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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 162 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
I can't seem to find anything on what type of action using an exploit is. For example:
Energy Shield says in the description that it requires a standard action. however, Flame arc does not say anything about actions, and under Arcane resevoir it says:
Points from the arcanist reservoir are used to fuel many of the arcanist’s powers. In addition, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a free action whenever she casts an arcanist spell.
Can I do both in one round?
Can I use two flame arcs for that matter?
avr wrote: I'm pretty sure that no, there isn't any such item. Awe.. That's too bad. Maybe I can find another way to achieve my goal.
Hey guys,
I just came across amulet of the blooded, which can increase your bloodline power lv by 2.
I was wondering if there was a similar item for arcane school abilities?
I play RAW. and am looking for a way to either get a free arcane school ability (specifically from the teleportation school) or to add to its lv.
As it stands I'm an exploiter wizard using school understanding to get a 5' dimension door as a swift action. I want to increase that to 15' if I can.
Hey guys,
I just came across amulet of the blooded, which can increase your bloodline power lv by 2.
I was wondering if there was a similar item for arcane school abilities?
I play RAW. and am looking for a way to either get a free arcane school ability (specifically from the teleportation school) or to add to its lv.
As it stands I'm an exploiter wizard using school understanding to get a 5' dimension door as a swift action. I want to increase that to 15' if I can.
blahpers wrote: -Markus- wrote: Razz wrote: Brogue The Rogue wrote: Aura of Forgetfulness from the APG sounds super neat . . . but I have no idea how this would work in combat? Is the part about losing your memory just flavor text, or what? How would a creature function in combat if it can't remember anything from the last few seconds? Not everything involves combat. This would work in a room and you wanted folks to forget what is about to transpire within the amount of time spent in the area. Say a kidnapping, a stealth kill, a secret message, whatever.
It does have a combat use. It causes spellcasters to lose prepared spells or spell slots each round on a failed Will save. That's a pretty powerful ability. What is the DC of the will save? Domain abilities are 10 + 1/2 the character's class level + the character's relevant casting ability score modifier. (E.g., for a 10th-level cleric with 16 Wisdom, the DC would be 10 + 5 + 3 = 17.) perfect ty!
Razz wrote: Brogue The Rogue wrote: Aura of Forgetfulness from the APG sounds super neat . . . but I have no idea how this would work in combat? Is the part about losing your memory just flavor text, or what? How would a creature function in combat if it can't remember anything from the last few seconds? Not everything involves combat. This would work in a room and you wanted folks to forget what is about to transpire within the amount of time spent in the area. Say a kidnapping, a stealth kill, a secret message, whatever.
It does have a combat use. It causes spellcasters to lose prepared spells or spell slots each round on a failed Will save. That's a pretty powerful ability. What is the DC of the will save?
Cevah wrote: While not quite the same, I think the Paragon Surge FAQ should apply.
Ninja Tricks wrote: Unless otherwise noted, a ninja cannot select an individual ninja trick more than once. You can only get Combat Trick once, so using Forgotten Trick to get multiple Combat Tricks does not seem right.
Yes but I could use forgotten trick to take for example:
Unarmed Combat Training
Style Master -Kirin Style
Combat Trick - Kirin Strike
3 Separate Ninja tricks, all used once.
Adam Daigle wrote: The vast majority of the conduit feats only require a certain number of skill ranks in a skill (or skills, in some cases). A few have other prerequisites, Planar Infusion for example. OK, that's what it seemed to say, I asked because it seemed a little OP to get a spell like ability for a tier one feat, and some skill ranks.
But then, I plan to abuse the crap out of it for my npc villains...
Berselius wrote: I hope we get some Metamagic feats that let your elemental damage spells bypass resistance or immunity in exchange for using a higher level spell slot. Maybe with cool names like Primal Fire, Absolute Cold, (etc etc). :D It looks amazing!
Can anyone take the Conduit Feats, or do you have to currently be travelling in one of the planes?
I guess I am asking if the pre-req of Planar knowledge is actually the only pre-req, or if there is a catch?
Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote: -Markus- wrote: Hmm, a lot of the Ki uses are free actions... What particular uses are you thinking of? It's mostly to get 2nd tier feats, so you'd have to spend Ki on the prerequisite feat, and the feat you want.
