Once again: Full-Round Actions and extra actions

Rules Questions

Similar question were on this forums before, but those threads are confusing, hard to read and generally not helpful.

So, here's the problem:
Full-Round action says:


A full-round action consumes all your effort during a round. The only movement you can take during a full-round action is a 5-foot step before, during, or after the action. You can also perform free actions and swift actions (see below). See Table: Actions in Combat for a list of full-round actions.

A full-round action requires an entire round to complete. Thus, it can't be coupled with a standard or a move action, though if it does not involve moving any distance, you can take a 5-foot step.

If I get somehow an extra action (like extra move action or extra standard action), can I use this extra action and then also use my full-round action?

For example:
I am 6th-level fighter and I happen to have a Quick Runner's Shirt.
Quick Runner's Shirt says:

Once per day as a swift action, the wearer can take an additional move action to move on his turn.

Can I activate my shirt, take additional move action to towards my enemy, and then make a full attack? Why?

Sovereign Court

Fedorchik1536 wrote:

Similar question were on this forums before, but those threads are confusing, hard to read and generally not helpful.

So, here's the problem:
Full-Round action says:


A full-round action consumes all your effort during a round. The only movement you can take during a full-round action is a 5-foot step before, during, or after the action. You can also perform free actions and swift actions (see below). See Table: Actions in Combat for a list of full-round actions.

A full-round action requires an entire round to complete. Thus, it can't be coupled with a standard or a move action, though if it does not involve moving any distance, you can take a 5-foot step.

If I get somehow an extra action (like extra move action or extra standard action), can I use this extra action and then also use my full-round action?

For example:
I am 6th-level fighter and I happen to have a Quick Runner's Shirt.
Quick Runner's Shirt says:

Once per day as a swift action, the wearer can take an additional move action to move on his turn.
Can I activate my shirt, take additional move action to towards my enemy, and then make a full attack? Why?

I would say you can't because

"The only movement you can take during a full-round action is a 5-foot step before, during, or after the action."
Even though you are granted an extra move action you are moving more than 5' so you can't take the full attack. IMO

Yes you can, that is what that item is made to do.

Specific item trumps general rule.

Scarab Sages

I have always allowed it. Full round action specifically says you can also take "free and swift" actions, and the Quick Runner's Shirt says the extra move is considered a swift action.

alexd1976 wrote:

Yes you can, that is what that item is made to do.

Specific item trumps general rule.

This is the correct answer.

There is a general rule that you can only take a full round action when you're not taking any other movement, move action, or standard action in the same round. Fine, that's a general rule.

There is a specific rule in the Quickrunner's Shirt that breaks that general rule by giving you an EXTRA action.

And as always, when two rules conflict, a specific rule overrides a general rule.

@cylerist: You're probably right, you cannot take the extra move action DURING your full round action. But your specific rule for the extra move action would happen BEFORE or AFTER your full round action and there won't be a conflict.

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

What I think you CAN'T do is manufacture a second full-round action out of an extra move action and an extra standard action. You'd have to have an ability or item that actually grants a full-round action rather than one that grants a move and another that grants a standard.


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