Curse of the Crimson Throne using D&D5

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Hello fellow Paizoites. :D

Yesterday I began running Edge of Anarchy converted to the D&D5 system and thought I woould post my notes and impressions. I am also planning on keeping a campaign log, so I will post that here too.

First of all, the first session went very well - especially as I had to do little/no prep beforehand. I am already familiar with the basic layout of the adventure as I have converted it to Savage Worlds in the past.

I had three players, two of whom chose to play Fighters (one a tiefling brawler and the other a disgraced human guardsman) and the third player chose to be a rogue (mysterious high elf who may/may not still be in the employ of the crown). Since none of these classes bought any healing to the table, I provided an NPC healbot using the stats for Acolyte from the D&D5 bestiary.

In the first session, the party invade a derelict fishery to engage the gang using the building as a base. I used Bandits from the bestiary to represent Gaedren's crew and the Mastiff to reprsent Bloo the belligerent guard dog. Yargin the Clerk was also a Bandit, but I gave him a Wand of Acid Splash (used Wand of Magic Missiles as a template and just switched the attached spell effect). I was going to use a Swarm of Insects [Spiders] to represent the drain spiders inhabiting the old ship moored behind the fishery, but the players did not go near the old tub. For Gaedren Lamm, I used the Bandit again, but added some HP (20 total) and gave him an extra +1 mod on his Dex & Int. He still went down within two rounds, but this was not too much of a problem as he was a old man and not a huge physical threat. For Gobbleguts, I used the Crocodile stats and I used Reef Shark stats for the jigsaw sharks swimming in the river.

The players seemed to enjoy themselves and I am looking forward to running the next session. I will continue to post here, please don't hesitate to ask any questions. :D

Shadow Lodge

I'll be following this with interest as I both love 5th edition and CoCT. How did you handle the campaign traits?

I didn't, I completely forgot about them. :D

I started CoCT last week IRL, and 3 month ago VTT. My conversion isn't completed, i need to finish EfOK and next. But for campaign's trait I treat like the 5th bonds. That's all.

But I like to see your conversion's notes =)

I used ~inspiration(... For all dice based on DEX, and +1 Bonus AC) for Harrow chosen bonus. And few bonus like 1 harrow point = 1 lucky point on 1d20 DEX based. Or 1 harrow for +1 AC for 1 encounter or +10 ft/round for 1 encounter.

For Gaedren's crew : I use cultist to yargin and special acid splash wand.
wand of acid 5 charges : 1 charges = +4 ranged spell , 4 damages / expended charge
recover 1d2 charges morning. if last charge used : 1d20 if 1 : destroyed.

For Gaedren I use spy profile, but with disavantage on melee attack.

other = like you :)

I had three players too, one chelaxian acolyte paladin(shelyn, use glaive with sentinel feat), one Ulf barbarian (TWF) and last a chelaxian wizard from acadamae. I think about add one NPC at few moments ^^.

EDIT 2 : How you convert the Harrow deck ? And ... His last effect activated near the end?

Regarding the Harrow deck; two of the three PCs had their fortunes read by Zellara. I gave them both a d6 Inspiration die to reflect how this reading would give them an edge during the assault on the fishery. I figure I will continue using the deck as an excuse to allocate inspiration die as the campaign continues, but will give some thought as to how this mechanic could evolve.

I am converting as I go, I reckon next week they will finish off the deserters at the abbatoir. I will probably use the thug template for the four butchers and the veteran template for Vancaskerkin.

We just wrapped up my 5E campaign for CoCT. The game was awesome, and the conversion efforts over time kept me engaged. The PCs at the end were:

Barbarian 15
Rogue (Arcane Trickster) 13 / Wizard 2
Cleric (Trickery) 11 / Warlock 4
Bard 15

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