The ki cost to do it is already very high (6) I just want to know how long it would take to implement.
Hmm, a lot of the Ki uses are free actions...
I hope we can get better clarification.
Hey guys!
I have once again come to ask for guidance.
If a ninja uses the forgotten trick, to gain the combat trick ability.... How many feats can she call upon in one round?
For example, could one use it to get power attack and also Cleave?
I did not see any limitations on how much Ki one can spend in a round.

Hey guys,
Is there a magic item that duplicates or allows the first teir use of a domain/wizard/school/bloodline ability?
Specifically i am trying to duplicate the Conjuration-Teleportation school power of shift.
I understand that I can make something up, but I would rather have something that exists RAW than to invent my own.
Effectively, I need a limited dimension door that operates on a swift or move action, or alternatively, a magic item that allows DD to be cast as a swift or move action.
Any ideas?
For reference:
Associated School: Conjuration.
Replacement Power: The following school power replaces the acid dart power of the conjuration school.
Shift (Su): At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You must be able to see the space that you are moving into. You cannot take other creatures with you when you use this ability (except for familiars). You can move 5 feet for every two wizard levels you possess (minimum 5 feet). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
-Markus- wrote: Hey guys.
A wizards bonded item is useless for anyone but him. Is there an ability or spell that duplicates that effect?
I'm trying to give my villains access to items I don't want the players to get.
Thanks guys, found the solution in a wand of dust ward.
Hey guys.
A wizards bonded item is useless for anyone but him. Is there an ability or spell that duplicates that effect?
I'm trying to give my villains access to items I don't want the players to get.
What do halflings get as their alt favoured class bonus as Archanists?
Avoron wrote: blahpers wrote: A leopard slug is CR 1/8, and its only feat could be retrained to Extra Item Slot so that it can crawl around with said ring on.
The original post was a joke, but I kinda want to use this for something now.
Edit: Shoot, as a vermin it has no feats. I'll have to find another way for Spot to rule the world.
It just so happens that a bat has the same CR, and comes ready-made with a ring slot for all your wishing needs.
More to the point of the OP's question, a young, repeatedly drained efreeti or vizier is only CR 6, and can grant up to three wishes per day to any nongenie.
Or better yet, be a young, repeatedly drained winter hag (CR 5) with a couple of level one witch minions (CR 1/2) and create unlimited free genie simulacrums to do your wishing for you. Yeah I was going to make the simulacrum myself. Thanks!
Well like the title says,
What is the lowest CR creature that can cast wish or miracle?
I have a lv 12 Wizard/Rogue, with a CL of 10.
Is there a way through feat or magic item, to add Death Knell to my spell list?
I am aware I can use scrolls or wands, but I prefer something a little more permanent.
We use the rules RAW.
Figured it out. I can use the faith magic arcane discovery.
Wiz lv3: 1.5
Rogue lv3: 2.25
Trickster lv6: 3
Total: Bab +6 no change.
So if I don't round up there is no benefit for this combination.
I actually went through that, and while the it talks about the negatives about the standard practice of rounding down... Nowhere does it say you can round fractions up.... And my character is currently sitting at a Bab of 5 3/4...
When using Fractional Base Bonuses do I round up or down?
I am aware that traditionally you always round down, but it seems to defeat the purpose in this case.
Is there an official ruling or errata?
Hey guys, I am interested in making a necromancer/bard.
I intend to use the Arcane healer as the bard base class, though i am going to go with channel negative energy instead of positive. and have the cause lt wounds feature instead of cure lt wounds.
But what I would like is a necromancer prestige class to fit over top of it.
Any suggestions?

djones wrote: Something I'd very much like to see in the book is a re-examination of the interaction between spellcasting and sneak attacks. Right now you get 1 set of sneak dice from scorching ray due to a holdover from 3.5 based upon a ruling for Manyshot, even though Manyshot is a single attack roll and Scorching Ray requires each ray to make it's own attack.
It's understandable that this ruling would carry over and be made in this way, but adding the option of making the Arcane Trickster a lot blastier than it currently is would be a nice shot in the arm for the prestige class. Perhaps rather than having all the rays use the primary attack bonus they could use iterative attacks when targeting more than one enemy? Although that might cause issues for straight arcane casters.
