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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks that will help.

If i get the last comment right the dominate wouldnt work because
the changed target isnt realy valid in its original form and this form still applies for the spell.



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


i know thats probably an old isuue and i can look it up via google.
I did but i dont found solid answers to my issues.
The problem is i have some anoying rules laywers in the campaign which i master and the just went to far with their attitude.
So there are somethings coming together would could lead to an TPK and i need to be sure in my interpretation of the rules.
So therefore i need an advice to the following Question:

First can an Gargantuan Monster use Alter self to change into a samll creature like a Halfling?
In the Spell i found no restriction about it.

Second if the Monster has Magic Resistance in its normal form would it have it in the Halfling form too?

Third if something changes in Halfling form what is not a Halfling and
its normaly not affected by dominate Person and someone casts dominate person on it. Would that work since its not a person?
Alter self changes the form but not the type / Charachter of the Creature?

Four how long does it takes in combat rounds to change the altered form back form Halfing to origianal form?

Fifth if one cast Dominate on someone and the target makes the save does the target recognize the failed attempt?

Six if someone has Mindblank and Displacement on itself and the attacker has true seeing then MB would block he true seeing and the Displacemnt would still work correct?

Any advice welcome.



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


i know thats probably an old isuue and i can look it up via google.
I did but i dont found solid answers to my issues.
The problem is i have some anoying rules laywers in the campaign which i master and the just went to far with their attitude.
So there are somethings coming together would could lead to an TPK and i need to be sure in my interpretation of the rules.
So therefore i need an advice to the following Question:

First can an Gargantuan Monster use Alter self to change into a samll creature like a Halfling?
In the Spell i found no restriction about it.

Second if the Monster has Magic Resistance in its normal form would it have it in the Halfling form too?

Third if something changes in Halfling form what is not a Halfling and
its normaly not affected by dominate Person and someone casts dominate person on it. Would that work since its not a person?
Alter self changes the form but not the type / Charachter of the Creature?

Four how long does it takes in combat rounds to change the altered form back form Halfing to origianal form?

Fifth if one cast Dominate on someone and the target makes the save does the target recognize the failed attempt?

Six if someone has Mindblank and Displacement on itself and the attacker has true seeing then MB would block he true seeing and the Displacemnt would still work correct?

Any advice welcome.



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks so far.
My problem is that i have some people who take the rules very seriously so i have to prove it by the rules.

So if i understand it right UMD will not help overcome the negative levels by the robe of the archmage because the mage in question have to done it before he can make the check and therefore its to late?
So second one water walking can get drawn under water.
Are there any rules for that?
I read the under water combat section but that doesn't cover it.
Any advice?
I need to know how to handle it.
All i found you have to make a grapple check to get the target.
What i dont know is how much can the target get drawn under in one round and how is that handled?
What strength is necessary to overcome the spell as long as the grapple holds?



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello i need some advice conerning 2 questions.
Its possible that it was asked before but i didnt found it and i need
an answer to this before the next session i have to master.
First if one uses an Robe of the Archamge with another alignmeent
then the user has can he / she use usse Magical device to use it
without getting the 2 level penalty?
Is it possible to simulate the alignment to use the robe without penalty?

Second question:
If one uses water walk can the user get dragged under water while the spell is running?
Is there any rules for that?

Best regards


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If have two question about that spell since its now heavily used in my campaign.
First it lets the user know what spells are on effect on something he / she sees.
What is with magic items the target wears. There auras are visible too.
Can the user use GAS to determine what this items are?

The spell says that the caster concentrates on a target he can determine what if and what caster level the target has.

How long does one need to concentrate?
And what can the person that does the concentrating do ( which Action are allowed ) do in that time?

Any advice welcome.



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I could be that this in some other thread but i didnt found anything.
Since my campaign is at an critical point i need to know how to handle some 2 spells.

If one casts mage private sanctum and a cleric or wizard enters the
protected area with active detection spells do they work in the sanctum area?


Arcane sight greater lets you detect a magic auras and b casterlevel and spellcaster abilities if one has ist.

So if a thief is hiding in shadow with magic items would he be detected by a wizard with greater arcane sight because the wiz seees the auras of his items?

Point two assuming one is overtaken by a ghost with malevolence and the
ghost has caster level.
Would the Wiz see that a group member has gained spellcasting abilities all of a sudden or not?

