The Forever Man

Shattered Star

Hello, is there anyone who have made the stats of Forever Man?
I want to use him in my campaign.

Thanks a lot

No one's done a stat block that I can find. "Officially" the Forever Man is a "Middle-aged" Taldane Human NE 15th level Cleric of Norgorber. However, it is also indicated that this 'man' is over 100 years of age as the original architect of the sewers of Magnimar. There's a lot more than is apparent to him.

Guess what it boils down to is "how nasty are you looking for?"

Yes i also read about his background. I want to make his appearance after the end of the campaign Rise of the Runelords. In the meantime of the campaign i had him to be responsible for some deaths of beloved persons of my PCs. And now they want to run after him. So i want to build a nice after (campaign) quest in the sewers of Magnimar, and i wanted a little help

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Regular RotRL or Anniversary Edition? Either way the PCs are, what, 20th level with several artifacts?

I suggest as a solo villain you make him Cleric 18-20/Mythic Trickster 10 (CR 23-25), picking mythic abilities granting him survivability and ridiculous stealthiness if your Forever Man is a Cleric of Norgorber. Alternatively, he may not be a Cleric...

The what/when/where/why of how he dispatched the PCs' loved ones matters. When they hit the end of Chapter 5, they'll have the means to track down almost any normal foe.

But... which one is the real Staunton Vhane!

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Maybe the same chap that showed up in WotR is a ... simulacrum? ;)

If you're willing to change some things and sacrifice the spellcasting power, Inquisitor might be a better bet than Cleric, especially if you're wanting someone who's sneaky or has a wider array of potential skillsets.

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Thus the question "what/when/where/why". When and where the PCs already know, what they don't automatically know is why and with what.

Knowing these two questions sets the tone for the Forever Man in your campaign. (What I would do with the name is guaranteed different from what others would do with him. As Orthos suggests, straight Cleric is unlikely...)

We play the anniversary edition. We are just before the confrontation with Karzoug! Pcs just got into 20th level with a lot of good weapons and artifacts. The short story is that the Pc's after dealing with the goblins and clear the Thistletop took that place and build a castle (home) for them and their loved ones during the campaign. At the end of 5th chapter, and after they have deal with the Skinsaw Men, Forever man planned his revenge, and when they came back to their home everyone where murdered and only one letter awaiting for them from The Forever Man.

So yes i want him to be powerfull enough and sneaky. So Inquisitor may be a nice option. He has to be at least 23 CR or else he ll be an easy target for them i think

Well, a few things.

Have the PCs already found this out, or am I reading correctly that they have no idea what's coming?

How many NPCs are there, and are any of them able to send a panicked communication to their bosses in a round or two? Are any of them of cohort level or close enough to same? How much game time will pass between when the Forever Man does the deed and when the PCs return to the scene of the crime?

Any particular details about the letter that the Forever Man has deemed it necessary to leave behind? After all, there could be a few (1, 2 or maybe 3) NPC corpses left behind for them to interrogate from which to gather information.

Just how nasty are the PCs? Are they 15 point buy, no special snowflakes (i.e., no templates, haven't become a lich/undead, no hero points, no cohorts)? What is the party composition? Are the players reasonably game-savvy?

In most cases, post-AP happenings with a generous dollop of artifacts warrants a CR 25'ish villain, depending on the specifics.

Turin the Mad wrote:

No one's done a stat block that I can find. "Officially" the Forever Man is a "Middle-aged" Taldane Human NE 15th level Cleric of Norgorber. However, it is also indicated that this 'man' is over 100 years of age as the original architect of the sewers of Magnimar. There's a lot more than is apparent to him.

Guess what it boils down to is "how nasty are you looking for?"

He doesn't have a statblock in Magnimar: city of Monuments?

Maybe they just talk about him and I forgot

Nope, no stat block.

Page 44 or Magnimar: City of Monuments lists him as "(NE Taldan cleric of Norgorber 15)." There is not, however, a full statblock.

A glance at the NPC Codex doesn't seem to have any clerics between levels 12 to 17 that would be appropriate without a lot of modification. I'd proably start with the 12th-level Trickster Priest as a base, and modify those stats to be more in-line with my vision of what the Forever Man is about.

Indeed NPC Codex is very useful! Thank you guys for the help!

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