Ya'akov |
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So, I just wanted to share this; this happened during our game Saturday.
Our Kasatha Bloodrager, Nositelnev, introduced us to an old friend of his. He's always been one of the more quiet ones, at least until we get into combat, and then he just smashes anything that isn't a party member, or a tree.
But then he introduced us to his friend, who is also his mount. His name is Gargaragaragara (Gar, for short). He is an awakened, Mighty, Giant Hamster with white Dragon scale barding.
Uh, wait, What!?
He also possess a spell-like ability, a GM'd "Skyward Teleport"; essentially teleports him anywhere that isn't on the ground. This mean that when he first shows up, he seems to fall out of the sky!
The introduction goes something like this; "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Gar..." *Very swiftly mounts his hamster, points eastward Excitedly* "WE RIDE!!!!!" *Whoosh*.
Hope someone got a laugh out of that. While we're on the subject, what's the funniest, yet most random thing you've seen in a campaign?

Ya'akov |
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In our Kingmaker campaign my Inquisitor came to possess a Instant Fortress, and when the time came for our group to have a show down with the lich giant Vordakin I DROPPED THE FORTRESS ON HIM! A crit was rolled, near max damage insued and that's how my inquisitor "Wizard of Oz'd" the lich!
Sweet! I did that to a Vampire once; sent him flying like Team Rocket on a bad day. (It was funny, because that same Vampire kept coming back, and we kept 1-Hit-KO'ing him).

GM_Beernorg |
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I once played a half-orc knight, Ser Beernorg Drankhul (oh hey, wonder where my avatar name comes from...), along the course of the adventure, I bought a war dog puppy (an Irish wolfhound, cause tradition!). His name was Squire. Well, once Squire grew up and was war trained, he went into battle with me. So a bit later on in the game, our dwarven paladin contracts lycanthropy. Decides to pray to his god to (for what ever reason I will never know) to give the disease to my war dog instead of him. GM allows it, and what happens when a dog is a were-wolf, he is instead a were-human, aka, turns into a human during the full moon. At least the GM was nice enough to also give Squire an Int boost to 10, and the ability to use "dire dog form" basically enlarge, in trade for the paladin (and the player) being insane. So now now war dog is as intelligent as an average person and can become winter wolf sized, ok, not a bad trade overall. (RPed Squire hating being a human, with no fur, soft skin, stupid blunt teeth and only two legs, bahhh!)
The crux of the story comes during a pitched and very important battle. My now very smart (for a dog) war dog Squire turns size large, rips a rifle out of an enemy gnome rifleman's hands, bangs the gun against the stone floor, and would ya know, nat 20, gun goes off and shoots the gnome, who promptly surrenders. Why, because a horse sized dog just fracking shot him, I would surrender too!

HWalsh |
How Gwyn of Iomedae killed a demon.
So, our group was fighting a demonic enemy who decided to flee. He took wing and flew off. So my Paladin lept onto the Druid's companion Damocles, a Roc, and gave chase.
The demon realizes it can't escape and casts Darkness. The Roc can't see but I can due to dark vision. The Roc refused to enter the ball of darkness however so Gwyn of Iomedae decides:
I don't care how high up we are, I'm killing that Demon.
So Gwyn leaps off of the Roc determined to kill the demon with his Holy lance and... Scores a critical.
We all plunge to the ground and... Let's just say I'm glad I had Hero's Defiance.

Lycar |
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Back in the days of 3.0, our party had just finished clearing the dungeons below a mountain abbey from nasties and were in the abbot's office, reporting our success.
At that moment, a dimensional portal opens and some kind of bug-demon-thing steps through.
My 12th-level Fighter/Devoted Defender manages to gain initiative on the thing and (keen and improved critical still stacking back then) proceeds to hit it 3 times, including 2 confirmed crits. After the math was done and the demon-thing took some 96ish damage, it promptly dissolved into ichor.
This prompted the following IC exchange:
Rogue: "What was that thing?"
Fighter: *shrugs* "Dunno. Probably nothing dangerous."
Took us a minute or tow to stop laughing.