Our PFS sessiontracker

Pathfinder Society

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Scarab Sages

I know that one Stephen, but to do it I first need the solo functionality working spotless.

Groups are going to be relatively easy to add afterwards. :)

@Psyblade: I will think about that. I was at a convention myself last weekend with quests and I realised I would like the same options as you. :)


Feature requests to add to the backlog.

Limit reporting to logged-in users only. This is the big one.

The ability to approve/disapprove changes made by another when they report for me. That is, someone else reporting I played XYZ would be tentative till I logged in and said, yup, I played that.

Similarly, an option to only allow additive reporting. As it stands, someone could un-report a player's entire history, anonymously.

Scarab Sages

That's not entirely true. That only works if you have checked 'public reporting' in your profile. If that box is not checked only you can report.

You can either have everyone able to report for you, or just you.

What I am considering is letting you add PFSnumbers that are allowed to report for you to your profile (like your regular GMs). At the moment it is not near the top of my list though, since this system works pretty well so far.

4/5 5/5


There are some bugs on my profile page (standard campaign):

Season 6
I have reported 15 scenarios as player. Profile shows 16.
I have reported 10 scenarios as GM. Profile shows 12.

I have reported 27 modules as player: Profile shows 28
I have reported 6 modules as GMd. Profile shows 7.

Total played shows 130. The sum of the totals per season (including the errors from season 6 and modules) should be 129, while the actual reported total is 127
Total GM shows 62, The sum of the totals per season (including the errors from season 6 and modules) should be 63, while the actual reported total is 60.

Scarab Sages

Thanks that helps if I combine that info with the earlier bug report. :)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Not even sure if it's worth reporting, but I just noticed that the "statistics" page is not synced up with some profile pages.

As always, love the site and thank you for the work put in on it!

Scarab Sages

The statistics page should be correct, there is a bug in the profile numbers. The bug does not influence the actually reported scenarios or the searching for scenarios unplayed. It just calculates totals wrong.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5

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Firefox is not letting me open the page at all saying the page is not secure

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

Are you using the updated link?


Scarab Sages

It seems my certificate on tracker.campaigncodex.com ran out. I will set up a new one.

We also welcomed account 800 today!

Scarab Sages

Added 8-08 and 8-09 to the tracker. Apologies for the lateness, I was having a holiday.

I am on fixing a bug or two now, but I would love to hear everyone's input and needs when it comes to creating 'groups' and managing them so you can easily search.

Scarab Sages

I ordered and installed a new certificate for tracker.campaigncodex.com. The URL should thus not give anymore security errors.

I do recommend people use www.pfstracker.net, but I know the old URL might be printer etc.

I will revisit the idea of stopping tracker.campaigncodex.com next year when this certificate expires. It doesn't cost a lot to do (10E), so it is fine. :)

Thanks for messaging me peeps, I was using the new link myself.

Scarab Sages

One final update for now.

I have fixed the bug that Woran/Tineke and Magabeus pointed out.

It is a bit complicated, so bare with me here.

If you report a scenario the database records when you did that. If you, for lack of a better term, 'un-report' a scenario the database will clear that date. It should set the value to 'not played at all' again.

Unfortunately instead of setting the value to 'NULL' (the coding term for 'nothing at all!') it set it to '0000-00-00 00:00:00' which is the default date and time if the database cannot parse what you tell it to set the value to as a date and time.

So whenever people, in the past, have un-reported scenarios those were set to '0000-00-00 00:00:00' instead of 'NULL' and the profile page counts the amount of 'NOT NULL' values.

I changed the code to work properly and I went into the database to reset all '0000-00-00 00:00:00' values to 'NULL', thus effectively resetting everyone's profile to the correct values.

This might have a effect on the statistics page when it generates tonight, but I think the statistics page counts differently and should be fine. Do not be worried if it shows less played there though, that would be a side-effect of this bugfix.

As usual if things don't work, tell me and I'll get into it. :)

The following amount of reports were affected:
PFS reports: 432
CORE reports: 118
PFS-GM reports: 184
CORE-GM reports: 49

4/5 5/5

Magabeus wrote:


There are some bugs on my profile page (standard campaign):

Season 6
I have reported 15 scenarios as player. Profile shows 16.
I have reported 10 scenarios as GM. Profile shows 12.

