Anyone tried the Blood themed rage powers from ACG with Skalds?


Liberty's Edge

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Hi All!

I was just having a look at the blood-themed barbarian rage powers found in the ACG. Some of them look totally cool. I was just wondering if anyone out there has tried using any of them with Skalds?

This PC of mine (Barachûrg) is a level 2 skald for PFS play. I was looking at what might be a good starting point for his rage powers starting at level 3. Especially the blood-themed rage powers in ACG.

I'm sort of leaning towards either the Draconic or Elemental blood powers. There's also the Abyssal blood powers, but I favour the first two.

But, since I've not actually given any of these a go in actual play (with either a skald or a barbarian), I was wondering if anyone out there has any experience with them they'd like to tell me about. Just curious as to what the practical good and bad bits would be in actually play.

Thanks in advance!

Scarab Sages

Elemental Blood Greater gives great movement tricks. Fly 60 or Burrow 30 to the entire party is very nice.

Liberty's Edge

@ Imbicatus:

That's kind of what I was thinking.

I was looking at either Fire (base speed plus 60) or Electricity (Fly 60). Which would be a good buff for the party.

I thought Acid might be a better choice, though, just because of the extra acid damage, since not as many things have acid resistance. But I guess you'd just have to be a bit careful with the Burrow thing, since it does not allow you to breath underground while burrowing, does it?

I was also thinking the Greater Draconic Blood would be a nice buff for giving the entire party a breath weapon. Even if it is a one off per party member.

Grand Lodge

The problem is that you can't get to the greater power before 12th for a Skald, so it's not PFS useful.

I've got no experience here, but was thinking about taking Celestial Bloodline. Giving everyone Good weapons should be useful.

Liberty's Edge

@ Markov:

Those points are true enough. This character's also a sort of a PF guinea pig for me to test out all this fun stuff.

I thought the Lesser Draconic and Draconic blood rage powers would be good to effectively make party member weapons in their own right with claws, and then give them a wee boost in natural AC too.

The Abyssal seems kind of iffy. Also gets claws, but the enlarge ability is a "maybes" since the strength and reach boosts are nice, but then your AC tends to plummet that way too.

Decisions, decisions!

So many choices and so many slots…

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