Allowing sneak dice on all the missiles from a Surprise Spells magic missiles would be pretty sweet too and make that an impressive capstone.
My group plays RAW and we allow sneak dice on any attack roll. It is balanced, and works fine. Simply allowing it, is the answer.
Nefreet wrote: There is no feat (that I know of) that lets you retain your Buckler's AC bonus during such an attack.
However, there is also no penalty to attacks when wearing a Buckler and using a Bow, Crossbow, or Firearm, so you're good there.
I guess... But considering all the other shield feats I think they should make one.. Otherwise I am stuck using a dancing shield...
With all the new shield feats that remove penalties while fighting with two weapons... Is there a new crossbow/buckler feat that let's you keep your AC bonus, while firing multiple shots with a heavy repeating crossbow with no penalty to hit?
Abraham spalding wrote: Yeah I wanted to make sure we both understood why that line was there (because without it as we both agree they wouldn't stack) -- I'm glad you see that it is in every point.
I do wish that Greensting Slayer was a better option than it is.
Well my GM is reasonable, and I am sure we can come up with a better option... But I hate not using RAW.

Abraham spalding wrote: RumpinRufus wrote: It's not at all obvious to me that the familiar's Sneak Attack progression ever increases from classes other than Carnivalist. Correct me if I'm wrong. That part might work if you have the sneak attack class ability (say from the vivisectionist archetype) that says it stacks with other classes for your sneak attack dice.
The problem is greensting slayer doesn't actually have sneak attack. He has arcane pool that he can spend to add sneak attack dice to his next melee attack.
It only states the damage stacks with actual sneak attack dice because without that language you would only get one or the other (just like having more than one pool of channel energy or smite from more than one class). Every class that has sneak attack dice, other than this one, says has a clause that says the sneak attack stacks. Assassins, Tricksters, Ninjas, it all stacks. So it's weird to me that they would put this limitation on "1 attack" I wonder if it will make it into an errata, as it does not fit the theme of the other classes with similar abilities...
Edit: just for reference.... "Sneak Attack: This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 every other level (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th). If an assassin gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses on damage stack."

Abraham spalding wrote: -Markus- wrote: Abraham spalding wrote: Greensting magus is a trap -- you have to spend an arcane pool point and a swift action to gain sneak attack on one attack a round.
That is a horrible deal. Not if you take a rogue class with it, then it's just normal sneak attacks. Greensting slayer wrote: At 1st level, a greensting slayer can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to add 1d6 points of sneak attack damage to his next melee attack that round. The attack must meet all of the usual prerequisites for making a sneak attack, as the rogue class feature. For every 4 levels beyond 1st, the amount of sneak attack damage dealt by this ability increases by 1d6 (to a maximum of 5d6 at 17th level). If a greensting slayer gets a sneak attack from another source, the bonuses on damage stack.
A greensting slayer cannot use his arcane pool to enhance his weapon.
This ability modifies the arcane pool ability. In short you are wrong -- it is still only one one attack, yes the damage stacks with your other sneak attack but it still only on your next attack -- after that attack all you get is your "normal" sneak attack damage. Yup I see what you are saying. I misread it and took it to be the same as a rogues sneak attack ability.
Abraham spalding wrote: Greensting magus is a trap -- you have to spend an arcane pool point and a swift action to gain sneak attack on one attack a round.
That is a horrible deal.
Lastly all the spell points can either be used for arcana or to power your familiar up with spell like abilities.
Honestly this combo looks really powerful potentially, and I can just buy/craft magic weapons. So wasting pool points on it always seemed like a waste to me.

lemeres wrote: There are only two animal familiars which seem appropriate for this- the compy and the goat. This is because these two are the only ones that get anything near even a 'mediocre' strength after taking battle form (most familiars have 1-3 str, which is 9 at best after turning, and gets to 15 VERY late game).