Any advice welcome.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of rubber dipped in glue)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round/level
You surround yourself in a whirling barrier of force that sends any attack that misses you hurling back toward its source. This applies to any melee or ranged attack directed against you so long as it uses an attack roll to determine whether or not it strikes you. If an attack misses you, the attacker must make a second attack roll against its own Armor Class, using all of the applicable modifiers of the original attack and if it hits, the attacker takes the attack's damage and suffers all the other consequences of getting struck with that attack. You cannot deflect attacks that miss you for any reason besides a failed attack roll (such as concealment). Similarly, you cannot deflect attacks that actually do strike you but simply fail to do any harm.

My question is how is a miss defined that this spells is triggered?
Assuming the Wizard using that spell has Mirror Images would a hit on an Image count as miss and therefore trigger the deflection?

Any advise?



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am running this AP with a group of 9 people.
After a lot of time they made it to the entrance of the Guiltspur and
fought the Curator.
Since it didnt go well for him he run and the party didnt catch him.
So he stayed hidden and watched them..........
They cleared most of the Level until they came to the temple of
There they split the team one part went back to the entrance to look after the books there the others went to the tower of dream.
And now come the part i need advice.
My Curator closed the door to the towwer room and shut it up from his side with a wall of Force spell.
Effectively isolating the 2 group parts then went to the library and began wipping the bottom with the PCs there :).
So my question is can the part in the Tower room noitce that something is wrong beside the door is closed?
Can they be contacted if so how since because of the reactor certain things dont work.......
How could the leave the room?
And finaly how much TP does the Guiltspur walls have?
Assuming they want to break out of this room........



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

One question.
Fighter A attacksb BBEG a has true seeing.
BBEG has displacment spell and mirror images and spell resistance.
Must A beat the SR of BBEG so that true seeing does work on him?
If so and A doesnt beat the SR woud then the mirror images and the displacement spell work against A?

Best regards.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

One other thing i need to clear up.

A fighter with tripping strike gets an AoO and hits critically.
The target falls.
Tripping strike says that tripping a target triggers an AoO against the Target.
Since the fighter has had an AoO against that target would he get a second one, assuming he had combat reflexe ?
In the rules is stated one has only one AoO against a specific target. Would that apply here to and the AoO from tripping strike is wasted?


Best regards


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hello its possible that it was asked, but i didnt found something.
I need to know how the following would be handled correct.

BBEG casts scorching ray at target and hits 3 times.

Target has resist fire 30 / SR 24 and a Spellturning spell with
7 Spell levels left.

What applies first?

Does the BBEG needs to beat the SR First or would the Spell be turned first?
Since its a 2 Level spell it would cost 2 Levels from the Spellturning for all rays or 2 per ray?

Best regards


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Bad choice for the example spell.
It was meant as an example.
Ok assuming we take Shoking Grasp and if i understand it right one can increase the range to long for increasing the Spell to Level 4 or
higher when using the right spot.
So assuming one casts the spell from a distance of a assuming
2 Miles with line of sight to the target and hits.
How long would it take to affect the target?
Same turn as the casting?
Just asking if the increase in range has any effect on the moment a "reached " spell effects its target.
Assuming the to hit roll is succesfull.

Best regards


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have a question conccerning the reach spell feat from APG.
It allows the increase of the range of spell thats clear.
But assuming one increases the range of a spell for example Fireball
or lightning ball to unlimited and then cast it from a range
of 20 Miles on a target.
Line of sight is there.
How long woud that spell need from the source until its impact?
The same turn its cast?
Are there any rules concerning the time needed from source to target?

Best regards


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Its a simple question.
I looked in the board but i didnt find an explicit anwer.
If one fights with 2 weapons he only adds 1/2 strengh to damage
at second weapon.
But what is with to hit?
Assuming strengh 18 he gets only +2 on damage but does he get
the +4 on hit for the second weapon?

Any advice welcome.



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I got a question concerning Traits and heighten spell.

What happens when a 7 Level wizard with
Magical lineage Lightning bolt uses heighten Spell on this.
If he prepares it in a 4 Level slot could / would that spell count
as a 5 Level?

Third Level spell + 2 heighten - magical lineage = effective 4 Level.

In this case the Wizard doesnt have 5 level slots.
As what level would the lightning count?

4 or 5?

Best reegards


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I need some advice on this feat.

If one takes Haste as prefered spell which is a third Level spel.
If the wizard then uses a higher slot to cast haste for example
a fourth or 5 level Slot.
As what level would this hast count?
Could the wizdard use a wand of lesser extend on this casting assuming
no changes through aplying any metamgich in the casting.
What is the DC of the spell 10 +3 + intelligence mod or would it be
10 + used slot + intelligences mod?

Best regards.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Got a question.

When an Item has the Requirement for creation
CL 11 + Craft Magical Item and Limited Wish.
Then the check for Spellcarft would be 16 assuming the Creator fullfills
all requirements.

