Use of met-magic rods and differnt users

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

It is not exactly stated in the rules that more than 1 person can make use a Meta-magic rod in a 24 hour period. Simply stated, if character A uses a Lesser Extend MM rod with his Bears Endurance, then hands it off to Character B, who then uses its 2nd use to extend a Heat metal spell, then it still has 1 more use and anyone can use it. As long as it is not used more than 3x/day it should be able to be used in this way. Is this wrong?

I would allow it. I don't see anything in the rules on rods or MM rods saying that they're attuned to the user.

A metamagic rod is a stick that works 3 times per day. Doesn't matter who uses it, it can be used 3 times total per day by anyone.

Agreed with the above, a metamagic rod does not care who is using it and can be passed around as long as the total uses per day is not exceeded.

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