Tools of the Trade: A Discussion of the Masterwork Tool

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Grand Lodge

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This is an article just talking about my favorite item, and examples of Masterwork Tools for almost any occasion/skill use. If you have some favorites of your own, let me know and I'll include them with proper crediting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for posting. Good article.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Just spend 250 gp for a traveler's any-tool and you can have them all (almost)...

Grand Lodge

Dragonchess Player wrote:
Just spend 250 gp for a traveler's any-tool and you can have them all (almost)...

That only works as a MW Tool for Craft and Profession checks. It will not grant any circumstance bonus to other skills, though it could be used to do things like cut paper as scissors, or dig a hole as a shovel.

The traveler's any tool is an incredible item, but it is not all of the MW Tools by any stretch of the imagination.

Dark Archive

Ohh, nice article. Thanks for the reminder on MW items,I've gotta make a run to the general store and outfit my skill monkey in PFS. Funny thing is, the guy's already level 10...

While your list has many suggestions, there are already many in the system.

Using the search function, I found:

Archives of Nethys:
Parade Armor
Acrobat's pillar`
Animal disguise kit
Arcane family workbook
Arrow (pheromone)
Artisan's tools (masterwork)
Aura goggles
Automatic writing planchette
Backpack (masterwork)
Blue book
Book of letters
Brewer's kit, masterwork
Camouflage blanket
Cheat sheath
Crusader's cross (masterwork)
Dilettante's outfit
Doctor's outfit
Dowsing rod
Draconic perfume
Dragoncrafting kit
Ear trumpet (common)
Ear trumpet (masterwork)
Fetters (masterwork)
Fiendgore unguent
Flying straps (masterwork)
Footprint book
Forger's kit
Fortune-teller's deck (masterwork)
Fraudulent medium's kit
Halfling jugglesticks
Heritage book
Hide dye
Hypnotist's locket (locket)
Interrogation tools
Leeching kit
Magnifying glass
Manacles (masterwork)
Mapmaker’s kit
Mending kit
Mengkare's shards
Merchant's scale
Musical instrument (masterwork)
Obsession log
Occult reference material
Orrery (tellurium)
Pathfinder Chronicle
Perfume (common)
Phrenologist's kit
Pig grease
Planar traveler's kit
Portable altar (masterwork)
Portable ram
Portable sweat lodge
Prognostication manual
Psychometrist's gloves
Ram, portable
Rust repellent
Saddle (exotic, military)
Saddle (military)
Saddle (pack)
Salt tablets (10)
Sentry mannequin (masterwork)
Serpent line
Shield boss (masterwork)
Snorkel (masterwork)
Spyglass (masterwork)
Star charts
Stilts (masterwork)
Straitjacket (masterwork)
Sugar glass bottle
Surefoot training blocks
Survival kit (common)
Survival kit (masterwork)
Talking board
Thieves' ring
Tinker's cap
Tome of epics
Ventriloquist's dummy
Vigil cap
Whip, training
Axe, boarding
Elven curve blade
Helmet, dwarven boulder
Totem spear


Grand Lodge

Cevah wrote:

While your list has many suggestions, there are already many in the system.

Using the search function, I found:
** spoiler omitted **...

Not all items listed as tools are the same as those being described by the general Masterwork Tool description. Some of those you listed grant +2 circumstance bonus to skills, but not all. Of those that do, only a few of them actually have text specifying that their circumstance bonus does not stack with that of the MW Tool. Most seemingly grant competence bonuses instead, or are for things other than skills.

A masterwork tool gives a +2 Circumstance bonus, so I searched on that. Yes, there are some that are not for skills. I did not want to weed through them all.

Your document starts out listing items in the game then goes off into homebrew territory. By calling them examples, you lead people to think they are things in the game. I wanted to give you links to things in the game so you could add them to the document.

I think coming up with fluff descriptions of a +2(skill) item is easy, but finding the in game equivalent is hard. By adding the links in (as appropriate), you document becomes a better guide to what is available without needing to convince a GM it is OK.


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