![]() ![]()
![]() gustavo iglesias wrote:
Sounds good, do you think it would be viable to sneak in intimidating presence and Cornugon smash? Just curious. ![]()
![]() gustavo iglesias wrote:
Hey! sorry for the late reply I was playing some payday talking to my DM about the limbs thing, I give up some things, I get it - I still think it's worth, anyways... What uh..What stat spread should I go with for bloodrager? ![]()
![]() Heretek wrote:
I'm starting to realize that now, like I said earlier I made this build on like 20 hours of being awake and being super tired, looking at it - you're right it's a huge freaking mess. It's a good thing I came here to get people to discuss this with before I tried to run with it cause it'd be terrible to be level 2 and be like "I'm taking sunder spell." lol, that'd be embarrassing :P ![]()
![]() Heretek wrote:
Haha didn't even think of a bow, a +4 large composite bow would just nuke since it's damage is 2d6. As for my DM, it's a give and take sort of thing, since it's a
And even IF he doesn't allow it, it's still fine, I've got no problem if I'm not allowed to take it. ![]()
![]() gustavo iglesias wrote:
Hmm you have a point I see where you're coming from now, I misunderstood AOO's thinking it was only like Your dex mod per encounter, I was indeed planning on a large earthbreaker as for reach I am pretty uncertain if I'm being honest, should I always carry a reach weapon alongside my earthbreaker? I know there are probably better weapons it's just, I really like the Earthbreaker since a large one is 3d6 damage. But what I might do is carry a backup large glaive however for Slashing/piercing damage options in case something is resistant to blunt damage + reach or is there another weapon you'd recommend? Also thanks for this discussion thus far, it's really helping me pick out some things and pick things in a proper order. ![]()
![]() Heretek wrote:
Pointbuy wise I have it at 8 which gets a -2 from racial making it 6. And holy crap you're right. lol ![]()
![]() gustavo iglesias wrote:
Oh right I forgot about that, haha! As for combat reflexes? It's nice to have, mostly preference and it's honestly pulled through ALOT for me in the past, but if you have an idea of what could take it's place, feel free to educate me on the matter. ![]()
![]() Heretek wrote:
I don't mind going to 6 int since it has the same -2 mod and same personality description as 7, but I wouldn't mind hearing your side of it. As for the rage powers - these are just ones I prefer since my DM LOVES throwing spellcasters/monsters with spell like abilities at me, I will however take a look into the beast totem for later levels or even earlier levels. and you're probably right about the scaled skin, I kind of made this build running on fumes but I'll probably read more into it and make a final decision, I just like AC, it feels so safe. lol, but you're probably right about just taking Armor of the pit if I want the extra AC from a feat. ![]()
![]() Greetings everyone, I come here to ask for some feedback on a build I've been thinking of for quite some time, all feedback and criticism is appreciated. Starting from level two, other levels not implemented but ideas for future levels are. (Huge inspiration from Mercurial's own barbarian which can be found Here.) Tiefling Foulspawn, 1 Fighter [Unbreakable], 1 Barbarian [Invulnerable rager & Urban barbarian] Attributes: [20 point buy]
Alternate Racial things
If you really want the other 2 resistances you can always take the racial feat Armor of the Pit ( gives +2 ac and two other resistances you didn't get.) Definitely not bad to take imo, but I'm not the most knowledgeable individual.
3 - Deadly aim (For awesome composite bows, duh.) Or improved sunder if you don't care for wussy ranged combat! Break enemy things make barbarian happy unless barbarian wants said enemy thing ; Also helps with the rage power Spell sunder. 5 - Combat reflexes (At this point you should have a +3 to dex, you can take it earlier if you want.)
Birthmark (+1 Will saves, pretty solid)
2nd rage power - Whichever one you didn't take first 3rd rage power - Whichever one you didn't take first or second.
So the one thing I do notice is that - It's kind of a skill starved build so you won't be very much outside of intimidating and being perceptive. Or whatever else you decide to take for skills. So besides that, thoughts? ![]()
![]() master_marshmallow wrote:
I was looking to be able to teleport my party out of dangerous situations but also be rather capable of blasting and maybe a little bit of off summoning, my DM is allowing 3rd party bloodlines from d20pfsrd ![]()
![]() Conall O'Kanis wrote:
I see, thanks a lot for your insight and for taking the time to answer my question. ![]()
![]() First off, I wanted to thank everyone and anyone who had a hand in my catfolk detective, it was a very fun character to play out, with that out of the way, I am bringing a new character concept, but I don't exactly know what numbers/feats I should follow or keep an eye out for, any and all help would truly be appreciated! So to start off, this new character I am designing is an inquisitor.
As for what I want the character to do - I'm uncertain so far, the campaign starts on sunday (We're doing rise of the rune lords, no spoilers please.) and I'm sort of stumped to be honest, I'm still just getting a feel for pathfinder. Thank you all again and have a wonderful day or night. EDIT ; The character's personality is Neutral good for the time being. ![]()
![]() Ah wow this gained quite a bit more traction than I had anticipated! Also about the puss and boots thing ; I will definitely consider it! haha. Edjrik - I was thinking of making someone who could slip into the enemy territory and slip out without getting noticed to gather information - Of course if they were to get caught I'd like it if they wouldn't even be considered suspicious, if such a thing were even possible. Corwin - I will keep that in mind - We usually end up rolling for stats but now I have a good idea of where to place them, so thank you! And thanks again for pointing out the Archetype Sleuth for me. Use - Pls, lol. Saldiven - I will consider it, haha. Rainy - Thank you also for pointing out the archetype! (I'm reading from the bottom up, apologies. haha. Melkiador - I'm certain, I wanted to make an investigator catfolk for story/flavor reasons, however for other characters I might look into the archaeologist bard in the future, thank you for bringing it to my attention! All right everyone I thank you yet again for all the information you have put in front of me and for some laughs, I hope you all have a wonderful day! Take care until next time. ![]()
![]() So - Once again, greetings, I am The Dishwasher or you can just call me Dish, whichever you prefer. Moving onto what this post is about, I am seeking some help on a flavor build for a future campaign me and some of my friends are going to do, probably just going to be a smash and grab but I digress, I would like to make a catfolk investigator - No real reason just I realized the catfolks bio is that they are extremely curious by nature - Same goes for the investigator class and anyways, you know where this is leading to, I would like some help on how to build this character since I'm not very familiar with the investigator class or catfolk. I appreciate you fine people (Or whatever being you prefer to call yourself) taking time out of your day to read this post and have a wonderful day. |