Johnny Chronicle |

This probably falls under the category of, "It's your game, do what you want," but I'm curious…
When it comes to rebuilding decks, the "Between Games" section of the Rulebook says:
If you can’t construct a valid deck from the cards your group has available because you don’t have enough of certain card types, choose the extra cards you need from the box, choosing only cards with the Basic trait. After you begin the adventure Demon’s Heresy, you may ignore the Basic trait restriction; instead, you may use any cards in the box from the base set and the Character Add-On Deck, as well as any cards from an adventure whose adventure deck number is at least 2 lower than the adventure you’re currently playing.
My question is: Do Class Deck cards count? Or is the lack of their mention in the emphasized text intentional?
I'm doing a "bad guy" run of Wrath with Darago and Wrathack (fight evil with eeevil!). I liked the idea that these ne'er-do-wells are "cheating" by bringing their own tools and tricks to the table (stuff like Augury, more two-handed weapons, Staves of Healing to help keep 'em alive, that sort of thing), so the Wizard and Ranger Class Decks are mixed in.
This dastardly duo just sprung the imprisoned Succubus Arueshalae, and I'm wondering if she can select cards from among the Class Deck Bs and 1s to build her deck… or if that would be cheating… >;)

Hawkmoon269 |

Sure, they count. once they are in the box, treat them like they are any other card. All that matters it the adventure deck number in the upper right corner. So, you can't use "any card from the class deck" but you can use any cards that have a B, or are that have an adventure deck number 2 lower than the adventure you are currently playing, whether they say "Wrath of the Righteous" or "Wizard Class Deck" or whatever in the upper left.

Frencois |

By the book, you can also use any card that has a "P" as soon as you have played at least one scenario of an adventure deck number of 3 or more.
Because you can consider P=1 since you can add promo cards as soon as you start AD1.
This said, thematically, in my group we consider promo cards as some kind of unique stuff that you must encounter at some point to have a chance to get, so we house ruled that you cannot get them when creating initial character or rebuilding. That's pretty fun.

skizzerz |

By the book, you can also use any card that has a "P" as soon as you have played at least one scenario of an adventure deck number of 3 or more.
Because you can consider P=1 since you can add promo cards as soon as you start AD1.
This said, thematically, in my group we consider promo cards as some kind of unique stuff that you must encounter at some point to have a chance to get, so we house ruled that you cannot get them when creating initial character or rebuilding. That's pretty fun.
P=0, actually, not 1. However, you do not add promo cards to the box until you begin AD1 despite that, with exception of promo character cards (Ranzak, Ekkie, etc.) or promo cards with the Owner trait (in which case you can start with it provided you are playing the character listed as the owner).

Frencois |

That's my point skizzerz. You are fully right that P=0 by the book since it values 0 for example for any calculation where you have to add the AD value of the card.
But since, despite being P=0, P cards are only added at the start of AP1, I would also make a consistent exception to consider them as P=1 for the purpose of rebuilding deck. But that's an house rule.

Dave Riley |

Without having the rulebook in front of me, I remember the passage people are citing being something like "when you start adventure 1, feel free to add any promo cards you'd like to the box (up to a suggested maximum of 12? or is that only in OP?)"
But since, despite being P=0, P cards are only added at the start of AP1, I would also make a consistent exception to consider them as P=1 for the purpose of rebuilding deck. But that's an house rule.
So here's the thing: unless we start getting promo cards with the Basic trait, this matters in fully 0% of cases, because you start being able to pick B and 1 cards of your choosing from the box at the same time: the start of AP3.
I guess technically all the Iconic Hero cards ~can~ have the Basic trait, so how to people sort that?
For us, we just lump all the promo cards into the box in the beginning. Not worth the mental/time bandwidth to sort 'em out.

Hawkmoon269 |

Where does it say you can't use P cards in adventure 0?
I guess technically all the Iconic Hero cards ~can~ have the Basic trait, so how to people sort that?
Both your questions are answered in the same place:
We have also published a number of promotional cards; these are marked with the letter P in the upper-right corner. If you have a character promo card, or you have a promo card with the Owner trait and you are playing the character listed as the owner, you can use it right away. Don’t add other promo cards to the game until you begin the first chapter of the Adventure Path.
Note that, since S&S didn't "know" about iconic heroes and RotR didn't know about promo characters, this rule has changed over time:
We have also published a number of promotional cards; these are marked with the letter P in the upper-right corner. If you have a character promo card, you can use it right away, but you shouldn’t add other promo cards to the game until you begin the first chapter of the Adventure Path. If you have a ship promo card, as soon as you have checked off any ships of the same class on your fleet card, you may treat the promo card as if it has been checked off as well (see Place Your Party’s Ship on page 7).
When can I add promo cards to the box?
Anytime after you begin Chapter 1 of the Adventure Path.
But, as with most PACG rules, the most recent rule is the most accurate.

Frencois |

For us, we just lump all the promo cards into the box in the beginning. Not worth the mental/time bandwidth to sort 'em out.
Makes sense. Valid point.
But we tend to start the game with the least valid deck you can think of. Then we all get the feeling we improve our deck in each of AD0 scenario. And with delaying P cards to AD1 we ensure the delivery of Xmas presents last longer. That's why we like "easy" AD0 scenarios: you can make them harder by building your first deck with a couple of daggers and leather armors, and then enjoy actually winning your equipment rather than just selecting it in the box.