Getting the math right

Rules Questions


So I was playing a mod yesterday and I had a tiefling multiclass samurai 2/paladin 5 with a katana score a successful critical hit on an evil outsider that he had chosen as his smite. The paladin reads that if the chosen of your smite is an evil outsider and you score a hit on the
Target the damage is doubled on the first successful attack. This was the characters first successful attack so it qualified. My issue is calculations get the damage properly because the damage is further doubled on the critical hit from the katana itself so it's a double on top of a doublegit in terms of damage. I was hopino we did the math right but I wanted to verify this so here is the set up

Strength - 16
He was power attacking, has a 7 BAB, and was using it one handed.
The challenge was used already on another target so it was a non factor.
He has a charisma of 19
He was using a +1 cold iron katana - normally 1d8+1 just by itself
A bardic song was in play ( +2 hit / + 2 damage )

So with this in mind what would be the correct calculated damage?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

3d8 + 3*3 (Str) + 3*1 (Enhancement Bonus) + 3*2 (Inspire Courage) + 3*4 (Power Attack) =
3d8 + 30

Gullyble Dwarf did not do the smite damage. The doubled damage from smite only applies to the bonus damage of the smite, not all damage done. I'm also not sure where he's getting the x3 crit multiplier from.

1d8 (weapon) +3 (str) +1 (enhancement bonus) + 2 (inspire courage) +4 (power attack) +10 (double paladin level)

A katana crits with x2 damage.

Final damage is 2d8+40

2x(1d8+1(katana) +3(str)+2(bard)+10(smite doubled)+4(power attack))

This is assuming he wasn't 2-handing the weapon, otherwise str goes up by 1 and power attack goes up 2 for a total of +6 damage from the crit.

so only the SMITE damage is doubled against the target for your first hit. Smite damage is normally 1 point per paladin level. BUT

If the target of smite evil is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses.

Cullyble dwarf was answering when your total damage was doubled twice, which I think you thought was happening.

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