Magic the Gathering Ravnica Setting

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm currently working on a Ravnica setting for a pathfinder game I'm hoping to start around the sunday after next. Going to post up my work here for feedback and suggestions.


Type: Humanoid (Vedalken) (0 RP)

Size: Medium (0 RP)

Base Speed: Normal (30 ft.) (0 RP)

Ability Score Modifiers: Greater Paragon (+4 Int -2 Con -2 Cha) (2 RP)

Language: Linguist (Common) (All) (1 RP)

Defense Racial Traits:

Feat and Skill Racial Traits: Gifted Linguist (Vedalken gain a +4 racial bonus on Linguistics checks, and they learn one additional language every time they put a
rank in the Linguistics skill.) (2 RP), Skill Training (Linguistics, Spellcraft, Knowledge Arcana, and Knowledge Planes are class skills) (2 RP), Water Child (
Vedalken gain a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks, can always take 10 while swimming, and may choose Aquan as a bonus language.) (4 RP), Static Bonus Feat (Iron Will as
a bonus feat) (2 RP)

Total RP: 13

I love the Ravnica settings. Please keep us updated, I would love to see what you do with it.

Notes on the Vedalken: any class you would want to play with that race already has Spellcraft and Know Arcana as class skills, I would suggest swapping them for Use Magic Device and Swim.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I'll advise against using Greater Paragon and stick to +2/+2/-2 stats. Especially since the Int based classes tend to be SAD.

I'd also consider giving them some natural magic, similar to what gnomes have, and a natural connection to Abjuration instead of Illusion.

I'm a very big fan of the setting as well even more so for the golgari guide.

Thank you for your suggestions. I replaced having spellcraft and knowledge arcana with use magic device and swim for class skills. I changed their stat mod from +4 int -2 con -2 cha to +2 int +2 dex -2 cha and have given them gnome magic but changed it to give the +1 DC to abjuration spells and changed the 1/day spells from dancing lights, ghost sounds prestidigitation,and speak with animals to resistance, mending, read magic and arcane sight also changing the cha stat tied to the trait to int. I know that is something better to give them more of a connection to abjuration but for now a +2 save vs. abjuration trait is a place holder.

The campaign's story is im sure going to be butchering the ravnica settings story a little bit but i liked the idea. What happens is the players start in the pathfinder setting at first but slowly one by one get pulled through a distortion in front of them by someone or something and dropped off together on the world of ravnica. While trying to figure out what happen, they get attacked by members of the cult of rakdos because they ended up in the middle of a cult of rakdos raid for their starting encounter. They learn that the human maniacs are calling them planeswalkers which others start to believe with people either praising them or being fearful of them. The players can try to figure out why they are being called planeswalkers or just play along with it when a patrol of Boros Legion knights find the players fighting their enemy while believing the players to be planeswalkers as well. They take them in for questioning which the players will be given their main quest for the campaign. They get told that the evil and crazy guilds have been banded together by someone or something and just to survive the other five guilds had to reluctantly band together as well. They want the players to find out why and how the evil guilds were able to band together and who caused it to happen. That is all i have for now other then what guilds are on what side. The evil side are Dimir, Rakdos, Golgari, Gruul, and Orzhov. The good side are Azorius, Boros, Izzet, Selesnya, and Simic.

If you want some inspiration, I suggest you check out the Quest Magic RPG. It's a cool little RPG that starts off in Ravnica.
You play as a Planeswalker and you make and use a magic deck in encounters.

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I ran a very successful Ravnica campaign some years ago and had a blast.

Some ideas:

Rather than creating new races, re-skin existing ones.

Ragebred Skinwalker makes a great base for a Loxodon, for instance.

Lizardfolk make easy Viashino. Kasatha or Androids could make for a good base for Vedalken (just make your own racial substitutions for the things that don't fit for you, or simply re-flavor them.)

