Eagle's Splendor and Monk's Ki Pool

Rules Questions

Do temporary increases to wis affect a monk's ki pool? Or is it like rage that doesn't get anything from it?

Ki Pool wrote:
The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.

Ki is only increased otherwise if the ability expressly states it is.

Considering Ki needs rest, you would need a permanent Wis increase. But it should temporarily increase the maximum for things like Ki Leech.

However, I'm confused by what you mean "like rage"? Rage increases Con, which provides both (real) hit points and increases any DC's based on Con for the duration. Edit: nvm, I understand what you meant now, but I would not compare it to rage at all

ps. the spell you were looking for is Owl's Wisdom

Ahh okay. And rage was a bad example but the meaning went across. And I always get the ability boosting spells mixed up, good thing I'm not casting them lol

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

GreyFox95 wrote:
Do temporary increases to wis affect a monk's ki pool? Or is it like rage that doesn't get anything from it?

No increase in an ability grants a bonus to a daily resource until permanent.

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