These two end up with 14 base strength...which isn't good, but can grow to ‘acceptable’. They only have 1 natural attack each, which isn't the best for combat. They also cannot take any more feats (only beast bond witches and that new fighter archetype get around that problem). Anyway, they are never going to be useful for much besides flanking (they are rather squishy, quite honestly)
Improved familiars like the Cat sith, and the other elven version Start at st 8 and 9, and get 3 attacks as well as other spell abilities.
making it more than worth while.
Also 3 attacks regardless of ST when 2d6 sneak is added makes a huge difference.
Even at lv 3 I would get my attack, a spell, and the familiar would get 3 attacks. (assuming any familiar with 3 attacks) Total of 4 attacks with a +2d6 to damage... every time with flanking. At lv 3 that is pretty devastating.
Abraham spalding wrote: Greensting magus is a trap -- you have to spend an arcane pool point and a swift action to gain sneak attack on one attack a round.
That is a horrible deal.
Not if you take a rogue class with it, then it's just normal sneak attacks.
Has anyone tried this?
Lv 3 rogue, lv 17 magus.
You get 6d6 sneak and your familiar gets 6d6 sneak per attack. And you could flank with it (Mauler increases size in battle mode)
Mauler would mean a high strength for combat damage as well.
All your spell points could be used to augment the familiar, since you wouldn't need them for much else...

Avoron wrote: Indeed. And, shadowform is actually a swift action (assuming you mean the belt), although you can activate it ahead of time.
You would need to do something like:
Before combat: Transformation (standard), Activate Shadowform Belt (swift)
Surprise round: Arcane Strike (swift), Attack (standard)
First round of combat: Flurry of Stars (swift), Full-Attack (standard)
And whether you can even use Underhanded on your single surprise round attack is unclear, because as far as I know the tangled mess of shuriken rules doesn't account for the action it takes to draw hidden shuriken.
Yeah I messed up the order a bit, I was writing it from memory :/ Also it will be slightly less damage because I think that my off hand attacks only count half the str bonus for damage and half of the deadly aim bonus. I could be wrong though, don't have the books in front of me.
As for drawing the shuriken, I can actually hide them in a spring sheath and I have quick draw. They are hidden there so as long as the super tarasque can't see inv and cant beat my sleight of hand check and see that I have spring loaded shuriken up my sleeve, I should be OK. Also I can do all of round one prep, before I actually go into combat, meaning that "round 2" is actually the surprise round.

Round 1. haste from boots (move action) use ki to activate flurry of stars (swift action) cast transformation. (action) use imp invisibility(trickster class) (free action)
Round 2. activate arcane strike (swift action) Activate shadowform (move action) Attack with 11 ranged touch attacks each one doing max sneak att damage from rogue talent (underhanded). So if they all hit (+30X7, +25X2, +20X2 ranged touch....)
They do 759-803 points of damage.
Clustered shot means damage reduction is only taken off the first attack....
Transformation gives me a fighters base att bonus (+25, +20, +15, +10)
two weapon fight, imp, 2 wep, and gr 2 wep gives me 3 more attacks.
Haste gives me +1 attack
Rapid shot +1 attack
Ninja talent flurry of stars, 2 more attacks.
Total 11
I take a -10 from all the extra attacks, but they are touch attacks from Shadow form...
Damage is 1d2+5 magic +1 sharpened+2 strength, +1d4 splinter weapon (bone) +12 deadly aim (-6 to hit) +5 arcane strike,
=1d2+1d4+25 +7d6 sneak att maxed(42)
=1d2+1d4+67 X11
=759-803 damage.
Edit: it might be a little less because I forgot to halve the damage from my off hand attacks...
Avoron wrote: That would work. I love this community, and I love how we all solve puzzles together. And I always appreciate help from other outside the box thinkers.
But I also love figuring it out for myself. :P
I will let you all know how it goes, and I will post characters and stats.
We play with RAW (rules as written) Though the GM fudges a bit for story sometimes.
I am honestly pretty excited.
-Markus- wrote: Lets try a different tactic..
Is there a spell that removes or diminishes or otherwise bypasses Natural armor, that is not a ray or element based spell?
Looks like this might work....
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/u/undead-anatomy-i#undead-anatomy- iv
Lets try a different tactic..
Is there a spell that removes or diminishes or otherwise bypasses Natural armor, that is not a ray or element based spell?
