Samurai in hells rebels?

Hell's Rebels

Hello friendly forum members my group is gonna start hells rebels soon and I'm thinking of playing a samurai I'm here today looks for suggestions, first off I'll be using the sword Saint archtype, 25 point buy. I have questions regarding how effective a intimate build would be? How good/useful it is to have some aoe cleave/whirlwind attack etc... Any and all advice is welcome thanks!

Silver Crusade Contributor

Please don't use Sword Saint. I love the theme, but it's a trap.

Instead, consider building toward the Deadly Stroke feat. It builds off Dazzling Display, so it dovetails well with your Intimidate idea.

Cleave is just fine, but Whirlwind Attack is very prerequisite-heavy. Consider Great Cleave instead.

Why is sword Saint bad? Also we are using a revised feat system so whirlwind attack is not feat intensive in this situation

Silver Crusade Contributor

Iaijutsu strike is far too hard to set up. You need to have your weapon sheathed and start your turn in combat with an enemy, and you can only do it once per foe. You then take a huge hit to AC. All for the privilege of a few d6s of extra damage.

Well while it may be hard to set up and sub optimal I'm not gonna use the horse at all to be honest

Silver Crusade Contributor

I totally respect that. ^_^

I really wish there were another archetype to accomplish that, though. Or another archetype, period.

My dm is pretty flexible so I think he'll let me make it easier to use, like he has had this fantasy idea of the samurai that runs with his blade sheathed makes 1 attack goes another 10ish feet and the guy just dying, so I might end up being able to do it with spring attack

Silver Crusade Contributor

If your GM is willing to work with you, the archetype has a lot of potential. It sounds like they're pretty flexible about such things.

Don't mind me, then. ^_^
Here's a link to the revised feats we will be using

Shadow Lodge

Deadly Stroke is pretty good. Takes a ton of levels to get to though. Try to get Cornugon Smash early and ask if you can use the Hurtful feat from Monster Codex. Helps getting the most out of Intimidate before the crown jewel.

I play a demoralizing Samurai in PFS and the only problem about the intimidation feat tree is that if you happen to challenge the target too they're most likely dead after hitting 2-3 times. Shatter Defenses needs 3 hits to get rolling afterall.

This campaign is heavy around stealth/espionage/and charisma-based skills - don't skimp on those when making your char!

Luckily Samurai get a good choice of skills to work with the campaign, even if they lack sneaky skills.

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Yea I've been reading the players guide, also I was thinking about picking up cut from the air and smash from the air and use those to deflect arrows and rays and such (those feats are from the weapon masters book)

Yea the first character I made was a battle herald so was not about stealth at all she was all out in the open viva la revolution!! But after I read the samurai I was like I'll play a subtler character

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