We found that the guilds wonderfully represented the alignments. Our interpretation was:

Boros - LG
Selesnya - NG
Gruul - CG (probably the most contentious, but consider that the Gruul run the soup kitchens and care for the poor and guidless)
Azorius - LN
Simic - N (concerned with scientific advancement)
Golgari - TN (concerned with the balance - life and death)
Izzet - CN
Orzhov - LE
Dimir - NE
Rakdos - CE

We re-flavored and changed spells that refer to alignment to refer to color, so instead of Protection from G/L/C/E, we had Protection from W/U/B/R/G. This use of guilds and color *really* made the game feel both different and like a Ravnica game (honestly, our personal interpretation of guilds to alignments doesn't matter if you're using the color wheel - the guilds have strong enough ideologies to effectively be their own alignment system.)

If you're pursuing the idea of a campaign based around the PC's becoming Planeswalkers, consider the mythic rules with the ascension event being the character's "Spark" event.

I had a lot of fun crafting my own monsters with simple, but flavorful rules that called back to their MtG origins. Their first boss was a giant named Craw. I gave Craw a sort of reverse-flanking to simulate Rampage - for every enemy he threatened beyond the first, he gained +2 STR. I made liberal use of locations and items from the TCG (not limited to Ravnica) - our Golgari necromancer got a Scythe of the Wretched, our Izzet steam mage got a Mizzium Transreliquat, etc, the first adventure location was a Golgari Rot Farm that led through Steam Vents into Dimir Aqueducts that they followed to Gruul Stomping Grounds, etc.

Dotting for interest. Always thought the Ravnica setting was cool, I've still got my old Izzet deck lying around somewhere.

Scud422 wrote:

If you want some inspiration, I suggest you check out the Quest Magic RPG. It's a cool little RPG that starts off in Ravnica.

You play as a Planeswalker and you make and use a magic deck in encounters.

Thank you for the quest magic game ill be needing to play that soon it looks like a lot of fun. green black with poison here i come :)

Gulthor wrote:

I ran a very successful Ravnica campaign some years ago and had a blast.

Some ideas:

Rather than creating new races, re-skin existing ones.

Ragebred Skinwalker makes a great base for a Loxodon, for instance.

Lizardfolk make easy Viashino. Kasatha or Androids could make for a good base for Vedalken (just make your own racial substitutions for the things that don't fit for you, or simply re-flavor them.)

We found that the guilds wonderfully represented the alignments. Our interpretation was:

Boros - LG
Selesnya - NG
Gruul - CG (probably the most contentious, but consider that the Gruul run the soup kitchens and care for the poor and guidless)
Azorius - LN
Simic - N (concerned with scientific advancement)
Golgari - TN (concerned with the balance - life and death)
Izzet - CN
Orzhov - LE
Dimir - NE
Rakdos - CE

We re-flavored and changed spells that refer to alignment to refer to color, so instead of Protection from G/L/C/E, we had Protection from W/U/B/R/G. This use of guilds and color *really* made the game feel both different and like a Ravnica game (honestly, our personal interpretation of guilds to alignments doesn't matter if you're using the color wheel - the guilds have strong enough ideologies to effectively be their own alignment system.)

If you're pursuing the idea of a campaign based around the PC's becoming Planeswalkers, consider the mythic rules with the ascension event being the character's "Spark" event.

I had a lot of fun crafting my own monsters with simple, but flavorful rules that called back to their MtG origins. Their first boss was a giant named Craw. I gave Craw a sort of reverse-flanking to simulate Rampage - for every enemy he threatened beyond the first, he gained +2 STR. I made liberal use of locations and items from the TCG (not limited to Ravnica) - our Golgari necromancer got a Scythe of the Wretched, our Izzet steam mage got a Mizzium Transreliquat, etc, the first adventure location was a Golgari Rot Farm that led through Steam Vents into Dimir...

Great minds think alike thats actually what i planned on doing to make things alot easier. The Vedalken was just a special case because there really isn't anything that matches them close enough to be a base without making a rule new race.

