Nubletcakii |
Hi, my group has a Tyrannomancer Balazar and I was wondering if we were using him correctly. With the tyrann powers we're able to play support spells infinitely and do some shenanigans such as infinitely casting restore mythic power in combination with a mystic archmage (on another player) or scrying(obtained from wizard class deck) decks until we get to the villian. As I understand it during the free phase a person is able to use their powers as many times as possible and that's where the recursion occurs. Here is our setup:
Prerequisites :
Powers needed: "After you play a spell that does not have the attack trait, you may draw a card" and "You may discard or recharge a spell to draw a random monster from the box"
Deck setup: Needs to have only spells left in your deck. Accomplish this by recharging spells the moment you acquire them for monsters and then using/discarding the rest of your hand.
We'll use scry as an example spell:
1. Cast scry
2. Draw a card (going to be a spell as we have no other types) for casting a non attack spell
3. Search for desired type.
4. Recharge scry.
5. Recharge spell for monster card.
6. Banish monster card to draw a card.
7. Repeat 5-6 until scry is in hand again.
8. Repeat 1-7 until desired card is on the top of the deck.
With mystic bonuses from being a marshal and leveled skills we're at +12 to arcane which grants 100% recharge rate.
Are we misinterpreting the rules or the powers in some way?

Frencois |

Damned, someone else found my Balazar support combo magic.
No need for a FAQ skizzerz : as soon as Padrig finds out, he'll eat your hat and as we all know, all thinks will go downward for Balazar from then on....
Just kidding, indeed we discovered that flaw and house rujled you cannot use it to cast twice same spell.

Nubletcakii |
To me this is a dangerous combo so use at your own risk. I don't think it needs a FAQ because too many things need to happen to make it work. All I can say is good luck in Wrath when so many cards summon other cards. Another character at another location could end up killing you.
It's fairly safe if you've acquired the other powers. If its combat based you can always fight using the monsters and padrig. If its just aoe damage you can either banish monsters to prevent 3 damage or just discard the monsters. Since you can still use monsters from the discard pile there no loss in power. The only damage that really kills you is deck damage.

philosorapt0r |
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Nope, this is one of a number of ways in which you can break the game if you maneuver your remaining deck composition into the right state for 'draw a card' powers (or in this case, combination of two powers) to always give you the right card type to trigger it again.
It seems like the design philosophy (reasonably) is that if an OP loop isn't going to come up through natural/ordinary play, then they would rather minimize errata for regular players, and let the rest of us decide for ourselves that these things aren't fun and we should stop (or: that they are fun, in which case it's not really a problem).
See also: Ezren with only auto-recharge spells (infinite spells), Sword of Iomedae with Hand size 7+ and a thinned out (probably via Miracle/Time Stop/Merchant Lord tricks) 6+ Blessings of Ascension deck (infinite mythic charges + explores), draw-on-craft-check Damiel with only auto-recharge Tot Flasks + 1 potion of flying (infinite explores for anyone).
It's fair enough; once you turn on god mode, the game becomes unfun, so people won't generally keep going through the extensive maneuvers to turn it on (unless *getting there* is what they enjoy). One scenario of infinite-power Sword of Iomedae was enough for me, for instance :).
It's typically only if people stumble too easily into unbalancing their games (see: pre-errata Radillo, Alain for many folks) that things get changed to avoid it.

skizzerz |

From what I've seen, their focus is on game-breaking stuff that is possible to do solo (e.g. without the cooperation of other players). That said, a thinned out deck seems difficult enough to accomplish that it may just stay as-is.

mlvanbie |

Damiel just comes naturally and this Balazar plan is trivial. A good Ezren deck depends on cards people usually don't keep in his deck. (My model infinite Ezren punches henchmen with spell immunities to death using displayed Strength spells and some other tricks. He needs a thin deck to repeatedly Augury but all his displayed spells go back into the deck at the end of his turn. They also make sure that he can pull everything he needs from a medium deck.)

nondeskript |

Yeah, Balazar can do an infinite loop of spells, just like RotR Ezren. But, there is no Scry in WotR, so you can't really do too much with this loop without adding extra cards to your game. There is no Summoner deck yet, so you can't do this in OP (unless there is a reward I don't know about), and depending on the makeup of that deck, it could be of limited utility there as well. If you take Balazar to another set with Scry in it, you don't get a Mythic Path so some of your recharges stop being sure things (not that a d10 +6 isn't still pretty solid for a recharge). So I doubt this is a real issue that needs be addressed beyond telling a player who is sitting there recharging cards infinitely to stop being a jerk and wrap up their turn.
Also there are some banes in WotR who do things if you Examine them, so that can break the loop, but I don't recall if they are Henchman/Villain or regular Monster/Barrier cards. Probably the former.