Snakes can wear what?

Rules Questions

So, question: I have a druid with a snake for a companion- can said companion wear bracers of armor? Also, she has other pet snakes: what're the rules on having pets travel around with you?

No, bracers tend to slide off their wrists. Same thing with boots. About the only slotted items a snake might legitimately wear, without alteration or something (like tying or stapling a necklace to their throat, or claiming you're jabbing a brooch into their flesh) is lenses on their eyes.

No hats, no earrings, no belts, no vests, no cloaks, no gloves, no leggings, no brooches on their lapels, no magical horseshoes, etc. Other than really rare items, like a nose ring or stud or a magical fang cap, they just don't have the limbs/digits for wearing items.

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Serpentine creatures can make use of items that go in the belt, eyes or headband slots. That's it. Animal Archive is useful for that sort of thing.

That is a good place to know about. I'd still be very selective though, a lot of different physiology between even similar classes of creature. I think a headband on a snake or a leech is really stretching it.

Here is a list of animal types and the magic items they can wear. They can't wear anything that goes in a slot the animal doesn't have.

In this case, serpentine animals can only wear belt, eyes, and headband slot items.

Extra Item Slot is a feat that exists.

they could wear a sock as a sweater.

Only with the feat. ;)

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