Yea that was the hardest part for me was to pick the alignments for the guilds. What i got out of them was boros is CG because their against taking away freedom and doing it for the people. Selesnya was probably the hardest to pick. I looked at everyones thoughts and one even said they were evil because their guild takes away what makes you you so that you can connect to their leader. I ended up with LG because they do kind of take away your personality but not for evil reasons. That and there isn't any guild i saw as LG. Gruul i picked CN because barbarians and giants smashing everything because their mad that their not the green guild anymore. didnt know they helped people though. might switch gruul and izzet. Golgari i couldnt help but make NE. yes they dont do evil acts but controlling the dead is still controlling the dead which to me is evil. the rest of the guilds i have the same alignments as you.

Spells will probably be the same. i dont plan on complicating things by bringing in colors for players to use. NPCs might.

They might if the players wish to become one or not.

That part has me excited to.

Man I love Ravnica.

Though as a big Golgari fan I gotta say: Why make them evil? They feed the poor, keep the streets clean, dispose of the waste of society, and take in the donwtrodden and outcast. I know their ranks are filled with undead, giant insects, trolls, fungus monsters, plant zombies, gorgons, and basically dark elves but I would not call them evil as far as their actions go.

Also are there any other races you are going to stat up?

I wouldn't call their all but one of their actions evil either. The act of creating undead itself is evil though. Even the spell create undead has evil written on it. I was in a game for a short amount of time (it died shortly after i joined) that the dm had the setting be when people die they get turned into undead to continue serve their city or country yet the dm said their not evil because they werent doing bad things with their undead. As much as i love the golgari because elves are awsome and mixing in necormancy and zombies just makes it that much better i cant help but put them as evil because of the undead creating alone.

I'm currently working on the Viashino using the lizardfolk as a base.

Well at least you can't call the plant zombies/skeletons evil since necromancy isnt involved :P

I'm trying to think through the guilds and races and trying to think of anything else that would be a good candidate for pc rases. I want to say Gorgons but I no they are way too powerful. The minotaurs are fairly important to the Boros if I remember correctly and trolls are important to Golgari. Actually the golgari have those insect men too. I suppose we already have merfolk for the simic. YOu could always do alternate racial traits for the 3 different types of Elves since technically I think they are considered different in universe.

I know you said you aren't going to do class stuff probably but coming up with 2-3 archetypes for each guild sounds like fun to me. Izzet alchemists and rakdos bards and Boros cavaliers and Simic wizards and the like.

No but defiling the dead is still defiling the dead. Anyway enough about what is evil and what isnt before this topic explodes into a alignment arguments that i have so far been blessed to not have yet. From what ive heard from spoony they are not fun.

As of now the only playable races im making are the vedalken and viashino. They rest i was going to make as monsters and npcs instead of playable race. Loxodon i'll be making as a playable race to mainly because it will be easy to port the loxodon from 3.5 to pathfinder and the fact that i didnt know that was what the elephant soldiers were called. Minotuars, trolls, insect men, ect will be modified pathfinder versions. Insect men i may actualy make playable to though. Again thri-kreen being in 3.5 makes it easier to port.

As much as i enjoy having a vast amount of options to make my characters (Im never the same thing twice) i have the "I dont know if this is balanced without using a step by step guide" flaw :(

Now then the Viashino has just been completed. As of now im figuring out if i should add in frenzy and or sword training to them.


Type: Humanoid (Reptilian) (0 RP)

Size: Medium (0 RP)

Base Speed: Normal (30 ft.) (0 RP)

Ability Score Modifier: Flexible (+2 Dex +2 Con) (2 RP)

Language: Standard (Draconic and Common) (Cyclops, Giant, and Ignan) (0 RP)

Defence Racial Traits: Natural Armor (+1 Natural Armor to AC) (2 RP)

Offense Racial Traits: Bite (Viashino gain a natural bite attack, dealing 1d3 damage. The bite is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if the creature is wielding
manufactured weapons) (1 RP), Slapping Tail (Viashino have a tail they can use to make attacks of opportunity with a reach of 5 feet. The tail is a natural attack
that deals 1d8 points of damage plus the user’s Strength modifier) (3 RP), Claws (Viashino receive two claw attacks. These are primary natural attacks that deal 1d4
each) (2 RP)

Total RP: 10

Got the Loxodon done today. Will probably be adding in other abilities later namely powerful charge for gore, frenzy because the loxo has it, gatecrasher because elephant, sprinter, and either relentless or something that gives it a bonus against bullrush.

