Unchained Fractional Base Bonuses round up or down?

Rules Questions

When using Fractional Base Bonuses do I round up or down?
I am aware that traditionally you always round down, but it seems to defeat the purpose in this case.
Is there an official ruling or errata?

Grand Lodge

-Markus- wrote:

When using Fractional Base Bonuses do I round up or down?

I am aware that traditionally you always round down, but it seems to defeat the purpose in this case.
Is there an official ruling or errata?

Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but I hope it helps:

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/unchained-classes#TOC-Fractional-Base-Bonus es

Hope that is helpful.

I actually went through that, and while the it talks about the negatives about the standard practice of rounding down... Nowhere does it say you can round fractions up.... And my character is currently sitting at a Bab of 5 3/4...


You don't round up. The point of the system is to help with multiclassing. For instance, a Wizard1/Cleric1 would have 1.25 (and therefore 1 rounding down) instead of 0 as under the base system.

BAB Fractions are always rounded down.

Sorcerer Lvl 3 has a BAB of 1.5 (0.5 per level) = 1 rounded down; Druid Lvl 5 has a BAB of 3.75 (0.75 per level) = 3 rounded down.
Normally, when multiclassing, as a SOR3/DRU5 you'd have a BAB of 4; with the fractional BAB, you'd have 5.25, or 5 rounded down.

No need for an errata. This rule isn't new, it has been around at least since 3.5 Unearthed Arcana.

Always round down unless specifically told otherwise.

It doesn't defeat the purpose. Fractional bonuses, even rounded down are a strict upgrade. I cannot think of a situation where fractional bonuses would be worse for you.

The point of fractional BAB system was to give you some BAB when you took levels in multiple classes that didn't have full BAB.

As Mark points out, taking 1 level in a 1/2 BAB class and 1 level in a 3/4 BAB would normally leave you with a BAB of 0 at character level 2. Instead, using the fractional BAB system you have floor(0.5+0.75) -> floor(1.25) -> 1.

Wiz lv3: 1.5
Rogue lv3: 2.25
Trickster lv6: 3
Total: Bab +6 no change.

So if I don't round up there is no benefit for this combination.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

And one level either side? oh, lookie, the extra fractional BAB from Trickster means your BAB is one higher than it woukd be straight. Look at that.

Markus - The difference comes in *when* you round down and what levels of what classes are involved in order to make the difference. Best example is this: 1/1 Wiz/Rog.

Under normal rules:
Wiz: 1/2, round down to 0.
Rog: 3/4, round down to 0.

Under fractional rules:
Wiz: 1/2
Rog: 3/4
.5 + .75 = 1.25, round down to 1.

Profit. It's never going to give you a bigger boost than 1 point above the core rule, but it still makes a difference.

-Markus- wrote:

Wiz lv3: 1.5

Rogue lv3: 2.25
Trickster lv6: 3
Total: Bab +6 no change.

So if I don't round up there is no benefit for this combination.

Well, Wizard Level 3 has technically a BAB of 1.5 (as you pointed out). Do you round that up to 2? No. So why should you round up as soon as you add another class?

-Markus- wrote:

Wiz lv3: 1.5

Rogue lv3: 2.25
Trickster lv6: 3
Total: Bab +6 no change.

So if I don't round up there is no benefit for this combination.

Your example doesn't make a point. It's not always supposed to give you a better BAB, but it will sometimes. And using this method never makes it worse.

3 levels of wizard either 1 or 1.5
3 levels of rogue either 2 or 2.25
6 levels of arcane trickster 3 or 3.

So either way you get 6, which interesting.
But if you take a level in bard it would add 0 or .75.

Under the fractional rules you BAB would go up to 7. Without using them you add 0 and it remains at 6.

Just because it's not beneficial for all combination doesn't mean anything. It's useful for most combinations most of the time, and it can literally never make your BAB worse.

Fractional bonuses also put a stop to multiclassing done in order to ramp up base saving throw bonuses.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Fractional bonuses also put a stop to multiclassing done in order to ramp up base saving throw bonuses.

Because they tacked that onto the Fractional Bonus rule. They changed the rules for saves to only allow a single +2 in a save no matter how many classes. It has nothing to do with fractions.


Cevah wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Fractional bonuses also put a stop to multiclassing done in order to ramp up base saving throw bonuses.

Because they tacked that onto the Fractional Bonus rule. They changed the rules for saves to only allow a single +2 in a save no matter how many classes. It has nothing to do with fractions.


oookay dokies.

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