure what you mean by the second question though.

second question was more *IF* question 1 answer was you pick and stay with SINGLE race choice for all levels in that class, half-elves get TWO favored classes, so would the second class choice need to match the first class choice or not.

Scarab Sages

I'd say for question 1 you can absolutely split them if you desire. It's generally advantageous not to do so within the same class.

As for your second class you could take them both from the same race or one of each. You wouldn't be forced to take one of each. There's no need to attach a race to a specific class.

in three levels you can pick the elf, half-elf, and human bonus.

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