Khelvan |
I am running this AP with a group of 9 people.
After a lot of time they made it to the entrance of the Guiltspur and
fought the Curator.
Since it didnt go well for him he run and the party didnt catch him.
So he stayed hidden and watched them..........
They cleared most of the Level until they came to the temple of
There they split the team one part went back to the entrance to look after the books there the others went to the tower of dream.
And now come the part i need advice.
My Curator closed the door to the towwer room and shut it up from his side with a wall of Force spell.
Effectively isolating the 2 group parts then went to the library and began wipping the bottom with the PCs there :).
So my question is can the part in the Tower room noitce that something is wrong beside the door is closed?
Can they be contacted if so how since because of the reactor certain things dont work.......
How could the leave the room?
And finaly how much TP does the Guiltspur walls have?
Assuming they want to break out of this room........