Nosoi and Interplanar Communication


So... short explanation.
We are about to start a campaign starting at level 10. I'm currently planning on being a human sorcerer. I will be taking the familiar bond feat tree and improved familiar, so that when we start our campaign I will have a Nosoi Psychopomp as my familiar. Our team will have a home base, I am thinking about getting a telepathic bond + permenancy cast on me and my familiar and have him stay at home and act as a kind of mission control...
now to the question portion.
For flavors sake I am wanting to get multiple nosoi, as their bestiary entry says they are social and like to chatter. I also think it would be fun to come back to the base and be greeted by a couple librarian scribe birds. So the question is, How would I go about getting multiple nosoi? Is it a diplomacy or handle animal to communicate with a nosoi?

I have another minor question... while I'm not expecting to be plane hopping in this campaign, I wouldn't be super surprised if our gm led us in that direction. Is there anyway to communicate interplanar-ly similar to telepathic bond?

Renarin Kholin wrote:

So... short explanation.

We are about to start a campaign starting at level 10. I'm currently planning on being a human sorcerer. I will be taking the familiar bond feat tree and improved familiar, so that when we start our campaign I will have a Nosoi Psychopomp as my familiar. Our team will have a home base, I am thinking about getting a telepathic bond + permenancy cast on me and my familiar and have him stay at home and act as a kind of mission control...
now to the question portion.
For flavors sake I am wanting to get multiple nosoi, as their bestiary entry says they are social and like to chatter. I also think it would be fun to come back to the base and be greeted by a couple librarian scribe birds. So the question is, How would I go about getting multiple nosoi? Is it a diplomacy or handle animal to communicate with a nosoi?

I have another minor question... while I'm not expecting to be plane hopping in this campaign, I wouldn't be super surprised if our gm led us in that direction. Is there anyway to communicate interplanar-ly similar to telepathic bond?

This seems like the sort of thing that could be covered by the Leadership feat

Haha, after thinking and thinking about how to get multiple "followers" I somehow never thought of leadership :/
that's embarasing...

so there's one part done. Any ideas on Interplanar communication?

Almost every method of long-range communication in PF seems to have that line about not working between planes, sadly.

Here's an interesting option for an interplanar communications network: a scroll of Permanent Image. Once you create a permanent image at a location, you can send messages to that location whenever you want from wherever you are just by concentrating to move the image.

bummer, that permanent image thing is pretty cool, but i guess ill just have to bring my familiar with me if we ever travel to other planes. Its difficult to be a mission control if it can't communicate with us

Hey sorry to bring this up, but I want to double check on the communication thing. If I am reading this correctly my Nosoi should be able to activate a wand or greater scrying followed by a wand of message to be able to see and communicate to me even when on a different plane... Let me know if somethings wrong, or if there's a reason why this wouldn't work.

Level 4 cap on wands.

so, change the wands to some item with a command word (or even a continuous).
Would interplanar communication work then?

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