Barbarian with bear flavour


Hi all,

I want to play as a barbarian for the strong melee 2 handed weapon ability and rage. I want to flavour it with "bear"... I think about playing a coldborn skinwalker, if possible I would love to have a kind of beast shape like ability for at least beast shape 2 forms. So maybe a 4 level druid dip with shaping focus?

I hope you can give some good suggestions about feats, archtypes, if a druid dip is any good :-)

Scarab Sages

You may want to be a Totemic Skald instead of a barbarian. You still have rage, but you have a stronger animal bond, and your rage, casting and wildshape will improve with level instead of taking level hits from multiclassing.

Liberty's Edge

I'd just grab the Beast Totem line rather than worry about dipping other classes. That's solid mechanically (you can use Coldborn to get a bite to go with its claws), and can easily be bear flavored, and combined with being a skinwalker, even take the physical appearance of turning into a large bear.

@ Imbicatus: Totemic Skald looks nice, have to look into that one. Not sure yet.

& Deadmanwalking: The physical appearance is more a lycanthrope form than a animal form i think? Or is there something im missing?

Liberty's Edge

Darctos wrote:
& Deadmanwalking: The physical appearance is more a lycanthrope form than a animal form i think? Or is there something im missing?

Well, yes...I'm not sure how being a giant bear-man roaring in rage isn't 'bear flavored' though.

It doesn't let you actually be a bear, that I admit...but it seems close enough for most purposes.

Your right, though i prefere a real "change"...

I have a wild idea :-) Maybe i can talk with the gm about allowing the shape become a real bear with just the stats of the barbarian. No size increase... In that form only the natural weapons can be used which i get from the different rage powers and race options... Some bonus to concealment... Maybe even allow scent... But loss of speach...

Maybe i can turn the idea into a archtype... The bearbarian.. You need to be a coldborn soinwalker and musy take the beast totem line...

Is this a goed idea?

Okay, is it just me, or did anyone else think (at first glance) that the post tile said Barbarian with beer flavor?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No you dirty old wizard... Stop licking me.. I dont taste like beer!

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