
Rules Questions

So i have a question about the feat power strike. It states that for every 4 BAB, you take a -1 to melee attack rolls and a +2 to damage rolls. What if my BAB is 7.

Always round down. That's a general rule of Pathfinder.

For every 4 BAB...
So things happen at BAB 4, 8, 12, 16, 20.
The penalty doesn't increase and neither does the damage until you reach those points.

Grand Lodge

Assuming you mean Power Attack, you have the following attack penalty/damage progression:

BAB 1-3 To hit -1, Damage +2
BAB 4-7 To hit -2, Damage +4
BAB 8-11 To hit -3, Damage +6
BAB 12-15 To hit -4, Damage +8
BAB 16-19 To hit -5, Damage +10
BAB 20 To hit -6, Damage +12

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