Support Halfling


So soon we will be starting a RotRL remake of which I'll be playing in (I GM'd the old one a long time ago so I'm fairly familiar with it), and we like to do themed parties (currently also playing through MM with a Cap, Thor, Hawkeye, Dr. Strange, Antman Avengers group). The new party looks like "stunties on a giant hunt" so I'm looking at the small races plus dwarves.

One of the other players is want g to do a halfling cavalier, so I want to build a support character brother to back him up. 20 pt buy, something with reach to stand behind him, be a little fighty, and spot heal him when necessary. I like the bodyguard tree but it's fairly feat intensive. What would be the best class/archetype combo for this?

Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, my search fu is weak. Thanks!

Support? Reach? Healing?

Go bard. Grab a whip and assist/maneuver with reach.

Evidently there's some halfling sling/slingstaff based feats in the weaponmaster book.

Maybe combine them with inquisitor, bard, magus archetype, or cleric to provide a ranged support type?

It's not reach, but themed halfling instead.
If you do druid or ranger, your animal companion could be his melee partner.

Play another cavalier. Act as his second in command and former squire. Take the order of the paw, helpful Halfling trait, and instead of a lance wield a longspear.

You can tank using Fight Defensively on the front lines and pick up combat expertise. Then go down the combat reflexes/bodyguard route. When you hit BAB +6 pick up Swift Aid.

If you REALLY want to maximize your support of your "brother" then give your mount the Combat Reflexes/Bodyguard feats through the bodyguard archetype. Then you focus on delivering Aid Another to him on his attacks while your mount bolsters his defenses.

Whatever way you go you're gonna want to take a look at Teamwork feats. I'm not saying they're a must but since cavaliers get them free and can pass them out, look through some like Shake it Off, Outflank, or Shield Wall.

One teamwork feat you might look at is Harrying Partners. Basically any ally that also has the feat and you grant an Aid Another bonus to, that bonus sticks around for the whole round instead of a single attack. So:

1. You're cavalier and hand out harrying partners to your party
2. you use your longspear to deliver a +4 attack bonus on a single foe for your "brother"
3. you use a Swift action to deliver another +1 against that foe
4. all of your "brother's" attacks against that guy this whole round are +5 to hit
5. after your "brother" has dealt his damage the foe is still up and counterattacks; your mount delivers Aid Another through Bodyguard to give him an AC bonus; that bonus sticks around against all of that foe's attacks, not just the first one

Now if you want to add in healing, might I suggest either a hunter or a sacred huntmaster. You've got a full animal companion for the same feat shenanigans above. You've also got druid and ranger spells up to 6th level so plenty of healing, summoning up Aid Another partners and a couple battlefield control spells to ensure your "brother's" charge attacks go well.

The nice thing about both is that they get bonus teamwork feats too and they share those feats automatically with their ACs. If your "brother" was willing to take Shake it Off for example and you took it as well, your AC would get it as well granting +3 on all saves when you're together.

Another thing to consider: Surprise Rounds. If you take an animal companion and you go the bodyguard archetype route for them, they auto-act in the surprise round by level 3. A nice teamwork feat there is Lookout. Now if one of you can act both of you can. What's more, if you jacked up your perception so high that you could've gone anyway then you both get a move AND a standard action this round.

If those goblins jump out and you knew they were there you can
1. Move pull a scroll of bull's strength
2. Move from your Animal Companion to get next to your brother
3. Standard cast bull's strength on him
4. Standard from your AC to bite attack one of the goblins

When the round begins your "brother" already has a +2 attack/damage advantage, is ready to start swinging and you're perfectly in place to provide attack and defense bonuses.

Cornielius wrote:

Evidently there's some halfling sling/slingstaff based feats in the weaponmaster book.

Maybe combine them with inquisitor, bard, magus archetype, or cleric to provide a ranged support type?

It's not reach, but themed halfling instead.
If you do druid or ranger, your animal companion could be his melee partner.

Yet again another way to maximize teamwork feats. Take Covering Fire: hand out the AC buff from Aid Another at range. Add in Harrying Partners and get your "brother" to take that feat too. Now you throw a single sling bullet, he gets an AC bonus against all attacks from that foe for the round.

Take warslinger racial trait, weapon focus with the sling, pick up a sling staff, take Slipslinger Style feat, and add in the above teamwork feats. Finish off with rapid shot. Sure, this takes you a while and a lot of feats, but now you're covering your "brother" from like 3 different foes a round from range with +4 AC bonuses.

Put benevolent on your sling staff to add more to the AC bonus. Take levels in hunter to pick up one of the teamwork feats free. Your feats look like this:

Level 1 Weapon Focus: Sling
Level 2 Bonus Precise Strike
Level 3 Point Blank Shot
Level 3 Bonus Covering Fire
Level 5 Slipslinger Style
Level 6 Bonus Lookout
Level 7 Rapid Shot
Level 9 Harrying Partners
Level 9 Bonus Coordinated Shot

At this point you're attacking 3 times into melee with at least a +9 from BAB and feats from 30'. If you have a bodyguard animal companion you're acting all the time, even in the surprise round. When your "brother" is surrounded by foes on all sides you're delivering three separate Aid Another bonuses from range, each bonus defending him for the round against a different attacker.

You've also got spells, an Animal Companion to keep you safe and decent attack accuracy if you need switch to offense. Your damage will never be amazing but your buffs will ensure that your team stays safe and delivers improved damage long term.

Grand Lodge

you could dip a level into the Freebooter ranger archetype. give everyone a buff as they swarm a singled out enemy.

@carl: that or oracle was first thought since I'm playing a +cha race, but neither of them are very fighty without a str or feat investment.
@Cornelius: I don't really want to do range, as I want to be in the thick of it with touch heals and aid another/bodyguard anyway. Unfortunately I don't think I would have the wisdom for druid or ranger.
@mark: I don't really want to double up with classes, but I like some ideas in your first build. Can't do the spot healer with cavalier either. Then he could be my squire! Thanks for the second build, but as I said ranged isn't really the direction I want to go.
@selvaxri: seems interesting, but again ranged or heavy str investment.
Edit: I guess what I'm looking for specifically is a dex-based reach healer. Thanks for the inputs guys! Keep it coming!

Grand Lodge

Oradin? Grab a reach weapon and enjoy your levels of paladin to help boost your BaB.

Other option is a Bard...

Lastly there is the evangelist cleric.

I've thought about oradin but I'm worried how it would jive with being halfling, or just small in general. Is that a problem?

I don't "get" the evangelist cleric. Like mechanically. What's it's action economy supposed to be?

Grand Lodge

Say you take the heroism domain and sacred summoning.

Your turn;
Standard: Summon critter
Move: start performance
Swift: active heroism domain

+4 to everyone's to hit...among things you gain.

Because you brought in a critter it goes now with you +4..if u summoned it into flanking it has +6..
If you have augmented summoning it has +7 to hit...

Now that your buffed you use combat reflexes and reach to get in turn you can move and attack or cast...

Action economy on an evangelist is awesome.

Have you considered the Skald class?

@Fruian: wow that sounds pretty good. Right now that an oradin are leading contenders.
@zonugal: no I haven't spent much time with the class. Do you have a link to any favorite guides for it?

Culsandar wrote:
@zonugal: no I haven't spent much time with the class. Do you have a link to any favorite guides for it?

And boom goes the dynomite

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