-Markus- wrote: Scott Wilhelm wrote: Bob Bob Bob wrote: Your choices are Monowhip, Rail Gun, and Rocket Launcher. If you can't get firearms there's no way in @#$% you're getting these though. If the DM is throwing the Tarrasque at him, it's only fair that he gets a Rocket Launcher or something. It is immune to rays :( Don't need to tie it up, just drown it, it can't regenerate without air.
Scott Wilhelm wrote: Ah! I found another one!
There is a psionic feat called Fell Shot. You expend your psionic focus and make the next attack a touch attack. the melee version of this is called Deep Impact.
The prerequisites are Psionic Shot, good feat, Point Blank shot, a necessary feat, and a BAB of +6.
If you take the psionic feat Meditative Focus, you can regain your focus as a Move action instead of as a Full-Round Action.
I have another suggestion that may not be to the point, but may nevertheless be useful. How about the True Strike Spell?
I am trying to get multiple attacks of sneak damage, so just one is not enough to help. Greater invisibility at will is a trickster power, so all my attacks can have sneak damage....Or I can flank.
Tomos wrote: The Pinpoint Targeting feat works.
Archery Rangers can get it by 10th level.
That has potential if I take some of the other feats that increase or max damage as well... Only 1 att per round though.... hard to beat the min 40hp regen with that...

Avoron wrote: Hooded Champion gets an ability similar to the Bolt Ace's, but with a bow.
It seems like the issue here is getting a touch attack in a low tech game on short notice (ie, without building for it).
If no energy type at all will work, then it seems you're out of luck. Maybe a wand of Gloomblind Bolts, Force Anchor, or even Reach Stricken Heart?
The problem here is three fold.
1 my GM reads these forums, so I dont want to attract his attention.
2 I am not sure what hybridized, bastardized version of the beast we are going up against. So I am not sure just what I need exactly.
And 3 I am playing a wiz/rogue/swashbuckler/trickster And guns are just something he will not use. I am not so much min/maxing here as I am looking for ideas and options. I am not willing to break character to win, but I am not above curbing things a little as long as they fit the concept.
I was basically hoping for a weapon that I could use to help get through the natural armor, and allow me to use my sneak damage....
I think I need the Glaive from Krull....
Scott Wilhelm wrote: Bob Bob Bob wrote: No Dex Mod does nothing to help them with +35 Natural Armor, which is why they wanted touch attacks. Yes. That's what the level in Gunslinger is for. Guns make ranged touch attacks. I thought that recommending a level in Gunslinger made it implicit that I was recommending he would be using a gun.
So my character by level 3 will be getting a ranged sneak attack against their flatfooted, touch AC every round. Pretty cool, anyway. Pretty sure there is a rule someplace that says guns can't do sneak damage, though you could do it with a crossbow in the new class, but it costs grit every time.
Scott Wilhelm wrote: Bob Bob Bob wrote: Your choices are Monowhip, Rail Gun, and Rocket Launcher. If you can't get firearms there's no way in @#$% you're getting these though. If the DM is throwing the Tarrasque at him, it's only fair that he gets a Rocket Launcher or something. It is immune to rays :(
Blakmane wrote: Firearms are exactly what you are looking for. AFAIK there is no other way to do it without magic.
Are you fighting a golem?
Might be a Tarrasque...or some version of one. They usually have crazy AC but it's all from Natural Armor...
chaoseffect wrote: Firearms hit touch in the first range increment. That said, what exactly are you trying to build? Right, probably cant be fire arms either.
Bolt Ace gets to use a grit point to make all his crossbow attacks that round touch attacks..... Which is good....
But I need a bit more than that...
Hey guys!
I am looking for a weapon that uses ranged touch attacks (or touch att). I need to be able to add sneak attack damage to it.
It cant be strait element damage.
It can't be a magic attack like a ray or chill touch.
It can't be Brilliant energy.
Does such a thing exist?
Is there a feat combo or class ability combo that lets you do it?
EDIT: Can't use firearms either......
havent had a chance to see the tech guide yet....looks awesome though.
All that I really want is to be able to add Dex as damage to my Rapier attacks. For no other reason than my guy has always used rapiers. He could use a cutlass or wakizashi or scimitar but it's not his style.