R.I.P. Dan Haggerty


Scarab Sages

Rest in Peace Grizzly Adams.

Cancer. Again.

But he was older than 69 (74 to be precise), and not British, so there goes that theory.

Scarab Sages


Liberty's Edge

May he rest in peace and his memory be for a blessing.

I remember watching the show. Thanks for posting.

I'm not crying, you're crying!

Scarab Sages

KenderKin wrote:
I remember watching the show. Thanks for posting.

Same here. Dude was one of a kind. A definite EPIC BEARD MAN. Accept no lame ass substitutes.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What we're coming up against here is that modern mass pop culture is biding adieu to its first wave of pioneers.

I dread how numb we'll all get to it. Thankfully, not yet.

Farewell, Dan Haggerty. And thank you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I don't want this year anymore. I want a refund.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I will always remember the Christmas I desperately wanted a Wonder Woman doll from the Lynda Carter show and instead I unwrapped a Grizzly Adams doll. Knowing now my parents' Christmas-shopping habits, I have no doubt they put off shopping until the stores were sold out and bought what they thought would be the next best thing. After all, Grizzly Adams was my other favorite show besides Wonder Woman.

I was disappointed and bewildered, not having even known they made Grizzly Adams action figures, but I did eventually get my Wonder Woman doll, probably for my birthday in the spring, and I didn't have a Ken doll so Grizzly Adams got to go out with every single one of my Barbies, despite the fact that he was about half a head shorter than them and wore a work shirt and suspenders while they were in evening gowns and heels.

Loved that show. I had a teddy bear named Ben, too.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

They say these things come in threes.
R.I.P David Bowie, Hans Gruber, and Grizzly Adams certainly puts some truth to it.

Joana wrote:

I will always remember the Christmas I desperately wanted a Wonder Woman doll from the Lynda Carter show and instead I unwrapped a Grizzly Adams doll. Knowing now my parents' Christmas-shopping habits, I have no doubt they put off shopping until the stores were sold out and bought what they thought would be the next best thing. After all, Grizzly Adams was my other favorite show besides Wonder Woman.

I was disappointed and bewildered, not having even known they made Grizzly Adams action figures, but I did eventually get my Wonder Woman doll, probably for my birthday in the spring, and I didn't have a Ken doll so Grizzly Adams got to go out with every single one of my Barbies, despite the fact that he was about half a head shorter than them and wore a work shirt and suspenders while they were in evening gowns and heels.

Loved that show. I had a teddy bear named Ben, too.

Seems your parents showed great wisdom in that gift choice...

Scarab Sages

Alex Martin wrote:

They say these things come in threes.

R.I.P David Bowie, Hans Gruber, and Grizzly Adams certainly puts some truth to it.

Except that would be four. There was also Angus Scrimm, just a day or so before Bowie.

Edit: actually even more. The dude who did the voice of Robin Hood in the Disney animated version also just passed.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Lemmy, Bowie, Rickman, Scrimm, Haggerty, Robin Hood Voice Guy...

this year is off to a great start

Liberty's Edge

I really enjoyed the show. May he rest in peace.

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