mikeawmids |
Hello fellow Paizoites. :D
Yesterday I began running Edge of Anarchy converted to the D&D5 system and thought I woould post my notes and impressions. I am also planning on keeping a campaign log, so I will post that here too.
First of all, the first session went very well - especially as I had to do little/no prep beforehand. I am already familiar with the basic layout of the adventure as I have converted it to Savage Worlds in the past.
I had three players, two of whom chose to play Fighters (one a tiefling brawler and the other a disgraced human guardsman) and the third player chose to be a rogue (mysterious high elf who may/may not still be in the employ of the crown). Since none of these classes bought any healing to the table, I provided an NPC healbot using the stats for Acolyte from the D&D5 bestiary.
In the first session, the party invade a derelict fishery to engage the gang using the building as a base. I used Bandits from the bestiary to represent Gaedren's crew and the Mastiff to reprsent Bloo the belligerent guard dog. Yargin the Clerk was also a Bandit, but I gave him a Wand of Acid Splash (used Wand of Magic Missiles as a template and just switched the attached spell effect). I was going to use a Swarm of Insects [Spiders] to represent the drain spiders inhabiting the old ship moored behind the fishery, but the players did not go near the old tub. For Gaedren Lamm, I used the Bandit again, but added some HP (20 total) and gave him an extra +1 mod on his Dex & Int. He still went down within two rounds, but this was not too much of a problem as he was a old man and not a huge physical threat. For Gobbleguts, I used the Crocodile stats and I used Reef Shark stats for the jigsaw sharks swimming in the river.
The players seemed to enjoy themselves and I am looking forward to running the next session. I will continue to post here, please don't hesitate to ask any questions. :D
m0narch |
I started CoCT last week IRL, and 3 month ago VTT. My conversion isn't completed, i need to finish EfOK and next. But for campaign's trait I treat like the 5th bonds. That's all.
But I like to see your conversion's notes =)
I used ~inspiration(... For all dice based on DEX, and +1 Bonus AC) for Harrow chosen bonus. And few bonus like 1 harrow point = 1 lucky point on 1d20 DEX based. Or 1 harrow for +1 AC for 1 encounter or +10 ft/round for 1 encounter.
For Gaedren's crew : I use cultist to yargin and special acid splash wand.
wand of acid 5 charges : 1 charges = +4 ranged spell , 4 damages / expended charge
recover 1d2 charges morning. if last charge used : 1d20 if 1 : destroyed.
For Gaedren I use spy profile, but with disavantage on melee attack.
other = like you :)
I had three players too, one chelaxian acolyte paladin(shelyn, use glaive with sentinel feat), one Ulf barbarian (TWF) and last a chelaxian wizard from acadamae. I think about add one NPC at few moments ^^.
EDIT 2 : How you convert the Harrow deck ? And ... His last effect activated near the end?
mikeawmids |
Regarding the Harrow deck; two of the three PCs had their fortunes read by Zellara. I gave them both a d6 Inspiration die to reflect how this reading would give them an edge during the assault on the fishery. I figure I will continue using the deck as an excuse to allocate inspiration die as the campaign continues, but will give some thought as to how this mechanic could evolve.
I am converting as I go, I reckon next week they will finish off the deserters at the abbatoir. I will probably use the thug template for the four butchers and the veteran template for Vancaskerkin.