Im making a bolt ace that's centered around hand crossbows but my AC is a little lacking for the difficulty level of the campaign from what my GM has told us. So my question is, what shields can I use while still being able to fire and reload the hand crossbow?
That'd be two swift actions in one turn, though, right?
And that'd only give you 2 daggers, if you can use one swift to grab both somehow. Different from 6 attacks from two weapon fighting and high enough base attack, one from haste, one from rapid shot, etc.
I'm throwing in a vote for it meaning the pistol specifically or else it would've said "a one-handed firearm." Pistols in pathfinder are muzzleloaded singleshot firearms, whereas a revolver is a revolver (not gonna explain it) but there is a difference. If you need more rules text, the base gunslinger can only pick from the pistol, musket, or blunderbuss (and the souble-barrel counterparts, I think; probably not).
I think the intent is pretty clearly not. The whole point of it is to get you a basic firearm, despite the high cost, not to let you pick the best one available.
This is a nifty little flow chart for grappling from d20pfsrd. In the second part of the chart you'll see that you may take any actions that don't require 2 hands to do including a full attack, but this is assuming you're grappling with arms and not your hair. I'm not sure if this is for PFS or not but I'm sure it would be allowed.
I'm throwing in a vote for it meaning the pistol specifically or else it would've said "a one-handed firearm." Pistols in pathfinder are muzzleloaded singleshot firearms, whereas a revolver is a revolver (not gonna explain it) but there is a difference. If you need more rules text, the base gunslinger can only pick from the pistol, musket, or blunderbuss (and the souble-barrel counterparts, I think; probably not).
Edit: I'm not playing PFS so I could probably make some sort of plea to my GM to allow this because they won't let me use Katana to flurry but as long as I can say "I use my katana fist to flurry" I'll be happy with the character.
Level: Bard: 1; Skald: 1; Magus: 1; Sorcerer: 1; Wizard: 1; Arcanist: 1; Witch: 1
Casting Time: 1 round
Components: V, S
Range: touch
Target: manufactured weapon touched
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Source: Advanced Class Guide
Summary: Changes one weapon's appearance.
You make one manufactured weapon look like a different manufactured weapon of the same size and relative encumbrance (light, one-handed, or two-handed). For example, you could make a Small greatsword look like a Small quarterstaff, a Medium club, or a Large dagger. Even the appearance of an improvised weapon is possible. The extent of the apparent change is up to you. You could add or obscure a minor feature or make the item look like it is composed of different materials (stone, wood, adamantine, and so on). The spell does not provide any of the abilities of the chosen form, nor does it alter the perceived tactile or audible properties of the item or how it is wielded. A creature that interacts with the glamer may attempt a Will save to recognize it as an illusion.
My question here is pure fluff, not really anything to make things stronger but could I theoretically make a Medium Monk with Small Katana fists since his UAS is considered a manufactured weapon?
Ahh okay. And rage was a bad example but the meaning went across. And I always get the ability boosting spells mixed up, good thing I'm not casting them lol
Basic question, reloading say you need a free hand so say I'm playing a kasatha and I'm weilding 3 guns. Can I reload all of them with the one free hand or would I need a free hand for each gun?
How exactly does multiweapon fighting apply to other twf feats? Does it replace every instance of a reference to TWF or does it merely replace the feat meaning things like Two-Weapon Defense and other such things are unobtainable?
The Dead Shot deed states "as many attacks as [you] can", which for every other projectile weapon user includes Rapid Shot, Manyshot and haste.
Haste adds an attack at your highest BAB. Rapid Shot works the exact same way as haste, accounting for the -2 penalty of course.
I don't see why there is a need to let a character with the Clustered Shots feat, which is an equivalent level ability/feat (BAB +6) should be able to fire 2-3 more shots/round than the gunslinger can via Dead Shot.
I can see your confusion, you are not reading the whole thing
[...]but makes as many attack rolls as she can, based on her base attack bonus.
I think we had asumed you had read that
This is what I was talking about. It's all in the deed so there's no need to be confused.
Reread the deed it says from BAB which means that haste/rapid shot/manyshot have no effect on it because those are not attacks granted from BAB, they're attacks granted from feats/spells.
EDIT: fixed misspellings and such
I can't find where it says .5x str to damage for offhanded weapons. Can anyone help me out? Also, would it also apply to dex to damage from Fencing Grace?
It's a -4 for your main hand because you're not using a light weapon if you're using a temple Sword and since you're using both hands on it you take the -4 main hand penalty to your "offhand" attacks.
If you guys want to you can make a post with a question and mark it for FAQ and we can see if we can get an official statement on this but I don't see it as too big of a deal.
I'm gonna rule it like secret wizard and say that it's at a -4 penalty to hit for brawler because of the way it works like twf. Monk states its a -2 to everything. You cant have a class get everything from both parent classes and in this case they made a slight nerf to brawlers flurry in comparison to monk's flurry. Other classes lost out on full spellcasting (bloodrager has pos 4th level casting; warpriest only goes to 7th level). If you guys think otherwise then go ahead and houserule it at your table but if you play PFS this seems to be the way they'd rule it.
