Painted myself in a corner for my next game and I have not idea what to do next


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So in our last session, I tossed in some just weird encounters. Those encounters were seeds I wanted to plant and explore later. Only players to always operate that way...alas.

So our Druid has been kinda of lost and listless. She lost her first animal companion a few sessions ago to the Skinsaw man. She only had one, and had no plans to take on any others. I wanted to give her a story where she could shine.

I had I'd include a scenario where rats in the city of Magnimar begin to appear more abundantly than normal, this catches our druid's attention. Then she notices that they are stopping and it looks like they are "talking" to each other and looking... right at her.

In fact they are.

All I planned to do was setup a scene where she might/might not try to figure out what was going on. Instead, I hit my insanity button and drove this up to 11.

They not only did that they began to swarm her in public, but not overwhelm her. Only 1 approached and attempted to climb on her.
The others only moved like a mass of rats all around her.

After some time the party gets a speak with animals scroll and asks the rats what's going on to which I had them reply, "He has returned!" "Help" "You're like him" "Run!" "He comes"

That was all I had planned. I had thought that I'd run a side trek where a Cat Lord had pursued a Rat Lord to Magnimar, with the intent to kill him/her. And I wanted to throw the party in-between.

But now... I'm not sold on my own idea.
I'm thinking that an Urban Druid has taken over a section of the sewer system and is doing ... something. I just don't have a brain cell active to decide what that it is.
Running a thieves guild incorporating wererats, rat kings, and rats themselves?
Is doing horrible fungi growth bent on destroying the city? Or is under the control of Fungus Queen and is summoning others to be controlled by her...
Is under the influence of a intellect devourer?

Lots of half-thoughts, nothing concrete.
I'm not even sold on my own ideas and welcome suggestions and ideas from others.

Help me Advice board!
I need your help!!!

There are 6 players, 6th level (Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Wizard(Conjurer), Inquisitor of Abadar, and a Cleric of Desna) total.
We are very close to the end of Chapter two in the Skinsaw Murders, RotRL AP.

Make it a Hobgoblin blight druid, follower of Lamashtu and you can make it the lead in for book 3.

possible book 2/3 spoilers for RotRL:

They are trying to weaken the city by causing sickness and disease, and using the rats to spread it through the food supply so that they can make the attacks to the north with no reinforcements.

If you run the druid fight before the tower fight at end of book 2, let them find a note on him telling him to go southwest and "meet my sister in Magnimmar" who will find a use for him in weakening the defenses of the largest city threat.

If you run the druid after the tower have them find a note of introduction in the tower treasure/papers addressed to "my dear little sister" and mentioning that the bearer will be invaluable in weakening the defenders of the city so that they can not interfere with our plans to the northeast.

Then, you can use all kinds of nasty critters in the sewers without incorporating yet another guild in a city where they are cleaning out a murder cult.

This lets you use rats, plagues, were-rats, and even opens up the fungal queen option if you want to take it that far.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm almost in the same place with RotRL.
Your premise seems cool. Why not use the picture from the guide to Magnimar of the wererat with an intellect devourer climbing out of its skull. An intellect devourer has gained control of a wererat druid and is using its powers to send swarms of rats on suicide missions. Some of the rats/wererats realize that they are being destroyed by this rogue agent and they seek the help of your PC druid to eliminate this internal threat.

Standard wererats won't be much of a threat to 6th level PCs, but give em class levels, and they will do the trick.
Having several intellect devourers riding wererat chassis with class levels would be a great challenge.

What's more, Mme X (from RotRL chapter 2) could have discovered the situation and started using the mindblasted wererats for her own designs, tying this homebrew episode into the overall campaign thread.

Urban druid is a good idea, maybe some evil Willard influence, spreading disease, maybe bent on ruining the sewers so the wasteful city dwellers will drown in their own filth, etc. I could see that being a pretty cool hook, I as the Druid PC would take that bait, cheeese!!!!!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Fantastic, thanks.
Started building a Blight Druid last night...quite different.

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