Occult Rise Of The Runelords?

Rise of the Runelords

Has anyone had any experience with trying to integrate stuff from Occult Adventures in Rise of the Runelords? This seems like it would be an interesting project. Even warns on what has, or you think could likely, go wrong would be helpful.


Sorry, I don't have much experience running with Occult Adventures yet, we have a party with a Medium and Mesmerist for Hell's Rebels, but we haven't started yet.

I definitely agree Occult Adventures would do very well with RotRL and as the book gains steam I'm sure others will agree. :-)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm adding a mesmerist/psychic encounter that I'm roughly 50% finished building. Of course, this is a side trek generated by a side trek I wrote, so it's not part of the AP proper.

That said, I think playing a medium in the Skinsaw Murders would be fan-effing-tastic.

I understand that in Occult Realms there is is a Thassilonian (legendary?) phantom available for Spiritualists ...

Misroi wrote:

That said, I think playing a medium in the Skinsaw Murders would be fan-effing-tastic.

Can you imagine any type of psychic character with psychometric abilities in either Book 2 (the opening murder scenes and Foxglove Manor) or Book 3 (the Graul homestead and any place where ogres have done horrible things)? :o ... That sounds like a one-way ticket to a quiet retirement. :)

Sovereign Court

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I can think of a few NPCs that could be reflavoured and rebuilt as Occult classes.

Caizarlu from Book 2 could be an interesting Spiritualist, and the Skinsaw Man could be a Mesmerist, for instance - in fact the many Rogue/something multiclasses in the AP could be Mesmerist/something instead.

Mammy Graul could be a pretty horrifying Void Kineticist. Likewise, Conna the Wise could be an Earth Kineticist.

Could be interesting to reflavour the Denizens' [of Leng] magic in Book 6 as psychic magic, to emphasise the culture clash with Thassilonian hermetic arcane magic. Also for this reason, I'd probably leave the Thassilonian magic as arcane.

The Hidden Beast in Book 6 could be interesting to turn into a Psychic, and Gamigin could be a Water Kineticist. Given how dependent Viorian Dekanti is on her sword Chellan, making her a Battle Host Occultist with Chellan as her implement could be cool.

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Lucrecia would make a great Mesmerist.

Book two especially, but you could play up the whole 'sin' angle for occultism, if you wanted. There's a lot of psychic and spirit sucking magic going on throughout the whole adventure.

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I would suggest fo abuse of psychic impressions over objects and link them to sin magic practice.

Also, i would suggest to use the combusted from occult bestiary as the body of father Tobyn in book 1 to have it back up the hounds in the temple of lamashtu.

Pnakotus Detsujin wrote:

I would suggest fo abuse of psychic impressions over objects and link them to sin magic practice.

Also, i would suggest to use the combusted from occult bestiary as the body of father Tobyn in book 1 to have it back up the hounds in the temple of lamashtu.

Ooh, that's nice.

GM Runescarred Dragon wrote:
Pnakotus Detsujin wrote:

I would suggest fo abuse of psychic impressions over objects and link them to sin magic practice.

Also, i would suggest to use the combusted from occult bestiary as the body of father Tobyn in book 1 to have it back up the hounds in the temple of lamashtu.

Ooh, that's nice.

Nice and deadly. It also works at the "heal spot" cause, after pcs have destroyed the shine of Lamashtu, the spirit may manifest and give them resources in the form of channel positive energy (4d6, 3 times) or - if pcs seem interested, some clue for a potencial "redemption of Nualia" arc.

Other than than, i think occult could work well in book 2. If you got psychic character able to use some divination spells, then you remove all those "convenient letters" that advice the Pcs to go from point A to point B and have them discover the connections ...

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