What is when the Creater is only 10 Level.
So he hasnt the required level anc cant cast Limited wish.
According to the rules that would increase the Check by 10.
+ 5 for CL
and + 5 for not having limited Wish.

So the spellcraft check would be 26.

Could the one create that item missing the 2 requirements?

Best reards.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


i am thinking about running LOF. I read the until now published
adventures. But i dont have any idea about the main story
in this path.
Can someone give me an overview what this AP is all about or
where i can find that information.

The last 2 Campaigns i mastered didnt went realy well :(
Therefore i need to prepare this as good as possible....
So any advice welcome.



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Perhaps i am missing it.
But in the old AP there were recommendations which Level the party
should have.
I am preparing CoCT AP but i dont see something like it in the
Did i miss it or is something like it missing?
I would be interested to know which level the party should have
at the end of Edge of Anarchy.

Any Advice welcome.



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

We finished the Fiery Sanctum some weeks ago and stopped the Campaing there.
There is still some things to clear up.
My Problem is my Party shut down the Tree and it is now standing there.
What can They do with it?
Its Adamamnt i believe, can they recycle it to usefull things?
Are there any rules for that?


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
silenttimo wrote:


it will all depends on the kind of character you will play (roguish, arcane, fighting type or divine).
What books (i.e. races, classes, feats...) does your DM allow ?
What alignment & race do you intend to play ?
What is your gaming style ?

Without spoiling STAP, I would say Sasserine, where it all begins, is a harbour city, and you'll have water during the campaign.

All 3.5 books except Book of nine Swords and Minitarhandbook.

Alignement none Evil everything els is open.

Gaming normally playing Arcane Charachters but not sure if i want one at the Moment.

In your experience is a really good combat Mage necesssary in this AP?


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Fiendish Dire Weasel wrote:

Well, first of all it depends on what everyone else in your group is doing. If noone else has decided, let me give a few recommendations:

Good Classes to consider:

Swashbuckler - you won't want to wear lots of heavy armor in a tropical and aquatic environment anyway. armor sinks REAL fast. So they're one of the better fighter types. Plus, it just feels appropriate given the adventure setting and style. My party has one and he's great.

Monk - see above, good fighter type with no armor issues

Rogue - every group of adventurers should have a rogue, this AP is no exception. You COULD do ok with a scout or ninja instead, or bard to a lesser extent. The point is that SOMEBODY needs to be able to spot and listen really well, to avoid giving all the bad guys a surprise round on you.

Ranger - again, it's a fighter type that doesn't load up on heavy armor

Mage / Sorceror - both are options, I might recommend the mage over the sorc for the simple fact that they get more feats, and I would highly recommend the taking of at least one or two Item Creation feats. There are long stretches of this campaign that take place away from large urban areas, so if your party wants items, somebody will need to make them.

Dragon Shaman - We have one, and his healing aura has saved all kinds of lives. This AP is vicious, you'll find PC's at negative hit points all the time, and the dragon shaman's healing aura will mean they automatically stabilize.

Druid - you might suffer a little in healing power over a cleric here, but I'd recommend the druid anyway. As mentioned, most of the AP takes place in rural areas, with lots of large, strange creatures. Additionally, again, I'd recommend staying away from the heavier armored classes, so I'd give Druid the edge over Cleric.

Classes I'd avoid:

Paladin - without trying to give away spoilers, there are times when the lawful good nature of the paladin will be a big problem. You'll be forced to choose "the lesser of two evils" on more than one occasion,...

Ok we will play in the FR Setting.

So what do you think about good Clerics?
Since you pointed out on Paladins having Problems how ist it with Clerics.
Some of the popular religions are good such as Lathander, Mystra, Torm,
Tyr, Helm ............
Do you think they will be trouble too?


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

We are starting the this AP next Month.
I am not sure what class to play.
Can someone here who plays it give some recommendation.
Which classes are fun here?
What classes does a party need?

Which classes arent fun in this campaign?



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Last year we had to break the Campaign.
Next month we will resume it.
The group just did take out Vhalnatru and next is foundationn of fire.
The group consists of seven players:
thief 2 / Paladin 11
Wizard 5 / Warwizard 13
Dwarven defender Fighter 6 / Def 6
Wizard 6 Eldricht Knight 6
2 * Cleiric 12
Paladin 5 Cleric 7

The group hasnt the level suggeseted for the Campaing, but the
group is much larger then the suggested ones.
Does anyone think there will be a problem when they run in foundation of fire and 13 Cages and are not Level 15???

Any advice Welcome

