Fury of the Tempest |
One second the Gods were present, listening to their follower’s pray’s, giving their cleric’s their spells, empowering their paladins with their presence
The next second, they were gone.
At first, panic didn’t really set in within the Martial Plane. There was a lot of worry and concern yes, people upset and unhappy at this sudden silence of the gods. But it was the gods! Come on, they wouldn’t be silent for long!
One day stretched into two... then three... a week... a month... that’s when the panic began to set in. That’s when the world began to change.
Without the backing of their gods, the great churches and dark cults crumbled in an instant. Whilsts those who walked the path of nature like druids, hunters and rangers still retained their ability, the lack of divine aid soon began to hamper their influence on the world. As the divine fell, the arcane grew. Whilst their individual power didn’t change, the arcane became the go to source of magic and their influence soared dramatically.
Then the portals opened.
You see, whilst it took time for the lose of the gods to affect the Martial Plane. The upper and lower planes felt it immediately. The powers of the celestial drops sharply, and the infernals quickly took advantage of it. Many were slaughtered before the celestials could recover, regroup from this loss of power. Many of their greatest warriors, legendary beings who mere presence would destroy lesser infernals were brought down low, the arrows, axes and claws of these lesser infernals being too much for them now.
The celestials did what they could, but in a short amount of time, the upper planes were stormed and all but destroyed by the forces of the lower planes, the celestials scattered across the cosmos. And opening the lower planes up to invade the one last plane that could offer any resistance: The Martial Plane.
It has been one hundred years since the gods vanished, and the world has changed forever. Nations crumbled, merged and were born. Heroes rose and fell, new powers and abilities discovered and unlocked in these harsh times. It is in this world, that you awake.
You do not know who you are beyond your name. You do not know WHAT you are. All you know, is that you have been gifted with powers beyond even the greatest heroes that have come before... and one way or another, you will put this power to use and shape the world. Perhaps you might even become the first to rise back to the title of god.
-Intro Over-
Hello people! And welcome to Divinity Reincarnated! In this game, you take on a role of a being with the divine spark in a world that has not seen such powers for over one hundred years. In a world wracked with war and chaos, how will you use the powers granted to you?
Now, I am not just looking for players interested in this, but a GM willing to take on such a colossal and epic campaign. Why not do so myself? Because I have zero GMing experience, and trying to run a game like this would be like letting myself be beat to death with a blunt spoon. A very long agonizing experience.
Of course, I’m not going to leave prospective GM’s with such a daunting idea, and no idea of how to proceed, nor am I just going to put up the campaign theme so loosely, and leave it at that. Not only will I be willing to help GM’s come up with nations and places of interest if they chose to take my aid, but I shall also be posting up character creation rules. Or at least, specific character creation rules.
First and foremost, and what is likely going to be a make or break for most GM’s, is that this isn’t just going to be a mythic game. Oh no no no no. The characters here are going to be TRISTALT Mythic characters. Yes, Tristalt, as in 3 simultaneous classes, on top of Mythic’s insanity. Never said it was going to be simple, did I? Not only that, but everyone has the Dual Initiative Mythic Monster Ability, letting you take 2 actions in a turn. Gotta get use out of all those class abilities right? Oh and everyone, EVERYONE picks a Domain. You are beings with a divine spark after all.
For material allowed, I say anything goes, including the majority of 3rd party material, including playtests like Steelforge, Path of War Expanded, and Lords of the Night. Yes they're all from DSP but I only really follow them, so sorry bout that. As much fun as Arcforge is shaping up to be though, I don’t think Mechs is going to be a very good idea, and is going to involve the insanity of the technology guide into an already insane game. So I advise skipping that.
After that? I only have recommendations really. A high-ish point buy is probably for the best. Doing stuff like giving everyone the Advanced Creature template, or giving everyone the choice of X RP to make a custom race or take a race we already have and +Y RP for a few more abilities are plausible and help not only enforce the power and uniqueness of the characters, but give us more options. Albeit at added complication.
In terms of levels? I suggest no lower than say, 8, preferable around the 12-15 mark. That gives us time to grow, but starts us off at high power already. For variant rules, using Background Skills is a solid bonus, whilst VMC allows for even more creativity, even if it is sorta unnecessary currently. Automatic Bonus Progression or Innate Item Bonuses allows further creativity for items, which is always a plus.
And... that’s about it. So, any takers to this insanity?
Rynjin |
This sounds too similar. Suspicious.
Too many games like this have been off to a promising start only for the GM to mysteriously vanish. I'll keep an eye on it, but if it is legit you may have a hard time selling people on it after the last few times.
Fury of the Tempest |
Well, I really haven't seen any high powered games recently, plently of gestalt yeah, but their all really low level, like 2-3. I just want to make a crazy powerful character.
I admit through, that whilst I haven't seen that thread before... I do understand what you mean about a promising start only from a GM to vanish... this was inspired by what Divinitus told me he had planned for a Solo Campaign he had planned... only he hasn't been around for over two weeks... admittedly he's been working on a Kingmaker Campaign under 'GM Lord of the Wilds' but hasn't made a post for a week and hasn't been replying to my PMs... so... yeah.
