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Well, you'll basically be getting all your magic items at half price. It's one of the best feat options around, in my experience. ^_^
You need a high Spellcraft, which as a magus, you'll have.
You need time to craft - this will depend on your campaign.
You need a feat - Craft Wondrous Item and Craft Magic Arms and Armor are both worth it every time, and some of the others can be (depending on party makeup and other factors).
Any questions?

Crimeo |
Well yeah... they cost half as much. And if your GM is stingy with magical items, you can get around that, assuming the crafting isn't also restricted.
That's pretty much it. You can't really make money because you sell things for 50% retail, and they cost you 50% retail to make... so yeah.
There are some traits and stuff that reduce the cost by 5%, so that you sell at 50% and produce at 45% of retail. Since you craft 1,000g of value a day, this just = effectively a steady income of 50g/day, best case scenario (assuming you have a market for all of it). Not much to write home about.
So it's mainly just for discounts on things you actually want to keep/have. It is selling a feat for cash, at the end of the day. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, kind of also depends how feat-starved your class is.

Parody |
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My Magus in our Rise of the Runelords campaign was a crafter and it worked out well for our party. The benefit was getting to convert things we found into the exact items we wanted, including custom items like items that combine effects. As with most things, it depends on your campaign and your GM, but it can be fun for everyone. :)

Diminutive Titan |

It also depends on your party composition. If there are familiars and/or animal companions in your party, then I would say craft feats like Craft Wondrous Items and Craft Magic Arms and Armor suddenly become great. It can be very costly and hard to find all kinds of protective items for extra critters. The feats give you the opportunity to make them yourself for half price.
Try to think of it this way: You could get any items without these feats, but with the feat you can get them as soon as you can make them, and for half price. It's basically selling your feat slots.
If it's a really hard choice because you were planning on getting a combat feat important to your character, then go for the combat feat. Craft feats are nice, but no must-haves.

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Yes it is worth it.
Craft Wondrous Item is one of the Best Feats out there. Wondrous is a majority of your items.
I'm not a fan of Craft Arms and Armor. As a magus I typically Buy a +1 Adamantine Spell storing Weapon. I then use Greater Magic Weapon and my Arcane pool to boost the hell out of that weapon. All in all it costs a total of 11,000gp and a 3rd level spell slot.
If your group is into saving money you will tell another weapon user to get a +1 _______ weapon and the group pitch in on a Lesser Echoing Rod.
You can Cast greater magic weapon Echoed...Once for your weapon once for the other front liner. Then pass the Rod off to other spells Like Magic Vestment, Heroism, ext ext. If you do it right You wont spend very much on your Weapons and Armor and the rest of your cash can be poured into Crafting Wondrous Items at 50% for the Group.

gustavo iglesias |
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Strongest feat in the game, if we exclude Leadership (which could give you a cohort with crafting feats)
In my last campaign, I didn't give the players the half cost benefit, and they took it regardless. The ability to get what you want, not bounded by shop availability, and the possibility to craft custom items (like a +5 resistence cloak of displacement or whatever) makes it an above average feat. Together with the ability to get items at half cost, it's OP.

gustavo iglesias |

It is a very good feat option IF your campaign gives you the time to actually craft.
If the campaign doesnt it is for the most part a simply wasted featslot.
With stuff like Rings of Substenance, and rolling at +5 DC to get double speed, you can craft decently while adventuring.

Dave Justus |
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It depends a lot on the campaign and the GM. If you don't have much downtime and/or the GM drops items already customized for characters it probably isn't worth it.
If you have a lot of downtime, items are random, and/or the ability to purchase is limited it is probably a good feat.
Other things can play into it as well. If your GM will allow you to make custom items that you couldn't otherwise buy, it is obviously more useful.
One caution though, Wealth By Level expectations are built into the core assumptions of gameplay, challenge rating etc. If you break that, by getting a lot of items at 1/2 price for example, you can expect that either the game will be less of a challenge (and for many that means less fun) or your GM will compensate either by reducing treasure or increasing the abilities of monsters. This can put you in a 'red queen's race' situation, which means in the end the feat was wasted even though you might seem to be using it a lot.

SheepishEidolon |

I think it also depends on the experience of players and GM. Experienced players can make very good use of it, while inexperienced ones might be overwhelmed by the mountain of options. They could read guides though or grow by thinking about it, though.
Experienced GMs might appreciate the diversity of unexpected items and the saved effort for item creation, while it's a mixed bag for inexperienced ones: You feel a severe control loss, but at the same time dealing less with item creation is a bigger relief than for an experienced GM.

darth_borehd |

It depends on the GM and campaign world. If it is the kind of place where "ye olde magic item shoppe" has a franchise in every city, I would say there are better things to do with your time.
If your GM is the kind that has a lot of cursed or useless items in loot, then crafting is the best way to get the items you want.
Ask your GM is the bottom line.

DM_Blake |

Guru-Meditation wrote:With stuff like Rings of Substenance, and rolling at +5 DC to get double speed, you can craft decently while adventuring.It is a very good feat option IF your campaign gives you the time to actually craft.
If the campaign doesnt it is for the most part a simply wasted featslot.
While this is true, if there really is NO downtime for things like crafting, that means your characters are busy every day, adventuring every day, going up a level every week, reaching 20th level in 5 months (or less).
If you're 10th level and decide you want to craft a +3 sword, that's going to take 18 days in a quiet place or 36 while adventuring AND accelerating to double time. That's nearly 1/4 of your entire adventuring career. AND you'll be 15th level by the time you're done, at which time, you won't even want that puny little +3 sword (Heck, you probably already FOUND a +4 sword during those 5 weeks of adventuring).
So, yeah, you CAN craft while adventuring, but the feat is WAY WAY more useful in campaigns that have downtime.

Mysterious Stranger |

It will really depend on the GM. In games I run they are usually the worst feats in the game. I usually allow my players to have what they need or want as far as level appropriate magic items. Usually the party has a sponsor who provides their equipment and living expenses. This includes level appropriate magic items as well as mundane items. The party in turn turns over any loot they don’t want or need to the sponsor. I like heroic games and think that the paladin should not be worried about selling the leather armor that the bandits wore for food takes away from the game.
If you are trying to get around a GM’s restriction by using crafting feats it will probably not work. All the GM has to do is to reduce the wealth, or not allow enough down time and they are worthless. Always check with your GM before taking crafting feats, if he ‘suggest’ you not take them don’t.