Can I add other divine spells to the feral hunter spell list?


I would love to add some cleric spells to the feral hunters spell list. 1st level: Bless weapon, bless water and 2nd level: align weapon...

Are there any options besides multiclassing to add these to the spell list? I'm building a monster hunter pc, these spells would match my theme :-)

The only way I know would be an alternate racial trait for Samsaran.

Take the celestial obedience or deific obedience feat and worship an appropriate deity; Andoletta gives align weapon (good or law) at 12th level for example, sooner if you take the mystery cultist PrC.

Various items give you bless weapon, and you can just buy holy water at cost.

That's a Bribe Your DM With Pizza question.

I'll take 2 traits. Racial heritage samsaran with mystic past life feat. My wisdom is 14, do i get 5 + 1 spells :-D

Nope. Mystic past life isn't a race trait, it's an alternate racial trait. Racial Heritage and/or adopted won't get you it. You need to be an actual samsaran if you go that way.

To be clear, alternate racial traits aren't traits that you can select with your initial 2 traits or with the Additional Traits feat. They're things which you can only get by exchanging the appropriate racial trait as noted in their descriptions. MPL says 'This racial trait replaces shards of the past.' so unless you have shards of the past as part of your race, you can't get it.

Missed that part :-(

Options left are spell research or pizza :-D

Since a samsaran can get the spells, is it suitable to give the feral hunter options for other divine spells by the spell research rules?

I wouldn't use samsaran as your example, I'd use the tanglebriar demonslayer archetype for the ranger. Since one type of ranger can get access to align weapon and some related spells, a hunter which is like a more caster-y ranger might reasonably develop the same.

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