Vitalist: Question on collective healing:

Advice and Rules Questions


Collective Healing wrote:
Whenever a willing member of the vitalist's collective could regain lost hit points or ability damage, the vitalist may choose to redirect any or all of that healing to one or more other willing members of the collective as a free action.

Nothing that I have read suggests that you can take any free actions besides speaking when it is not your turn.

Does this mean a vitalist cannot use collective healing to transfer healing effects on other people's turns? Like, if I drink a potion, I can transfer the healing to my friends because it's my turn and I can therefore use free actions, but if my friend drinks a potion I cannot assign it to me without having either him or I delay an action to do so?

If so... was it meant to be like that? Is that the design intent? Because that's a lot of restriction put on the ability in a mostly unspoken way that only is apparent if you are somewhat of a rules lawyer. Omitting the phrase "as a free action" would completely change the nature of that ability.

I just noticed this yesterday. It kinda breaks the vitalist for me if it's true. :(

While it says free action, a lot of books/excerpts are getting wrong what free action means. Look at the example they give.

Example: wrote:
Darius the soulknife is a willing member of Jorus the vitalist's collective. He drinks a potion of cure light wounds that would normally heal him for 6 hit points, but Jorus decides to redirect 4 of those points to himself. Darius agrees and, as a result, Darius is healed for 2 hit points, and Jorus is healed for 4. If there were more members in Jorus's collective, Jorus could spread the healing from that potion out even more as long as the sum of hit points healed was no greater than 6.

Unfortunately, the example doesn't let you know when the free action is used, or by whom.

There's a few cases that can be made for this. The free action could mean that anyone in the collective can use their free action to let the Vitalist redirect it. Another could be they meant to put immediate action instead of free(this has happened before) or lastly, it could mean that the vitalist on his turn takes a free action to prime the ability, so that it can be used(such as like a readied action)

flagged afor wrong forum as this is 3rd party - But in this instance I believe it is intended to essentially trigger itself. When someone within the collective heals you can decide whether to re-distribute that healing. The free action part just means it doesn't impact on your other actions. It needs "even when it's not your turn" added to actually accomplish that though.

Oh, didn't know third party stuff didn't belong here. Preferably, could you transfer this to the correct forum instead of banning me or something?

And thanks for the answers!

Grand Lodge

You have to do waaaaaaaay worse than that to get banned. Just flag your first post as "Thread is in wrong forum" and a mod will move it eventually (this one has already been flagged by at least a couple people, but now you know what to do in the future).

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