KyleS |

So I've seen a few of these threads so far, and I've been interested in the idea doing it myself. So basically looking for a GM who wouldn't mind running a Rise game for a party that would be played out entirely by myself. I won't be able to actually put full time into it just yet, as I'm about to go through a move here in a few days, but that gives plenty of time anyways for GM's to think if you'd be interested in doing this.
The characters I have drawn up are based on the Heroic NPC stats to just give an idea, with average starting gold for class, two traits, and a drawback. If you want to change this, that's perfectly fine with me, as I said, they're just a baseline to get an idea and should be able to be easily changed if needed.
I've 6 drawn up, the two I want to run for sure are Satinder Coric who is an aasimar ranger and Liliana Tesseran who is a human cleric of Calistria. Two I would like to run (who are also a combo package with the backstories I'm working on for) are Melathiel Aeraloth, an elven wizard and Theodric de Luera, a human fighter. And then the other two who I wouldn't mind running (but am fine if you want to limit it) are Nakayama Hiriko, a human paladin of Shizuru and Kaleb Quickfoot, a halfling rogue.
Once things are established, I wouldn't mind running something for you or your party if you would like. Just let me know and we can go from there.

goodwicki |

I'll say up front that I can't run this for you; I don't have the time, and I just started playing in a RotR PbP two weeks ago and don't want to spoil it for myself. However, I'm interested in the idea behind it: what exactly is the "One Player Party Challenge" besides the obvious, and what exactly is the "challenge" bit of it?

KyleS |

Couple of months ago, there were some threads up about some people requesting to run something by themselves with either a party or a single character to test a random build. After talking about it, it ended up being an interesting idea as far as running multiple characters by yourself and seeing if you could build a party that could function well as a group, but also still create a good story lol.

wicked_raygun |

It seems like to do this would be to essentially co-write a novel. Don't get me wrong it's interesting, but a little unwieldy. It would definitely be a lot of work for both the Player and the GM.
Imagine combat where the player needs to make four posts every round. And don't forget character interactions during RP. That's bound to get a little daunting.
But a way I could see this working is that the Player manages 2 characters rather than 4 or more. In order to make up for the loss in power, you have the two player characters gain mythic levels as they move through the story. Essentially they gain a mythic tier every two character levels.
And teamwork feats might be a good idea as well.

Maynotcare |

I find this highly intriguing as a concept, from both directions. I don't have much experience with forum posting, and I'm kind of new here, but I've done something similar to this with a friend via IRC before, and the PbP format might be far better suited to the concept, certainly for allowing more roleplay. Not sure I'm actually the right person to even attempt GMing this at the moment, but I certainly would love to see what happens with this, and maybe try something similar in the future. (Also, I moved earlier this year, and most of my books are still in storage, including my copy of the RotR Anniversary Edition hardcover.)

Maynotcare |

It's not an issue of whether I could run the campaign, as I have plenty of GM experience, including in a text-based environment, and the formatting here seems simple enough. Rather, it's the commitment of running an entire Adventure Path via PbP with a stranger. I browsed through this part of the forum, and it is rather quite sobering how many campaigns never even get halfway through the first book before dying. I wouldn't want to start a campaign I wasn't sure I could commit to in the long-term.