The Viashino have been updated as well. I have given them Ferocity.


Type: Monstrous Humanoid (Darkvision 60 ft.) (3 RP)

Size: Large (+2 str, -2 dex, -1 AC and attack rolls, +1 CMB and CMD, -4 Stealth, 10 feet by 10 feet with reach of 5 feet) (7 RP)

Base Speed: Normal (30 ft.) (0 RP)

Ability Score Modifier: Standard (+2 Con +2 Wis -2 Cha) (0 RP)

Language: Standard (Common and Loxo) (0 RP)

Defense Racial Traits: Natural Armor (+1 Natural Armor to AC) (2 RP), Improved Natural Armor (+1 Natural Armor to AC) (1 RP)

Feat and Skill Racial Traits: Skill Bonus (+2 Handle Animal and Perception) (4 RP)

Magical Racial Traits: Lesser Spell-Like Ability (Speak with Animals (Elephant related animals only) 3/day) (1 RP)

Offense Racial Traits: Natural Attack (Gore (Primary 1d8)) (2 Slams (Primary 1d6 each)) (3 RP), Reach (10 ft. reach) (1 RP)

Senses Racial Traits: Scent (Loxodon gain the scent ability) (4 RP)

Total RP: 26

Updated the Loxodon adding in Stability and Powerful Charge using its gore attack.

Liberty's Edge

I love the idea for a pathfinder game set in guild megacity of Ravnica. the Warring Guilds and the Dragons maze makes for some great questing potential, particularly in the way that some guilds will justify their actions as being 'for the good of the city'.

Mhm i cant wait to get it going this coming sunday. Not sure if im going to put in the dragon maze. This group isnt all that good with puzzles saddly as much as i enjoy them. I'm currently sorting out what monsters in the books i can use for the monsters in the setting and monsters i can use for npcs.

This is all i have for now.

Vedalken-Pathfinder Homebrew Vedalken
Human-Pathfinder Human
Goblin-Pathfinder Goblin
Viashino-Pathfinder Homebrew Viashino
Ogre-Pathfinder Ogre
Elf-Pathfinder Elf
Centaur-Pathfinder Centaur
Merfolk- Pathfinder Merfolk
Loxodon-Pathfinder Homebrew Loxodon

Bird- Pathfinder Roc, Owl, Eagle, Hawk,
Horse- Pathfinder light and heavy horse
Griffon- Pathfinder Griffon
Elemental Cat-
Lawful Neutral Spirit-


Just had my first session for this game even though alot of it isnt done but i got enough done to at least do the first session. One problem has came up though, one of the players got bored and complained that he didnt feel heroic at all (even though this is a starting at level 1 campaign) and on top of that he complained that he almost died (hes a ranger and pretty much leaped into the hands of a barbarian) charging head long into battle as a ranger before anyone else. I tried talking to him about it without outright telling him he is playing wrong or how to play his character and he tells me im calling him stupid. Any solutions to this problems that doesnt involve me telling him he really is stupid for charging before the paladin and cavalier or me praising him for everything he is doing just for his character to end up like paste because he doesnt think he is doing anything wrong from my praising?

Sounds like something you should ask in the Advice forum: "How do I deal with a stupid player?"

Is this the first time this guy has ever started as lvl 1 in a D20 game? If so (which it sounds like), try explaining to him that's what you have to expect at lvl 1: You're not very heroic and you're really squishy. If it isn't, find out what was different about the other games. Did they start with 2x or 3x the hit points?

ah yea i probably should have sorry about that.

I honestly dont know. He has played since AD&D and im sure he played his first few games at lvl 1 and realized he wants everyone to real heroic right off the bat instead of working for it. He is dming a game im in and we all started out at lvl 5 using point buy with a massive amount of points to use (ugh hate point buy) and were allowed to make a race if we wanted to with the max racial point total being 40 points.

