Help with my feral hunter build


Good morning!

I've been playing around with a Feral Hunter build, but I am wondering how I can increase the damage done by my PC further... Who can help with my build??

I'm a not so skilled in all rules and modifiers... so correct me where I'm wrong!!! I made some sample damage calculations to base the additional feats and spells I want to add on...

I want to do some hurt with a greatsword and as a bear. I choose the skinwalker coldborn as my race. (It's not optimal but I like the flavor...).

My stats are (high fantasy point buy):
STR 16
+ feral focus bonus = first + str 2, at level 8 + str 4
+ Strength mod in shape = 4
+ levelup ability scores...
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 16

My feats are (If I'm right they both have also usage while wildshaped..):
1: Power attack
3: Cleave
5: Natural spell
7: ??
9: Eldritch claws
Teamwork feat: Precise Strike (+1d6 damage while flanking)

When I do some math I come to the following damages:
Greatsword power attack:
Lv 1 = 2d6 + str 4+2 + powerattack 3 X 1 attack = 2d6 + 9 (max 21)
lv 6 = 2d6 + str 4+2 + powerattack 6 X 1 attack = 2d6 + 12 (max 24)
Lv 8 = 2d6 + str 7+3 + powerattack 6 X 2 attack = 4d6 + 32 (max 56)
Lv 12 = 2d6 + str 7+3 + powerattack 12 X 2 attack = 4d6 + 44 (max 68)

Lv 8 = Claws 1d6 + bite 1d8 + str 6x2 + powerattack 4x2 X 2 =
2d6 + 2d8 + 40 (max 68)
Lv 12 = Claws 1d6 + bite 1d8 + str 6x2 + powerattack 6x2 X 2 =
2d6 + 2d8 + 48 (max 76)

Off course these values are without damage from summoned animals and flanking bonus... Also I left out spell damage and bonus attacks from cleave...

What would you change? What spells would you choose? What feats are also great?

What if forgot... If I did the the numbers correctly and if this is a playable build that does enough damage to work is most important.. Offcourse all other advice is welcom!

for stats, if you don't want a really big dumpstat, would be to go
16/14/15(13+2)/10/14(12+2)/8(10-2), having such a low con as you do is bad for someone in melee, and wisdom doesn't need to be that high, you just need enough for your spells.

on your direbear you say bite is 1d8 and then calculate it as 2d8, why is that?

Personally I'm not a fan of cleave, even less so since you could gain pounce when you're in animal form.

Cleave is out :-) was in doubt about that one.

I did the damage of the claws and the bite attack twice... One for the first and one for the second bab I get at level 8. I splitted the examples where something interesting happened :-)

I took claws as being one attack with 2 claws.. Not like an attack with two weapons. Therefor I gave powerattack bonus to the claws and the bite...

I'm not sure you understand how natural attacks work. Natural attacks don't get more attacks for high BAB.

Lets say at lv4 you have claws and a bite. That is 2 separate claw attacks and 1 bite attack, all at highest BAB.

At lv20 you have claws and a bite. That is 2 separate claw attacks and 1 bite attack, all at highest BAB.

so you're examples are
Lv 8 = (Claws 1d6 +str 6 + power attack 4) x 2 attacks + bite 1d8 + str 6 + powerattack 4 =
2d6 + 1d8 + 30 (max 50)
Lv 12 = (Claws 1d6 +str 6 + power attack 6) x 2 attacks + bite 1d8 + str 6 + powerattack 6 =
2d6 + 1d8 + 36 (max 56)

their advantage comes from their better accuracy
Your greatsword at lv8 is 6(bab)+6(str)/1(bab)+6(str)
your natural attacks are at 6(bab)+8(str) for all three.
*assuming you're at str 22 16+4 focus+2 level ups, 26 when shaped.

I'm new to everything polynorf/wildshape/naturalattack.... I'll google the natural attack bid...

But isn't there a big difference in damage then?? Already higher without weapon enchantments from the start... What am I missing??

The rest of my calculations were fine??

I think we're still off :-)
there is a feral focus +4 strength, size mod +4 both added to strength 18... So that's 26 strength...

The example will be:
Lv 8 = (Claws 1d6 +str 8 + power attack 4) x 2 attacks + bite 1d8 + str 8 + powerattack 4 =
2d6 + 1d8 + 36 (max 56)
Lv 12 = (Claws 1d6 +str 8 + power attack 6) x 2 attacks + bite 1d8 + str 8 + powerattack 6 =
2d6 + 1d8 + 42 (max 62)

Right or still wrong :-)

That's looking right.

Is the damage output below or above averige? How is my build doing?

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