I have reported 27 modules as player: Profile shows 28
I have reported 6 modules as GMd. Profile shows 7.

Total played shows 130. The sum of the totals per season (including the errors from season 6 and modules) should be 129, while the actual reported total is 127
Total GM shows 62, The sum of the totals per season (including the errors from season 6 and modules) should be 63, while the actual reported total is 60.

Simon, I still have a bug:

Season 6
Bug for played is still there.
Bug for GM'ed has changed: I now have 11 in profile, while I reported 10

Now correct

Total played shows 130, while this should be 129 if I add all the seasons from my profile. Actual reported as played is 128.
Total GM'ed shows 63, while this should be 64 if I add all the seasons from my profile. Actual reported as GM'ed is 63.

Can it be that something is going wrong with the Silverhex Chronicles? Earlier that was a season 6, while you have now moved it to the new category Quests. I have played and GM'ed that one.

Scarab Sages

Hmm very good point. I think quests might be counting for quests and for the season they are in.


I noticed that there is no total, unique adventures played/run regardless of campaign. Having recently hit four stars, I'm starting to be interested in this number for five.

After thinking about it, I'm interesting in this count generally, as well. How many of the overall availability have I experienced, regardless of campaign. For that matter, a number that just counts you've played-or-GMed this many would be nice as well.

Scarab Sages

@Gino: That is something I can add relatively easily. I'll put it on the shortlist, because it is a quickwin. After fixing the total count bug and after adding groups (which I am implementing atm).

Scarab Sages

@Magabeus: Alright I made a small change. It would not limit the counting to just the season instead of also that it has to be scenario and not quest. That fixed season 6.

Now I am kind of stumped about your totals though. Have you added anything, like 1 of each since you last posted?

4/5 5/5

Simon, no, I did not update anything since I posted last Saturday. I added a GM for Red Harvest on Saturday or a few days before that

Some thoughts (that you probably already tested). I am hesitant to test this because of your current debugging.
- Is the total stored in the database or calculated when building the page?
- Does adding or removing a scenario played change the total as expected?
- What happens when all played scenarios are removed and then put back season by season?

Good luck and thanks for all the hard work!

I just thought of the retired scenarios! I have two of them, are they included in the total? They are the season 3 intro's. They are not included in the count for season 3 but might be taken into account in the total

Scarab Sages

I have already copied the production data of your account to my dev-system, so I have the data 'frozen' so to speak. Do not worry about trying things in the online version, I don't debug on production. :)

I can answer your questions:
- It is calculated on request, it is not very intensive to count rows. Should be said that the statistics page IS very intensive and that one is calculated daily.

- It does change the total as expected.

- I have not removed every single scenario yet :) You got a bunch.

Retired scenarios is something I think I kept in mind when querying the database, but this is a new page so I will check my code on that. The retired scenarios are not supposed to count, because they are retired and thus it would be 'unfair' to count scenarios some players cannot 'earn' anymore. That could very well be it. :) Will let you know when I find out.

Scarab Sages

Alright, it is fixed. It was indeed the retired scenarios, but I was caught off guard because I forgot about the two retired scenarios of season 3 and was only looking under season 0.

If anyone still sees totals that are incorrect, you know where to find me.

4/5 5/5

Glad I coups be of assistence.

I assumed you have a proper seggregation between development and production, but I also have learned that some developers are not as strict in their hobby projects as they are at work.

Scarab Sages

I am definately not as strict in this project as I am at work. At work I need to secure a university though...

That said I am very aware of data protection laws, privacy and dataleak rules in europe and we have 818 users... I need to do something you know. :)

But most of the new features' design is in my head, not in design docs or anything, so that is the hobby aspect of it. :)

One thing that is missing from the site is the ability to track pfs campaigns per character. That would make it so much easier for a GM to look up and see if someone has already done that campaign without having to filter through their campaign sheets.