GM Doom! |
I think part of the problem is a game like this can really only be considered lightly related to standard pathfinder. When you start looking at tristalt, mythic, extra feats, and high levels you are on a scale so far from what the rules intended that the GM is very nearly building a new ruleset in terms of encounter and campaign design along with running the game. It just takes a ton of extra work.
GM_Panic |
that sounds really interesting I have done this before, with GM hand over at very high level game Level 21. was a lot of fun.
The Pay off for doing a few weeks of GMing was a level for their PC
But had to be agreed on by the party of players.
No Marry Jane pcs etc. had to fit the game and world setting. there was only four players so we all took turns GMing and each gained the 21st level. I think this could be done with mythic now and work better.
9th-12th level with mythic 1 or 2 etc
Fury of the Tempest |
That could work as well, and I would love it if you took a game Rednal. Plus two games would mean everyone is twice as likely to get it!
Apart from me. I think its fair that I only join one game and stick to it if we do get a second GM. I mean for things like this, people tends to give the OP a free slot as they were the one that asked for it, and I don't want to abuse it and join two games...
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
My gestalt/mythic 11th level game is going pretty well so far (IMO at least)... I might be willing/able to run a table if it means a seat at a different table...
I'd have to think about it and take a hard look at my schedule, and it would depend at least partially on there being enough strong applications from players we trust to be around for a while to make two tables (though that would be easier in something like this because we could pretty easily get away with smaller groups if need be)...
A word of warning though, if I run a table there would be no 3pp stuff allowed (running something like this requires a high level of rules mastery- I have that with Paizo stuff but not with any 3pp rules).
Fury of the Tempest |
So, we have two potential GMs, Nate Lange and GM Rendal, as long as their allowed a seat at the other's table. One who is not going to do any 3pp material, and the other? Well from the look at his other games I do hope he's willing to do 3PP.
Either way, this is looking good, and we've had the interest of 5-6 players not including the GM's or myself, that merans 8-9, which should be enough for 2 4-player parties, through it could be cut down to 3 if need be.
DekoTheBarbarian |
I'm tentively interested in the game, though the tristalt has me a big worried. There are already a lot of feat problems with just gestalt, even with gaining a feat at every level. Instead of tristalt, would gestalt with a simple class template from the Monster Codex be worth looking at? They basically turn the core classes into templates, with either one or two ability bonuses.
Also, in a side note, a friend of mine did a home game several years ago for 4E where the players were mortal reincarnations of one of the gods. Didn't last long because one of the players kept acting idioticly on purpose and kept screwing everybody over.
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I won't speak for Rednal but if I run (which I haven't committed to yet) I wouldn't allow any templates. Honestly, what I would probably do is have everyone submit their proposed divine portfolio (along with a writing sample and rough idea for their build) and then I'd build their starting race for/with them based on their portfolio (I'd basically have a base native outsider chassis for everyone, customized to fit each character).
GM Rednal |
In general, the more ability boosts a template has, the less appropriate it is for players. The one semi-common exception to this is using the Advanced template for a Solo game, though that could easily be replaced by saying all scores start at 12 or something. Rarely appropriate for a group game, but when one person has to handle every kind of challenge, it's not always bad. XD
I'm actually playing with the Lich template in a game, but I talked with the GM, and we agreed to scale it - the character doesn't have quite all of the powers, and some of the nice ones scale in growth rather than being present in full from the start. It's worked quite well thus far.
JonGarrett |
As the GM in question, it's a very fun, but unusual game. I gave all the players a free template that was CR+1, or a higher level template costing levels (they started at level 3). The Lich template took some extra wrangling, since it has a lot of immunities and is usually for a level 7 character.
Then again, they've also received a Mythic Tier. They're pretty damned tough.
Of course, the last bossfight they got into saw the main fighter and rogue both get pretty well blended...if I'd felt mean I could have probably killed both.
All told, if you plan for them, Templates aren't too bad. It can also add some cool favour. But don't expect subtle characters.
Fury of the Tempest |
I think the templates they were talking about weren't the normal templates like Advanced, Celestial, Half-Dragon etc. But something that replicates classes.
Either way, I do like the idea of the DM custom creating a race for you after you give them the portfolio and a rough idea of their planned build. Sounds rather fun!
Admittedly, I would prefer it if we just have the DM's commit and then they make their own seperate character creations...
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Well, again I can't speak for Rednal but there's 3 things I need to look at before I can commit...
1) do i have enough time for at least one post/day in a super high-powered game for the foreseeable future? its not really fair to everyone who devotes a huge amount of time to character building if the game only runs a couple weeks, or super slowly
2) do I have a compelling story arc? pwning chumps might seem awesome at first but without a bigger purpose it will lose its luster
3) are Rednal and I envisioning games that the other one will want to play in? it kind of defeats the purpose of reciprocal GMing if I don't want to play his game or vice versa...
Fury of the Tempest |
Hmmm... well I'm not sure if I can help you there... I mean, the plot and avaiblity is only something you can decide (through as I said, I'm willing to help with location ideas for the world), as for wanting to play with the other's game...? Well that's something you have to talk about with each other.
Okay admittedly the latter one is something that could apply for everyone, and we would likely need to see a rough character creation/general storyline that you two have in order to decide which one we would like best... but we can't really help you with points 1 & 2.
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |