What are the best classes for a character like Asami Sato from the Legend of Korra?


I have in mind a girl who is part of the aristocracy, has access to resources (money, contacts, materials, facilities) and have pretty good hand-to-hand combat skills. She is wealthy, well educated and charming but capricious, has a wealthy family behind of non royal/noble origin, merchants/patrons in this case rather than industrialists.

I think i can use monk, a monk archetype or another unarmed combat class for the martial artist skills.

But i wonder how to make the aristocrat part of her and the rules to limit/control the access to resources. This is the harder part of her.

Silver Crusade

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Well in combat, Asami never really used her resources, they were always background and more relevant to her story line than her actual combat. In this way, you could just SAY that the character's finances are all tied up in X ventures (which makes sense, moving large amounts of money is difficult), and just go for a monk or unarmed unchained rogue.

Some kind of non mystic monk would probably fit best since she's never armored and skilled at hand to hand fighting, so maybe something like the Martial Artist archetype for monks.

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monk or brawler are the two that come to mind. Though an URogue is a good idea, letting you be Dex based rather than str based, may fit your vision better.

Iori's fist paladin also could be a good idea, take the Noble Scion feat at lv1 to be your tie to aristocracy

Grand Lodge

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A 3rd Party Artificer would be pretty spot on. She uses that Glove like shocking grasp and also pilots many different things. Cars, Hummingbirds, Zeppelins.

Tho what most are saying her unarmed combat is like that of a Brawler. She is not a trained Bender and what she has learned comes from her High intelligence for understanding basic combat.

Most benders represent different Styles of martial arts. Toph's Earth bending is Southern Mantis Kung fu while the more main stream Earth benders are Hung Gar/Choy lee fut Kung fu. Water Bending is Tai Chi (different styles to represent Northern style and southern style). Air Bending is Bagua. Fire Bending is one I can not pin down as it has several offshoots that look like different Harder styles of Kung fu like Xing Yi, Wushu, Wudang, and Shaolin have been seen in many of the movements/forms they do.

So she defiantly wouldn't be a Stylized Monk. Brawler just suits her better. But not as much as a Artificer would.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was just about to mention Artificer, but I didn't realize someone had already modded it for Pathfinder. Brawler would also be a good one, maybe with the Snakebite Striker archetype.

There are a couple traits that would also fit into her background along with the class (Rich Parents and the Noble Family one come to mind).

Grand Lodge

Meraki wrote:

I was just about to mention Artificer, but I didn't realize someone had already modded it for Pathfinder. Brawler would also be a good one, maybe with the Snakebite Striker archetype.

There are a couple traits that would also fit into her background along with the class (Rich Parents and the Noble Family one come to mind).

Yeah there are a few of them.

They had to mod it since 3.5 had XP as part of crafting and the changes PF gave to the game.

But it was a super powerful class in Ebberon...I've not got to play a PF rework for Artificer as of yet but A friend of mine that has, and he loved it. Its not as powerful as the original (Was a Tier 1 class) but its still a great class for the feel of a Techie type of Character.

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What about a high Dex/Weapon Finesse, gauntlet wielding Magus that focuses nearly exclusively on shocking grasp?

Either that or an Investigator - super smart & super resourceful

There's always the rich parents or Chosen Child trait for extra cash at first level

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Machinesmith - a 3PP class from Louis Porter Design might work - it's a heavily modified Alchemist at the core.

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Unchained Scout Rogue with the Monk Variant Multiclass. Take Master Craftsman to be able to make "magic" items, and find a way to get the Galvanic Gauntlet. Take Minor and Major Magic to get Shocking Grasp multiple times a day and flavor it as the gauntlet's energy rather than your own. Maybe get into Outslug Style or Snake Style for flavor.

Asami doesn't have magical powers or anything like that. Her skills are all things normal people could learn. With that in mind, Rogue seems to fit best.

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I don't know what class Asami has, but she has a ton of ranks in Drive (Any-freaking-thing-on-the-planet)!

Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:
A 3rd Party Artificer would be pretty spot on. She uses that Glove like shocking grasp and also pilots many different things. Cars, Hummingbirds, Zeppelins.

I like this suggestion.

Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:

Tho what most are saying her unarmed combat is like that of a Brawler. She is not a trained Bender and what she has learned comes from her High intelligence for understanding basic combat.

Most benders represent different Styles of martial arts. Toph's Earth bending is Southern Mantis Kung fu while the more main stream Earth benders are Hung Gar/Choy lee fut Kung fu. Water Bending is Tai Chi (different styles to represent Northern style and southern style). Air Bending is Bagua. Fire Bending is one I can not pin down as it has several offshoots that look like different Harder styles of Kung fu like Xing Yi, Wushu, Wudang, and Shaolin have been seen in many of the movements/forms they do.

So she defiantly wouldn't be a Stylized Monk. Brawler just suits her better. But not as much as a Artificer would.

I like the brawler for her, it is a good class.

But i disagree on the reasons you say she is not an stylized monk, arguing the benders are monk-like. I see the benders more like sorcerers (with elemental bloodlines), or magus (extempresario/kensai), or kineticists and their moves are just the somatic component of their spells. If they cannot bend, they're far inferior to pure martial combatants. This is why the ki-blockers are so powerful against them.

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