Scarab Sages

Hey Javve,

I have heard that one before. It would be a pretty big deal, since when I started this little project I did not concieve of the idea of 'characters'. I tied if you have played a scenario to campaign and GM/PC, so you can have played a scenario four times. I did not tie it to player characters or replays.

It is possible, but it would require a lot of rework. At the moment that is not really worth it for me. Unless there is a lot of people that want a feature like that. It would also require a lot of extra 'work' for players to track what Pc played what at the moment.

Good idea though. :)

Scarab Sages

Extra security added to the tracker. Let me know if you have any certificate/'this site is not secure' issues.

Techtalk: Added the cert-chain to the certificates sent by the server to get a A-rating in SSLlabs instead of a B. Security is awesome. :) Coincidentally, if anyone knows how to recognize a root-CA in a cabundle file do tell me, because at the moment I am sending a root-ca as well that is not used and I'd like to remove it from the cabundle, but don't know which one to remove. Just a bit of optimization that doesn't really matter.

This is great, thanks. Hey you had an import script running at one point. It was a JavaScript/Greasemonkey thing. Right? What happened to that?

Sczarni 3/5

*Still cheerleading*

Scarab Sages

Knowing you are actually a extremely bouncy MALE your cheerleading, while appreciated, is not all I imagined it to be. ;)

outshyn wrote:
This is great, thanks. Hey you had an import script running at one point. It was a JavaScript/Greasemonkey thing. Right? What happened to that?

It is still in the code, but I was not building the script for that. I was going to take the data that came from the script and use it to import to pfstracker. Changes had to be made to the greasemonkey script and I think the peeps that were doing that are sort of missing in action? Must have gotten busy. So I disabled the test in the pfstracker, because it would not work without the greasemonkey changes.

I guess I could dig into greasemonkey myself, but I still have hope that someday a completed script just pops into my PMs. :)

I am getting close to a testable group system though?

Sczarni 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Simon Kort wrote:
Knowing you are actually a extremely bouncy MALE your cheerleading, while appreciated, is not all I imagined it to be. ;)

Oh, so now that I've found a cheap batch of Elixir of Sex Shift you don't want me anymore? Tsk... men these days

Scarab Sages

Just a FYI: The pfstracker was down for a few hours due to a massive power outage in Amsterdam this morning (local time). The hosting provider's back-up generator failed to boot and thus the server went down (unceremoniously).

It is back up now, was not a site problem, but simply no power whatsoever in Amsterdam for a bit.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Simon Kort wrote:

Just a FYI: The pfstracker was down for a few hours due to a massive power outage in Amsterdam this morning (local time). The hosting provider's back-up generator failed to boot and thus the server went down (unceremoniously).

It is back up now, was not a site problem, but simply no power whatsoever in Amsterdam for a bit.

Luckily it only messed up half the country ;)

Scarab Sages

Tineke Bolleman wrote:
Simon Kort wrote:

Just a FYI: The pfstracker was down for a few hours due to a massive power outage in Amsterdam this morning (local time). The hosting provider's back-up generator failed to boot and thus the server went down (unceremoniously).

It is back up now, was not a site problem, but simply no power whatsoever in Amsterdam for a bit.

Luckily it only messed up half the country ;)

Ah but this is a datacenter, they SHOULD have this well in hand. So... just a little bit dissapointed.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Added 'The Solstice Scar'.

There will be two moments of downtime in the week of 13-20 february. One will be for server maintenance (the server is moving datacentres, downtime should be about an hour) the second one will be to apply the, rather substantial, groups patch. Afterwards you will be able to search on groups, manage groups, etc.

Maximum group size will be set to 20 for now to see how the server holds up before growing the maximum size. At the moment all groups are public and there is one owner.

Once patched what I recommend is trying to search on a group and then using the filter 'don't filter out played content'. You will be able to see a long list of played info that way, seems really efficient to me. :)

Scarab Sages

Groups are now live. You can make your own, add members to it and have other users (and yourself) search on the group.

I managed to squash the bug that was preventing me from releasing the functionality a bit sooner then expected.

There is a known bug atm though: If you filter on groups that contain no members you will get a zero set (no scenarios at all) back form the server. I will be fixing this next week, but I figured it is a extreme use case and why hold back groups just because of that.