For monk, its the same modifier as on the table because its a set -2 penalty. I'm not 100% sure for brawler but it seems as though you would take a -4 to all the attacks
So 8th level monk with strength 12 would be looking at
I'd say it works like a monk/ninja. Add an ability score mod once and the levels of the class combine for determining how big the pool is but not for the powers you can use.
the ability doesnt depends on the levels though.
only on stats
Yeah I just look back at that and was gonna edit my first response. I would still go with the general rule of ability scores don't get added to anything twice and say its one pool equal to the charisma mod and it powers both.
I'd say it works like a monk/ninja. Add an ability score mod once and the levels of the class combine for determining how big the pool is but not for the powers you can use.
To preemptively answer a related question, there is difference between +6 BAB from one class and a total of +6 BAB from 2 or 3 different classes. The +6/+1 on the table is a reminder, not an actual rule; +6 BAB is +6 BAB.
This would combine nicely with Multiattack. Then you could take the Martial Versatility feat and get as many natural weapons as possible, stacking the Two-Weapon Fighting feat chain on top of that to get an insane number of attacks.
This is actually part of what my actual build is. My GM is allowing custom races so I made (what seems in hindsight to be an unlikely race) a half-kasatha with four arms and would qualify for human feats. Bloodrager/Dragon Disciple/Brawler for 2 claws and a bite, and then just doing the TWF chain and using like scimitars or something for 7 attacks per round plus however many the TWF chain gives you for I think 9, and then I could take Racial Heritage Ratfolk and get the item that gives me a tail attack which would put me to 10. In the end, it stacks up nicely especially since I'll be raging quite a bit. And no need for INA since with a Monk's Robe I'll be doing +5 levels of UAS damage for natural attacks.
EDIT: I've never done a TWF build before because I'm relatively new to the game (only been playing for a year) but it seems like I would get an extra attack for each iterative. So with the TWF chain I'm looking at
Scimitar Highest BAB
Scimitar Highest BAB-TWF peanlty
Scimitar Highest BAB-ITWF penalty
Scimitar highest BAB-GTWF penalty
And so on for iteratives then claw, claw, bite
Ignoring the issue of how you're able to choose two feats on a level 1 half-orc brawler (I guess if you're using Martial Flexibility)
Woops, didn't realize that brawler's extra combat feat was second level but you're right about martial flexibility working for it. Thanks for the quick response.
So let's say I make a half-orc brawler with the toothy trait, and take weapon focus (bite) and FCT (bite) at first level. Let's assume 20 strength.
Would my full attack look like this?
UAS +5 (1d6+5)
Bite +0 (1d6+2)
Or would it look like this since a brawler always adds his full strength bonus to unarmed strike damage rolls and FCT allows things that augment UAS to effect natural attacks
UAS +5 (1d6+5)
Bite +0 (1d6+5)
EDIT: Tried a quick Google for this before hand and all I found was whether monk/brawler UAS damage applied to natural attacks through FCT, and to make it clear this is not the question.
By RAW its 50/50 whether you'd be able to do it since bloodline arcanas don't say that it only applies to sorcerer spells but by RAI its up to your gm whether the innate magic in you affects all your magic or just the magic it grants you. I would suggest that you ask your GM before you get too excited by it.
Would the kasatha race (it has four arms, pioneers in the art of dual-wielding bows) gain 4 claw attacks instead of the normal 2 from effects that grant claw attacks or would it need two separate sources of 2 claw attacks to get 4 claw attacks?
Eldritch Heritage doesn't give you a bloodline, just selected powers from a bloodline. Other than not being able to take powers from a bloodline you already have Eldritch Heritage doesn't interact with Dragon Disciple in any way.
The Robe of Arcane Heritage specifically states that it modifies Sorcerer levels, so RAW it does not effect Bloodrager bloodlines, but might be argued to effect the bloodline granted by Dragon Disciple if you don't already have a bloodline when you qualify (as a Summoner or Bard for example). Robes of Arcane Heritage may also effect powers granted by Eldritch Heritage.
I was asking about eldrith heritage and the robe, not eldritch heritage and DD. Anyways, thanks for for he answers guys.
Will Dragon Disciple progress the bloodrager bloodline? I've already searched through the forum and couldn't find anything definitive. I'm playing with a fairly lenient GM so it doesn't necessarily need to be RAW but if the answer is RAI it'll need to have good reasoning behind it. Also, how would eldritch heritage and a robe of arcane heritage work with it?
Also, have you taken a look at Bolt Ace? By level 5, you can have Dex to damage on your crossbows, and by level 11, you could be attacking against touch AC.
This is the way to go with crossbows, just clear it with your GM first
Alright, so a buddy of mine wants to GM a campaign thats sorta like Fallout(Post-Apocalyptic) and Last of Us (Human-plant hybrid things), and we are trying to make stats for the enemies and so far we have an idea for one group of enemies and they are Dex-based Gun-Using Grunts. So if anyone has advice on how we should make them, please share as that would help immensely.
In an upcoming game, I want to GM a group of Evil PCs and one of them wants to have the soulless template. Is this allowed? And also, how do the ability modifiers to Charisma and Wisdom make sense?