Dimensional Slide or Familiar


Which is a better level 3 exploit?

Also can a weasel us wands?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Given the many options and archetypes for familiars, and the fact that teleportation is better on melee characters than on casters, I'd say the familiar is the better exploit.

And no, a weasel can't use wands, since it doesn't have opposable thumbs.

Dimensional slide is just as good for getting out of melee as into it, and adds a lot of low level survivability and utility (great for hopping gaps/climbing walls without making checks). Familiars can be highly useful, but it depends a lot on your spec and what you're trying to do--in most cases I expect dimensional slide will be better at low levels.

Re using wands: First the weasel would need a UMD score; no problems there, just put the relevant skill ranks in it. But it also needs to be able to activate the spell trigger, which is usually a spoken command word, and weasels are normally incapable of speech. Further it needs to be able to hold and target subjects with the wand, which usually requires opposable thumbs/prehensile limbs.

Basically talk to your GM; some are open to special slings etc so the familiar can carry wands/scrolls around and use them, or just letting them figure out how to use their claws to hold it effectively. Tongues (the spell) will allow them to speak, but ideally your gm would rule you can buy wands without verbal triggers.

dimensional slide it is. Ill wait till 7 for improved familiar for the wands

This is for PFS so no option for special slings etc

Regarding familiars and wands, in a regular game a raven could presumably use a wand since it can grasp objects and speak. I think only Improved Familiars can activate magic items in PFS though.

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