As always (constructive) feedback and critique is welcome.

PS: We hit 900 members today! Wow.

4/5 5/5


Group feature seems to work, no bugs yet.

FYI: I used the following syntax for the name: County - City - Location, leading to NL - Utrecht - Leidsekade for the name.

First request:
I would like to be able to sort scenarios in order least-played to most-played. That way the groups will really add something.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Oh! That would be great for Dreamers! We already use the Tracker to find underplayed scenarios locally by typing in the names of our power users and seeing what comes up as unplayed.


Scarab Sages

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Oh! That would be great for Dreamers! We already use the Tracker to find underplayed scenarios locally by typing in the names of our power users and seeing what comes up as unplayed.


Dreamers is a group/community of people? Then yeah you can absolutely use it for that. I also recommend combining it with the option to 'not filter out played', then you just a big checklist with each scenario if you expan 'played info' of who played, GMed, etc.

PS: Fixed the bug when filtering on empty groups. Should now work without a hitch.

4/5 5/5


When updating my scenarios played (actually modules GM'ed) I get the green box at the top of the screen "Played info saved"

When I then go back to profile nothing is adjusted. Checking back shows that the box I just ticked is now empty again.

I tested this on several seasons, with both played and GM'ed standard and core. Both adding and removing info does not work, so it seems there might be an issue with writing to the database.

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

Magabeus: Seems to work for me. Maybe it's fixed, or it depends on your browser? I'm using Firefox.

Would it be possible that when you select a group, it automatically fills in all the players separately? That way you can click to remove players easily. Not an urgent request, but I think it might streamline the process a bit.
For example, I fill in a group and either see what everyone hasn't played, or all scenarios altogether (untick filter out played content). If you want to filter out a player who you think might've played certain scenarios (such as me) to expand the selection, you'd have to manually add every single player in the player field.

4/5 5/5

Wierd, it works now. Thans Quentin!

Scarab Sages

I added a privacy policy under 'other' for those wondering what I do with your privacy info.


Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Question that I was thinking about: Would it be possible to add a column for replay uses, since you can only replay a scenario once?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

How would that work? A "willing to spend a star on this" checkbox?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

No, I mean a box to mark "replayed". For example, I've played Halls of the Flesh Eaters, and GMed, and then I replayed it. I'd like to mark that I've used my one replay of that game and should not GM star replay it again.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Kort, thank you so much for the new groups feature. My all tengu group is listed in there as "Murder of Crows". The tracker has been a godsend for us.


Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Rigby: I've heard it before. Adding a tally to replay options. It would be a big feature though since at the moment you can only play scenarios ONCE. I would probably have to introduce something like a played history for a scenario. Which to me sounds complicated, which means I would rather 'hide' that behind a 'advanced mode' toggle for the tracker. I don't want to intimidate players too much when they first check out the site. There are already a lot of checkboxes. :)

@Hilary: It's just Simon :P And no probs, I saw the group pop up in the database. Do let me know if it isn't working properly. Wow you guys only have 8 scenarios unplayed? Dammnnn... :)

EDIT: Of which 3 are not out at time of writing! :o
EDIT2: AND one is the retirement arc :o
EDIT3: One wonders what is wrong with 1-53: echoes of the everwar, part IV: the faithless dead? :)

4/5 5/5

Your new name is Kort!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Magabeus wrote:


When updating my scenarios played (actually modules GM'ed) I get the green box at the top of the screen "Played info saved"

When I then go back to profile nothing is adjusted. Checking back shows that the box I just ticked is now empty again.

I tested this on several seasons, with both played and GM'ed standard and core. Both adding and removing info does not work, so it seems there might be an issue with writing to the database.

I also have been having this problem. I thought it may be a caching/ reload problem, so I have attempted to add characters and scenarios at different times and from different computers. Sometimes when I return the prior data is saved.. sometimes not. And never in the same session; ie while inputting data, what I have saved will never show, no matter how many times I refresh or log out/ log in. If I go back in a couple days or a week, it may show up.

4/5 5/5

I think this is a problem that has to with the browser. I experience it with explorer, but not with Firefox

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