TheDishwasher |

First off, I wanted to thank everyone and anyone who had a hand in my catfolk detective, it was a very fun character to play out, with that out of the way, I am bringing a new character concept, but I don't exactly know what numbers/feats I should follow or keep an eye out for, any and all help would truly be appreciated!
So to start off, this new character I am designing is an inquisitor.
A tiefling oni-spawn with the alternate racial trait "Light from the Darkness", the character is a worshiper of the Shizuru the Tian-Min goddess of the sun, honor, ancestors, and swordplay.
As for what I want the character to do - I'm uncertain so far, the campaign starts on sunday (We're doing rise of the rune lords, no spoilers please.) and I'm sort of stumped to be honest, I'm still just getting a feel for pathfinder.
Thank you all again and have a wonderful day or night.
The character's personality is Neutral good for the time being.

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It may be tempting to take a Katana (free proficiency!) and select combat-oriented feats.
You will take a major beating as an Inquisitor in this campaign if you're a melee threat, especially if there's not a full-BAB melee type in the party. I think a switch-hitter is a good choice for this.
Take a Katana and choose Power Attack (at 3rd) to give yourself a decent melee option.
Bow using Inquisitors can dish out a lot of damage. Select the rest of your feats to get the fundamentals for ranged combat.
Recommended stats:
Str 14 (level 4 bonus)
Dex 16 (level 8 bonus)
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 10
I highly, highly recommend taking the Fate's Favored trait.
Divine Favor and Prayer are your primary buffs (both grant a Luck bonus).
Suggested Feats:
1 Point Blank Shot
3 Power Attack
3T Outflank
5 Precise Shot
6T Coordinated Shot
7 Rapid Shot
9 Deadly Aim
9T Target of Opportunity
It's not optimized, but I think it would be fun.
Domains: Good, Glory(Heroism) are good choices.
Inquisitions: Persistence, Zeal are good choices too.

Blave |

@Tomos: An Inquisitor can't take Outflank at 3 because he lacks the required BAB +4.
I don't think Runelords is that bad for melee characters. +AC spells and judgement should keep you relatively safe. A quickdraw shield will improve your AC further if need be since you'll (probably) use a Katana and get the exotic proficiency for free, so you can use it one-handed. Also, get heavy armor proficiency. You'll move slower (that's why I prefer the travel domain on an Inquisitor, personally) but it's hard to beat +3 AC for one feat. Ignore Stalwart (or get mithral full plate later on) as the number of effects it affects is rather small.
My suggestion (assuming 20 point buy):
Str 15, +2 Race, +1 lvl 4
Dex 13, for precise strike
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 15, +2 Racy, +1 lvl 8
Cha 8, -2 Race
Feats: 1 - Heavy Armor Proficiency; 3 - Power Atttack, [Precise Strike]; 5 - Weapon Focus; 6 - [Outflank]; 7 - Cornugon Smash (if allowed, otherwise Improved Monster Lore); 9 - Improved Monster Lore, [Lookout]; 11 - Improved Critical
For domain, I'd probably go with Heroism if I had to choose from Shizuru.

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Having run rise of the rune lords. Their are a few suggestion I will point out. You will be fighting a Rune Lord. They are a very high level caster. Make sure you have good saves. You will be fighting things that are larger then you that hit for +30 or more damage. Your options are AC, or Hit Points.
My suggestions for you.
tiefling oni-spawn
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 16 Cha 6
(Dex Build just for a example)
Str 12 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 16 cha 5
Inquisitor with a 2 level dip in Monk. Build a layered defenses. AC, Evasion, and Stalwart combine to make you very hardy. The only down side is lower then normal HP for a melee fighter.
One option is to go with a dex build and use a wakizashi, or rapier. Combined with slashing grace, or fencing grace for damage. This will result in a much higher over all AC. This will also give you the option of range attacks with a high to hit chance for any thing that is flying around. However it dose not sound like the flavor your looking for. It dose make the character more survivable in a deadly AP.
Cold Iron Warden so you can get track teleportation. The other parts are not as useful to you. However when fighting a high level caster tracking where they are after a teleport can really change what happens next.

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I have run all the six books of RotR AP and I will suggest advice a bit different from others, which you probably won't listen.
There is no need to optimize your character into a death machine, nor to dump stats to 5 or 6. RotR assumes 4x average class PCs with 15 pts buy. The fact that you have 25 pts buy is already enough on it's own. Take your time and pick some flavor feats. With inquisitor as a class, you have enough field that you can safely cover. Also, check a bit on Varisian lore and deities. You might be interested into that later.

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@Blave: I can't believe I missed that about Outflank!
It's simple to swap it with Coordinated Shot and take at 6th anyway.
Heavy armor proficiency is also a good choice, but it will limit your mobility and take up a valuable feat.
I don't think it's a good trade for Stalwart though. When we ran through RotRL, I can recall there being many times when that would have been useful.
Malag has great advice. I don't think it's much different from mine...
I agree that there's no need to be super optimized, but being unprepared for some serious melee action (soak up damage and shrug off hits) isn't a good plan.
25 PB is huge.

Blave |

For the record: I'm currently playing AND running Runelords. I know very well what's in there ;)
Runelords can be a killer. I've lost 3 characters during the first 3 books. I'd say all of them were about avarage power-wise but the rest of the group is rather inexperienced and because there's six of us, the GM plays most encounters with high efficiency. My first character was killed in a TPK, the other two went down trying to save another party-member.
I'm currently building my 4th character. Haven't quite decided yet, but the inquisitor I posted is one of the possible choices, though I'm using a half-orc inquisitor of Abadar. I'm pretty confident that this build can keep up with most stuff Runelords will throw at me. Good AC, good Saves, enough damage output to keep combats from dragging on (which usually works in favor of the enemies), high knowledge about monsters and enough spells for buffing/utility/healing.
Basically, this Inquisitor is my attempt at being versatile and NOT dying in Runelords, without going all defense or using every cheap build trick I can think of, which would completely overpower the rest of the party.