Hi, my group has a Tyrannomancer Balazar and I was wondering if we were using him correctly. With the tyrann powers we're able to play support spells infinitely and do some shenanigans such as infinitely casting restore mythic power in combination with a mystic archmage (on another player) or scrying(obtained from wizard class deck) decks until we get to the villian. As I understand it during the free phase a person is able to use their powers as many times as possible and that's where the recursion occurs. Here is our setup:
Prerequisites :
Powers needed: "After you play a spell that does not have the attack trait, you may draw a card" and "You may discard or recharge a spell to draw a random monster from the box"
Deck setup: Needs to have only spells left in your deck. Accomplish this by recharging spells the moment you acquire them for monsters and then using/discarding the rest of your hand.
We'll use scry as an example spell:
1. Cast scry
2. Draw a card (going to be a spell as we have no other types) for casting a non attack spell
3. Search for desired type.
4. Recharge scry.
5. Recharge spell for monster card.
6. Banish monster card to draw a card.
7. Repeat 5-6 until scry is in hand again.
8. Repeat 1-7 until desired card is on the top of the deck.
With mystic bonuses from being a marshal and leveled skills we're at +12 to arcane which grants 100% recharge rate.
Are we misinterpreting the rules or the powers in some way?