Who created the 'Adventure Finder' feature?

Website Feedback

Grand Lodge

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I just stumbled across it completely by accident.
Wow! What a great idea and resource!

Who can we thank for this awesomeness???

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I believe that was the work of Liz Courts.

Community & Digital Content Director

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Yup, that'd be Liz who came up with that awesome section of the store. She works pretty regularly to keep it tidy and up to date too :)

Community Manager

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Ninjas. not just good at espionage and assassinations, but also, organization, who knew...

Community Manager

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A well-organized ninja is able to eliminate problems with the utmost efficiency, allowing for more frequent problem-solving.

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I bow to your impressive set of ninja powers! :)

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Dude! Seriously?

That is fricken' amazing.

I'd ask you to marry me Liz, but that would be super weird, and creepy, and my wife probably wouldn't be too happy about it either. XD

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No, I do not believe the likely very thin (one would maybe say skeletal, yep bad pun) Mrs. Mendedwall12 may not like that at all.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The awesomeness of Ms Courts is beyond description.

It is known.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

She's an absolute dream!

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Liz Courts wrote:
A well-organized ninja is able to eliminate problems with the utmost efficiency, allowing for more frequent problem-solving.

So, Lawful Evil then?

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I've said it before, and I am certain that I will say it again in the future: Liz Rocks! :D

Community Manager

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Cthulhudrew wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
A well-organized ninja is able to eliminate problems with the utmost efficiency, allowing for more frequent problem-solving.
So, Lawful Evil then?

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

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Through passion, I gain strength.

Sovereign Court

I noticed that 3.5 modules/APs/scenarios aren't included in the region finder. Is there any chance of getting an option for those to be included?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nightdrifter, does this help? It's a little rough, but that should give you filters for 3.5 adventures by level, nation, city, and location.

Sovereign Court

Ya, that helps thanks!

Just figured paizo might want to not exclude some of their own products from searches ;)

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