You would think it was his first time but i think he is just to used to how he plays his games with giving the players massive amounts of points for everything. this will be continued in a topic ill put up in advice

Heres a updated list for the npcs and monster fill ins

Vedalken-Pathfinder Homebrew Vedalken
Human-Pathfinder Human
Goblin-Pathfinder Goblin
Viashino-Pathfinder Homebrew Viashino
Ogre-Pathfinder Ogre
Elf-Pathfinder Elf
Centaur-Pathfinder Centaur
Merfolk- Pathfinder Merfolk
Loxodon-Pathfinder Homebrew Loxodon

Bird- Pathfinder Eagle, Hawk, Owl, Roc,
Horse- Pathfinder horse
Drake- Pathfinder Wyrmling - Juvenile Blue Dragon
Griffon- Pathfinder Griffon
Elemental Cat-
Lawful Neutral Spirit- Pathfinder Prana Ghost
Golem- Pathfinder Homebrew
Elemental- Pathfinder Wind Elemental

Archon- Pathfinder Homebrew
Sphinx- Pathfinder Sphinx

and heres the first encounter that happend

CR 2
Total XP 600

2 Level 1 Human Barbarians

Cult of Rakdos Recuit
Human Barbarian 1
CE Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +5
AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 14 (+6 armor, +1 Dex, -2 rage)
hp 10 (1d12+4)
Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Greataxe +6 (1d12+7/x3)
Ranged Alchemist's Fire +2 (1d6 fire/x2), Dagger +2 (1d4+5/19-20/x2)
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Rage (6/rounds per day)
Base Statistics When not raging the Cult of Rakdos Recuit's stats are AC 17, touch 11,
flat-footed 16; hp 8; Fort +4, Will +1; Melee Greataxe +4 (1d12+4/x3); Ranged Dagger +2
(1d4+3/19-20/x2); Str 17, Con 14; CMB +4, CMD 15; Climb +2
Str 21, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Power AttackB, Cleave
Skills Acrobatics +0, Climb +4, Intimidate +3, Perception +5, Survival +5
Language Common and Abyssal
SQ Fast Movement
Treasure NPC gear (chainmail, greataxe, alchemist's fire (3), potion of cure light wounds, dagger (3), 4 gp)

1 Human Zombie

Human ( +1HD Zombie )
NE Medium Undead (human)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +0 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 12 (2d8+3)
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1;
DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits;
Speed 20 ft.
Melee longspear +4 (1d8+4/x3) or greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20) or dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20), slam +4 (1d4+4)
Ranged javelin +1 (1d6+2)
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear)
Str 17, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10;
Base Atk 1; CMB 4; CMD 14
Feats ToughnessB
Languages Common
Environment any land
Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3-5)
Treasure NPC gear (chainmail, greatsword, dagger, javelin, longspear)
Staggered (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and can only perform a single move action or standard action each round. A zombie can move up to its speed and attack in
the same round as a charge action.

Alright i got the second session of my game more or less set up (just need to set up some dynamic lighting on the manor page on roll20 and it should be good to go). Now i finally got around to starting on picking out what classes would be in what guild. Since the group will be meeting the azorius senate in the second session i decided to start with them.

I'm planning on making a npc of the azorius senate that will show up more then once or join the group out right (depending on how the npc is treated by the players of course) to help them with the mission they will be given. I have the whole npc in mind (one of the players said their sister was kidnapped so lets have her show up here with a explanation)

but im having alittle bit of trouble picking out classes for some of these magic card classes. The ones i found for the senate are Wizard, Advisor, Soldier, and Knight. Wizard, Knight, and Soldier i pretty much can make guesses on what classes would match those like any arcane caster other then the bard and magus or something like that for the wizard. Any ideas for what the advisor would match?

Expert. They can't all be character classes...well, they can, but they don't have to be.

Thank you after going over what the expert is i think i finally made a list for the azorius senate classes.

Wizard - Magus, Wizard, Summoner, Arcanist, Summoner Unchained, Occultist
Advisor - Expert, Investigator, Inquisitor
Soldier - Warrior, Fighter, Slayer
Knight - Cavalier

would like to heard everyone's thoughts on it.

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